Subject: Re: (OPE-L) Blake's _Elements of Marxian Economic Theory and its Criticism_ now online

Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 16:09:13 +0100


thanks for this.... why then are these MSS still MSS? can they not be archived on the Web? What are they like? Blake, read many yesrs ago, seemed to hold a sort of underconsumptionist view of that your interp?


Paul Bullock.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Rakesh Bhandari" <>

To: <>

Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 7:07 AM

Subject: Re: (OPE-L) Blake's _Elements of Marxian Economic Theory and its

Criticism_ now online

> >Jerry,

> >

Ø  >thanks for this I've been trying to get a copy for years. and have to do with old fotocopies.. in UK its more difficult. Can you tell me anything about Blake and his rel with Coontz? or/and others



From: "Rakesh Bhandari" <>

> Off the top of my head: Born William J Blech in the US, Blake worked as a reporter on Wall Street and in finance. Claimed to have kept up with the development of Marxian theory during his after work hours, he wrote his textbook in 1939. He married the novelist Christina Stead who drew on both Blake and Grossmann in her fiction. Became good friends with Grossmann , and visited him in Leipzig in 1949.

Stead and Blake moved to the UK after WWII. Seem to have endured

poverty. Coontz met Blake, and the latter wrote a intro to Coontz's book on Productive Labor. I am in possession of two unpublished mss by Blake--a long book on the theory and history of imperialism and an introduction to Marxian theory. Grossmann turned over some of his writings to Blake (his Sternberg and Borkenau critiques, some book reviews, an early essay on economic crisis--which Paul Zarembka has published), but Blake seems not to have found a publisher
