BradleyHills Presbyterian Church

Planned Giving Program Presentation

Planned Giving Roundtable

April 22, 2010

First Failed Effort - March 2008

Revival - March 2009

New Pastor David Gray

Karl Mattison

Gathering Consensus, Resolving Obstacles, Creating the Planned Giving Committee

Roles on the Committee

Leadership - The Critical Factor


Priorities / Sub-Committees




A Mission Statement to Present to Session

Proposed Revisions to the Manual for Ministry

The “Process”

Frequent Meetings

Preliminary Timeline - What To Do When

Review of Already Existing Materials

Drafts and Reviews - Multiple Reviews Helped to Clarify Our Thinking

Debate Over Forming a Legacy Society

Focus Groups - Lessons from a Failed Attempt

Surveys - An Idea Deferred

Planning the Debut

Planned Giving from the Pulpit - A Sermon on Discernment 2/14/10

“Minutes for Mission”

Three Consecutive Adult Education Sundays

A “Living Will” - Karl Mattison

“End of Life” Planning - Technical Preparations

Planned Giving - How to Leave a Legacy for the Future

A Kickoff “FUN” Reception

“Expert” Wine and Cheese Pairings

A Ten Minute Original Skit on Planned Giving by The Chancel Players

A Positive, Light, Motivational Message to Take Action

What Comes Next - Our Current Question

Much of What Happens Will Not Be Known

Keep the Idea Alive

“Moments for Planned Giving” in Services

Short Reminders in our Monthly Newsletter (e-mail and regular mail)

Reminders to Visit “Planned Giving” on our Website

Pulpit Mention

Pew Cards

Another “Event” in six months ?

Yet to be Determined

You Can Do It!

BradleyHills Presbyterian Church

Planned Giving Program Presentation

Planned Giving Roundtable - Documents

April 22, 2010

First Invitation to meet Karl Mattison (May 24, 2009)

Session Resolution (June 5, 2009) to establish:

Planned Giving Subcommittee of the Financial Stewardship Lay Ministry

Initial list of “Things to Do" (June 21, 2009)

Working Draft of “A Planned Giving Program” (July 9, 2009)

Communications Strategy (October 8, 2009)

Changes to Manual for Ministry (October 5, 2009)

Planned Giving Launch Schedule (January 8, 2010)

Brochure Mailed to Members (February 8, 2010)

Draft Pew Cards

Planned Giving Vehicles/Options

Letter to Members re: Planned Giving Events (January 19, 2010)

Budget for Planned Giving Launch (January 2010)

Wine & Cheese Reception Invitation

Wine & Cheese Pairings (March 6, 2010)

“Motivation” A Play in Ten Minutes (March 6, 2010)

Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church Website - Current

BradleyHills Presbyterian Church

Planned Giving Program Presentation

Planned Giving Roundtable - Documents

April 22, 2010

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