
SIDES (make 2)

Using З1/4 (US 3) needles and yarn A caston 100 sts.

Row 1 (RS): Kl, *P2, Kl, rep from * to end.

Row 2: P1, *K2, P1, rep from * to end.

These 2 rows form patt.Cont in patt until side meas 13 cm, ending withRS facing for next row.Place red markers at both ends of last row.Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at each end ofnext 18 rows. 64 sts.Place blue markers at both ends of last row.Cont straight until work meas 6 cm from bluemarkers, ending with RS facing for next row.Cast off in patt.


Using З1/4(US 3) needles and yarn A caston 3 sts.

Row 1 (RS): P1,K1,P1.


Row 3: Inc in first st, Kl, inc in last st. 5 sts.

Row 4: Inc in first st, Kl, PI, Kl, inc in last st. 7 sts.

Row 5: Inc in first st, P2, Kl, P2, inc in last st. 9 sts.

Row 6: Inc in first st, (PI, K2) twice, P1, inc inlast st. 11 sts.

Row 7: Inc in first st, PI, (Kl, P2) twice, Kl, PI,inc in last St. 13 sts.

Row 8: Inc in first st, (K2, P1) 3 times, K2, inc inlast st. 15 sts.

Keeping patt correct as set by last 8 rows, inc 1 stat each end of next 8 rows, taking inc sts intopatt. 31 sts.Cont straight until gusset meas 42 cm, endingwith RS facing for next row.Keeping patt correct, dec 1 st at each end of next14 rows. 3 sts.Work 2 rows, ending with RS facing for next row.Cast off in patt.


Press following instructions on information page.


Work embroidery onto sides as given forembroidery on hat, working first line of sts justabove cast-on edge of sides and last line ofembroidery level with blue markers.Matching cast-on and cast-off ends of gusset tored markers, sew gusset to lower and side edges ofsides. Thread handles onto cast-off edges of sides,fold last 3 cm over to inside and stitch in place.