Brake Family Liaison Officer Awards 2018: entry form

Thank you for your interest in entering Brake’s Family Liaison Officer Awards. Please read the terms and conditions and instructions below carefully, and fill out the requested details below.

Terms and conditions

1.Entries must be submitted by email 2 March 2018. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your entry. If you do not receive an email acknowledging your submission within 2 working days, please contact +44 (0)1484 559909.

2.If you are unable to use this form to submit your entry, please fore the deadline to arrange alternative submission.

3.Entries must include a copy of the entering organisation’s logo.


1.Please complete all fields below.

2.If you wish to provide any supporting evidence for your entries (see our guidance notes for examples), please attach as PDF files.

Please provide the contact details of the person submitting the entry
Telephone number
About your organisation
Please insert a copy of your organisation’s logo here / /
About your entry
How did you hear about the Family Liaison Officer Award? (tick one) / Email from Brake☐
Phone call from Brake☐
Email from another source☐
Read in Brake bulletin ☐
Brake website☐
Other website☐
From a colleague☐
Other (please state) - Other
Background information
If you would like to include some background information about the nominated individual, please include these details here. This information will be sent to the judges along with the evidence from the main award entrance. (maximum 300 words)
If you would like to include supporting evidence for your entry, please attach as a single PDF file to your entry email.
This will be sent to all judges alongside your category entries.
Outstanding Officer Achievement Award
Please note that you cannot nominate yourself for this Award: nominations must come from someone else within the Police.
Nominee name
Job title
Nominee force
Individual role and commitment
(max 600 words)
Explain how this individual has demonstrated a commitment to supporting families, and has gone above and beyond to deliver continual excellence in liaising with families. Use evidence to demonstrate this; examples could include reference to ongoing commitment, actions that went above and beyond the call of duty.