1. Meeting called to order – Braemar arena
  2. Board members present:
  3. Sarah Bennett, Secretary
  4. Evelyn Bone, Vice President
  5. Loni Keenan, non-voting member/Co-Head Coaching Professional
  6. Carrie Corsaro, Treasurer
  7. Jen Medina, Member-at-Large
  8. Lisa Dow, President
  9. Board reviewed and approved November 2017 Board meeting minutes
  10. Jen Medina (Locker Room Cleaning Update):
  11. Cleaning person hired by the Club on a month-to-month basis no longer wants to clean the locker room
  12. Discussion of idea that when Carrie meets with Chad (City of Edina), Carrie will ask if Braemar Arena can handle the cleaning
  13. Board to send out note to all of the families informing them that the cleaning person wants to quit because of the condition the locker room is kept (dirty, food in locker room, things not put away, etc.)
  14. Evelyn to create draft email to families
  15. Evelyn Bone (Membership Update):
  16. There are new junior club members
  17. One member recently re-joined the Club
  18. Discussion regarding member out with a concussion
  19. Concern that skaters are not getting off the ice in time for Zamboni and discussion regarding this issue
  20. 33 skaters are signed up for the next session ice
  21. 83 skaters signed up for the ice show
  22. Discussion regarding non-club member ice buy-ons and issues collecting payment from those skaters
  23. Loni and Kathleen to take up the issue with the coach and if skater does not pay, then coach will be invoiced, and coach will have to handle collection of the payment from the skater
  24. Ice Show Update (Carrie Corsaro):
  25. Ice show payments are set up like competitions on Entryeeeze – one cannot see how ice show payments are coming into the Club and because of this issue, we cannot reconcile with the Club bank statements
  26. Discussion of separate bank accounts for the ice show and appoint designated individuals to have access to the ice show bank account
  27. Treasurer’s Report (Carrie Corsaro):
  28. Discussion that it is a best practice to have to at least 2 Board members verify cash balances
  29. Discussion of payment issue with the City of Edina/Braemar Arena – Board needs a written explanation from the City of Edina
  30. Future discussion item of the Board once we receive further explanation from the City of Edina/Braemar Arena
  31. Miscellaneous (Loni Keenan):
  32. Katt would like to change/modify Club website – do we have the budget to change/modify the Club website?
  33. Discussion item for next Board meeting
  34. Competition Update:
  35. Katt to handle announcement for competition
  36. Jen to coordinate the chairs of the competition
  1. Next Board meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 26, 2017
  2. Meeting adjourned