Patient Participation Group Report
Tracie Webb
Brampton Medical Practice
Patient Participation Group Report
1. Introduction
The Brampton Medical Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG) provides a process to involve patients in decisions about the range and quality of services provided by the practice as well as considering the involvement of the practice in the local health and wellbeing economy.
The practice seeks the views of patients through the PPG and through regular surveys which are then used to agree action plansfor the practice.
The minutes of meetings throughout the year are published on our website ( together with our survey results and action plans. Brampton Medical Practice PPG is affiliated as a member of the National Association for Patient Participation(NAPP) and there are links to their website via our own.
2. Who are members of the Patient Participation Group?
The current PPG was launched in 2011 and has since met on a regular basis.
There are 14 members who have indicated a preference to attend meetings and66 who receive email only updates and information.
The new group was developed through volunteers, personal invites and random selection of patients and this method has continued. The practice has struggled to achieve a representative sample of our practice population to attend regular meetings and the email community works well to extend our membership and enable us to get feedback from the broadest section possible. All staff in the practice are aware of the PPG and are proactive in “selling” membership wherever possible.
Appendix B shows our practice profile, the current profile of our PPG (including the email community) which has not changed since 2013-14.
Appendix C contains the Terms of Reference for the group which have remained unchanged.
The practice uses the following methods to recruit members for the PPG
- Advertisements in the practice newsletter and website
- Practice notices displayed within the practice
- Personal GP invites
- Interested volunteers
- Direct patient approaches when visiting the practice
- Posters in the practice window
- Consent for contact via email.
The group is still expanding and the email community continues to grow. Whilst significant efforts have been made the practice has struggled to increase regular attendance of members to the meetings but we do have a core of committed members whose input is invaluable.
4. Current Areas of priority for the PPG
During 2014-14 the PPG were asked to identify areas that they felt were key issues and priorities which formed the basis of an action plan and good progress has been made in many areas shown below.
Area Identified / Progress to datePremises Improvement /
- 2 x GP rooms completely refurbished and upgraded
- 1 x HCA room refurbished
- Implementation of patient self check in to relieve reception congestion at busy times
- Implementation of TV screens in all 3 waiting areas at Brampton to provide an easy and flexible communication medium for the practice and the community.
- Upgrade of desks and chairs in administration areas to be an ongoing priority to meet health and safety requirements in relation to Display Screen Equipment (DSE) users.
Telephone Access /
- Ongoing extension/ advertising of online booking of appointments
- Capacity planning model for appointments given independent verification
- Text message reminders to reduce missed appointments
- Implementation of new telephone system to provide performance reporting and call recording
- Ongoing monitoring of telephone answering performance. Average time to answer Oct – Dec 2014 33 seconds. 48seconds the highest time to answer in this period.
Who’s Who in the Practice /
- Implementation of presentation containing GP photographs on TV screens in Brampton
Practitioner of Choice /
- Action came from the 2014 patient survey identifying 55% of patients had a practitioner of choice and saw him/her approx. 64% of the time.
- PPG members felt that continuity was important more for specific episodes of care.
Medicines Management /
- Review and confirmation of the practice 28 day prescribing policy.
Implementation of online patient records – Phase 1 /
- Phase 1 to provide access to medication and allergy info only.
- Auto provision of this service to patients who are already registered for online access.
- All other patients able to apply from March 2015 following a review of the policy for registration in line with new guidelines from the Royal College of General practitioners (RCGP).
5. PPG Meetings/ Patient Feedback
The PPG has met on 4 occasions in the last 12 months and the practice would like to extend thanks to those members as well as other patients who have attended and /or offered contribution by way of feedback through the various methods over the past year this includes
-Use of the practice website feedback form
-Use of the paper feedback forms in reception areas
-Feedback directly to our staff which is always passed onto me for onward communication to other staff as appropriate
-Cards and flowers received as thanks from patients families
-Feedback via NHS choices website
-Feedback via the newly introduced Friends and Family test – in its first 3 months we have received over 40 patient responses with an overwhelmingly positive marking.
6. Next Steps
At the final meeting for 2014-15 on 3 March 2015 all members agreed that the PPG meetings should continue into 2015-16 and plans were made for a new set of actions which are shown at Appendix D.
Appendix A – Brampton Medical Practice Opening Times
Monday to Friday: 8.00– 6.30 pm
Saturday: 8.00 – 10.45am
Monday:8.00 – 1pm and 2 to 6.30pm
Tuesday:8.00 – 1pm and 2 to 5.30pm
Wednesday: 8.30 – 1pm
Thursday: 8.30 – 1pm
Friday:8.30 – 1pm and 2 – 6.30pm
Corby Hill:
Monday: 8.15 – 1.15pm and 3.30 to 6.30pm
Tuesday:8.15 – 1.15pm and 2.24 to 5.30pm
Wednesday: 8.15 – 12.45pm
Thursday: 8.15 – 12.45pm and 1.15pm to 4.30pm
Friday: 8.15 - 12.45pm and 3 to 5.30pm
Patients can ring the practice to make an appointment (8am – 6.30pm Monday to Friday) or book online through EMIS access at:
On Saturdays at Brampton there is no access by telephone but patients can ‘walk in’ for an appointment with a GP or Practice Nurse.
All healthcare professionals (GPs, Practice Nurses and Healthcare assistants) can be accessed during our opening hours except Saturday morning.
Appendix B – Representation of the Patient Participation Group
Practice populationprofile / Patient Participation Group profile / Difference
% Under 16 / 18 / % Under 16 / 1.5 / 15.5
% 17- 24 / 7 / % 17-24 / 2.9 / 4.1
% 25-34 / 8 / % 25-34 / 4.4 / 3.6
% 35-44 / 11 / %35-44 / 14.7 / +1.7
% 45-54 / 17 / % 45-54 / 25 / +7
% 55-64 / 15 / % 55-64 / 17.7 / +2.7
% 65-84 / 21 / % 65-84 / 32.3 / +12.3
% Over 84 / 3 / % Over 84 / 1.5 / 0.5
White / White
% British Group / % British Group / The practice non white British population is estimated to be 0.7% (source national practice profiles). The PPG have 3% who are recorded as non white/non British.
% Irish / % Irish / 1.5%
Mixed / Mixed
% White & Black Caribbean / % White & Black Caribbean
% White & Black African / % White & Black African
% White & Asian / % White & Asian
Asian or Asian British / Asian or Asian British / 1.5%
% Indian / % Indian
% Pakistani / % Pakistani
% Bangladeshi / % Bangladeshi
Black or Black British / Black or Black British
% Caribbean / % Caribbean
% African / % African
Chinese or other ethnic group / Chinese or other ethnic group
% Chinese / % Chinese
% Any Other / % Any Other
% Male
49% / % Male
28% / 21%
% Female
51% / % Female
72% / +21%
Differences between
the practice population
and members of the
PPG / Under 24s are under represented as we made a decision, following advice from the PCT, to concentrate on over 18s. Under 16s are underrepresented as, for a large proportion of this age group, it may not be appropriate for them to form part of the PGG without parental consent. Feedback from younger and working age patients is that meetings are too difficult to fit into an already busy day and that they are happy with communication via email and they can chose when and if to respond.
Brampton Medical Practice –Patient Participation Report
Appendix C: Terms of Reference
Brampton Medical Practice
Patient Participation Group - Terms of Reference
The name of the group shall be Brampton Medical Practice Patient Participation Group
The objectives of the group shall be to promote the benefit of the patients of the Practice without distinction of gender, race, colour or political, religious or other opinions or characteristics of individuals by encouraging development and quality of health promotion and health care services; to achieve this aim by liaising with the doctors and staff, other community health workers, health bodies and other persons or organisations concerned with health care.
The group shall be non-party in politics and non-sectarian in religion. The group shall have power to affiliate to the National Association of Patient Participation Groups and to other organisations with similar charitable objects. The Group shall at all times respect diversity and will be committed to the principles contained within the Equality Act
This shall be open to any patient of the Practice. Removal of a patient from the practice list, for whatever reason, will disqualify continuing membership of the group.
The practice will represented by:
The Patient Participation Group GP Lead – Dr Mark Alban
Practice Manager
Mrs Jane Timbers – Group Secretary/Minutes
Other staff by invitation of the group.
4) Meeting Frequency
This will be quarterly or more frequently as determined by the group.
Some members may choose to be included in decision making via email or letter.
Minutes shall be kept and the Secretary shall enter a record of all proceedings and resolutions.
All monies raised by the PPG by or on behalf of the Group shall be applied to further the objects of the Group and for no other purpose.
Brampton Medical Practice –Patient Participation Report
Appendix D
Action Plan 2015/16 – Patient Survey Feedback & Patient Participation Group Priorities
Areas Identified /Planned action/changes needed
/ CommentsPremises Improvement
- Review of premises to identify upgrade plan/costs to improve patient & staffareas, access, confidentiality, etc.
- Involvement of PPG with development of patient areas.
Telephone access and appointments
- Potential problems with access at busytimes
- Patient awareness/education of how to book.
- Patient awareness/education of the different types of appointments
- Communication to patients via practice leaflet, newsletters and the website on the special interests of GP’s
- Proactive communication to patients on the use of On-line booking.
- Regular review of telephone answering performance
Who’s who in the Practice
- Implement information using TV screens on who are the practice staff, particularly GP’s with photographs.
- Develop a powerpoint presentation for TV screens
- Include GPR’s
- Include other clinical staff
Medicines Management
- Implementation of repeat Dispensing for non Dispensing patients
- Review of process to offer this service to non Dispensing patients who are on stable medication
- Liaison with Jobsons Pharmacy for suitable patients
Implementation of online patient records
- Implement process to allow patients to review medical records online
- Letter to existing pts with online access to booking appointments to extend this to review summary record information.
- Process for all other patients to be implemented
- Patient access to READ coded information ( 2015/16)
March 2015
Timescales to be agreed following information from clinical system suppliers / Completed. All patients contacted.
Patient access still awaiting confirmation from clinical system provider.
Brampton Medical Practice –Patient Participation Report