1.1.1.GL Control Setup – GL0014A31
FinanceFinance Masters GL Control Setup
This screen is required to define the Retained earnings account codes (Profit & Loss Accounts) and the levels of Trial Balance for extracting at header level. The period which is opened would be shown in the screen. This set upis done only once.
The details of current year, current period and the Retained Earnings code is picked from the masters created.
Retained earnings account code – This account will have the impact at the time of year end close. This year end program will nullify the balances on individual income/expenses accounts and the net amount (profit = income-expenses) will be transferred to this retaining and earning account
Level of Totals in TB – When the TB is generated, system will decide the level of sub totals based on this parameter
Suppose your GL codes are defined as per a particular formula and you may require to show the sub totals as per the same criteria
Ex: 3100800100
First 1 digit for account classification (asset/liability/income/expenses)
Next 3 digits for branch classification
Next 3 digits for department classification
Remaining 3 digits for continues serial number
If you require to have 3 levels of sub totals in the TB, then you can update the “Level of Totals in TB” field as “1222333333”
So the report will show sub totals at each classification, branch and department
But if you don’t want to show any sub totals, then you may update the “Level of Totals in TB” field as “1111111111”
Balance Sheet Level and Profit & Lost sheet level – This is to define the number of levels require to print the PS and P&L
Assume that your organization needs to define the Balance sheet with maximum up to 3 levels
Once the above setup is done, then P/L & B/S definition will allow the user to create the levels up to 3 levels only
If the user wants to create the 4th level, then system will not allow to do the same
Same logic will be applicable for the “Profit & Lost sheet level”
1.1.2.GL Grouping Master – GL0012A31
FinanceFinance Masters BSPL Title Master
The GL grouping master or title master is used to group the different accounts in the debit – credit format of the financial book keeping method. This will help the system to generate detailed reports based upon this grouping.
Select a Report Type from the available two options; viz., Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss.
The Profit & Loss will have the Income accounts to the left and the Expense accounts to the right. Thus, all the earnings accounts are added under the Income group while any expenditure account is grouped under the Expenses Account.
Similarly, the Balance Sheet will have the Assets to the left and the Liabilities to the right. Assets may include the cash in bank, inventories and so on. On the other hand, Liabilities must have the different loans, share capital and other payables.
To add a new item, simply right click on the item below which you require it to be displayed. A right click menu will appear as shown below.
Click on Add and enter the details in the new pop box.
1.1.3GL Master with BSPL Link - GL0011A31
FinanceFinance Masters GL Master
Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss can be linked to corresponding G/Ls using this option as below from BS/PL Link.
1.1.4 GL Reports Query – GL0013A31
FinanceFinance Masters BSPL Reports Query
Use this to take a report on the balance sheet or the profit/loss account based on the criteria available.