/ Asia-Pacific Lasallian Educators’ Congress
Hong Kong
First Plenary Meeting 2011/12

Date: Saturday, 21st April 2012

Time: 2:30 p.m.

Venue: La SalleCollege Library

Present:Br Patrick Tierney, Br Jeffrey Chan (LSC), Mandy Catlin (LSPS), Alex Chan (CSK), Amy Chan (LSPS), Betsy Chan (CSKC), Rufina Cheng (CGHC), Lucia Cheung (SJPS), Joseph Fong (LSC), Joseph Hui (LSC), Paul Ip (LSC),Eric Ku (DLSNT),Alice Lau (CSKPS), Billy Lau (DLSNT), Rhoda Lee (CGHC), Emily Leung (LSPS), Peter Leung (LSC), Christopher Lo (SJC), Timmy Lo (DLSNT), Mak Tai Pui Mark (DLSNT), Edith Ng (DLSNT), Amy Poon (LSC), Poon Man Yiu Terrence (DLSNT), John Shek (CGHC), Anthony Tam (SJPS), Paul Tam (SJPS), Cecilia Tang (LSC), Samson Tang (CGHC), Wong Kwok Chuen Wallace (CSKC), Robert Wong (LSC), Wendy Wong (LSPS)

1.Opening Prayer

Br Patrick led the opening prayer “Christ Be Our Light”.

2. Minutes and Matters arising

2.1 The minutes was adopted.

2.2Br Patrick welcomed new members who had been delegates to APLEC 8: Mark Mak and Billy Lau from DLSNT, Rufina Cheng from CGHC, Joseph Fong and Joseph Hui from LSC.

2.3Br Patrick welcomed Ms Cecilia Tang as the new Secretary for APLEC who will succeed retiring Ms Jennie Wen.

4. HK Lasallian Mission Fund

Br Patrick told that the LEC would like to operate one single account which could look after activities from various parties like APLEC, APLYC, Lasallian Youth Movement, Lasallian Formation etc. Br Patrick accepted the offer on behalf of the APLEC.

5. Lasallian Youth Movement and Lasallian Volunteers Report

5.1Mr Robert Wong reported on the activities of the HKLYM, which included visit to DLS Open Day on 3 Dec 2011, visit to LSC Family Fun Day on 18 Dec 2011 and cycling and BBQ in Tai Mei Tuk, Tai Po on 11 Apr 2012. The participation rate was only satisfactory.

5.2Around 22 LYM members undertook a service project – “My Golden Era” at Caritas Cheng Shing Fung Elderly Centre, Shamshuipo between 25 Feb and 13 Apr 2012 (6 times). They interviewed and rendered services to the elderly in the Centre. Each group produced a simple booklet or greeting card for their subject clients, samples of which can be seen on the LYM website.

5.3Mr Peter Leung reported that the annual Lasallian Exchange Programme had the kick off ceremony in the morning of 21 Apr 2012. Forty F4 students have participated. The programme will last from Monday to Thursday with a closing ceremony on Friday in DLS.

5.4Mr Leung appealed to the secondary schools which might be interested in including a talk and slide show on the life of Saint La Salle in their Summer Bridging Programme could approach him. Two schools, CGHC and LSC, have registered for their service.

5.5A Leadership Programme for potential student leaders will be held on 13-14 Oct. Invitation letters will be sent to all schools in Summer. The targets are F4-5 students.

6. Lasallian Formation Presentation

Br Jeffrey demonstrated his Lasallian Formation Presentation for LSC F5 Spiritual Day and CGHC F3 Spiritual Day. He explained the materials could be adapted for use in different schools at different levels with different language. The content for this particular presentation focused on Br Jeffrey’s life history and daily life. All participants have familiarized themselves with the song “We are Lasallians” before his presentation.

  1. Songs/Hymns for Formation/Staff Development
  2. Br Patrick explained songs and hymns, essentially Lasallian songs and hymns and inspirational songs and hymns, could be good resources for Staff Development Days and Lasallian Formation Days. “We are Lasallians” was one of them.
  3. Br Jeffrey led the team sing the song twice and explained that it was an energising song. Teachers should pay more attention to the sparkling spirit behind than the quality of singing. The lyrics and scores of “We are Lasallians” and songs that followed would be uploaded to the Lasallian Family website.
  1. APLEC 8 Report

APLEC 8 was held on 4-9 Dec 2011 in the Philippines on the theme: “Living the Lasallian Values in the Asia-Pacific Region”.

8.1Duties of the delegates

Delegates / Duties
Joseph Hui / Treasurer + preparing souvenirs
Rufina Cheng + Rhode Lee / Energiser + preparation of pamphlets
Billy Lau + Mark Mak / Presentation + photographer. The Presentation focused on HK with special reference to Cross Border students e.g. how to help them adapt to life in HK and face the challenges in studying
Alex Chan + Lee Tin Leung / Logistics + making of uniform and T-shirts
Erica To + Carrie Ho / Cultural presentation
Delegates / Duties
Joseph Fong / Transportation, air-tickets, insurance, banner production + giving vote of thanks at the ceremony
Paul Tam / General Advisor

8.2Delegates in groups of two have visited different Lasallian ministries in the Philippines. There were 7 outreach programmes in total and all were rich in diversity and content.

Out-reach Mission / Significance
Mobile Library which is attached to a bus. It goes to the schools in the countryside, each school for just once a year. / ■The children choose a book and read for one hour. Teachers go around to help them read. Children return the books after the hour and will wait until next year when the bus comes visit again.
■Br Patrick was deeply impressed by how children treasured the opportunity to read comparing it with the affluence of students in HK with their easy accessibility to books.
2. / Novitiate in Lipa
■About 20 young men are being trained to be Brothers / The novices come from different countries in South East Asia, but none so far from HK.
3. / Medical centre attached to a university + DasmarinasLa SalleUniversity / Great care taken of the patients. Many singing doctors!
4. / Elderly Home
■inhabitants mostly abandoned by their family / Lasallian students visit them every week.
5. / A private school at Canlubang and a public school – 30 quotas of scholarship are set in for students from the public school to the private school. / ■A big contrast between the private and public school in every respect. The teachers at both schools are nonetheless equally dedicated
■The passage between the 2 schools allows the flexibility and opportunity to bridge the gap.
■It is important that the Brothers worked towards the same goal in their different roles.
6. / House of Teenagers + DasmarinasUniversity / The House is for junior delinquents. DasmarinasUniversity is famous for award for the most ‘Green’ in the Philippines .
7. / Prison / It is a government institution! Lasallians have an outreach programme there.
  1. School Updates

SJC / Just finished the annual Religious Festival “Awakening put on new self”
LSC / ■80th Anniversary Walkathon to be held on 22 Apr

Destination: Tai Tam Reservoir

■80th Anniversary Educational Symposium on 5 May. Register first, all are welcome.

Topic: Mobile Learning

■80th Anniversary Gala Dinner on 12 May, HK Convention Centre
DLSNT / ■Annual Alumni Day on 20 Nov 2011
■Unveiling of a commemorative plaque of the late Principal, Mr Chow Shek Fai, and setting up a scholarship in his name sake
■Vote of thanks to LSC who has donated $127,635 to DLS at their X’mas Gathering Casual Wear Program. Mr Simon Yeung and some students presented the cheque to the school on 17 January 2012. The money will be used as School Development Fund, especially for the needy Cross Border students.
■Br Dodo has kindly consented to be Guest of Honour at Annual Speech Day on 9 July.
CSK / ■The School Wind Band participated in an “All Chinese Wind-band Competition” in Taiwan 20-23 Apr 2012.
■Br Jeffrey has been invited to be the facilitator at the Staff Formation Day on 3 Jun 2012.
■The school is making good progress in the transition to IMC. Mr Wilson Ip, a practicing solicitor, has been nominated as an independent manager.
CGHC / ■A Staff Development Day was held on 19 Mar on “ESR Preparation”.
■An English Drama Festival will be held on 25 Apr and some Brothers and staff from other schools will attend.
LSPS / ■A trip to Meizhou will be organized from 27-29 Apr to visit Br Liao’s La Salle Study Centre.
■A Joint Schools Concert will be held on 24 Jun at the Auditorium of Cultural Centre. 7 schools, including LSC, CSKPS, SJPS (AM+PM), MaryknollConventSchool, HeepYunnSchool and St Stephen’s Girls’ School will be participating.
■A Visual Arts Exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Gallery, Cultural Centre, from 5-8 Jul.
Br Patrick announced that the new Principal of LSPS was named: Mrs Betty Ho, former teacher of LSPS and a former APLEC member.
SJPS / ■The Family Fun Day will be held on 22 Apr 2012.
■La Salle Feast Day Mass will be held on 9 May 2012.
■Br Jeffrey will host a Life Education Programme for P6 students on 14 May 2012.
CSKPS / ■P6 Graduation Ceremony will be held on 27 Jun.
■P6 Graduation Dinner will be held on 30 Jun.
■The school will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary in the year 2012/13.
  1. Certificates of Appreciations

Br Patrick expressed deep gratitude and thanks to 4 retiring members: Ms Jennie Wen (LSC), Mr Paul Ip (LSC), Mrs Emily Leung (LSPS), and Ms Teresa Suen (SJPS) – for their devoted, faithful, and kind service to the APLEC throughout these years. Certificates of Appreciation were then presented.

  1. A.O.B.
  2. A Lasallian Women Symposium will be held in Pattaya. The three delegates from HK are Ms Millie Tam, Acting Supervisor of SJPS, Mrs Emily Leung, current Principal of LSPS, and Mrs Loretta Yu, Supervisor of CSKPS.
  3. St JosephPrimary School (AM+PM) will soon be combined into one whole-day school. St Joseph Kindergarten will be closed.
  4. Br Jeffrey will leave for SJC in the summer of 2012. He will be helping in Lasallian Formation and teaching like what he is doing in LSC.
  5. Br Richie Yap from the Philippines will be coming to LSC. He will help in the Provincial Office and do some pastoral work in LSC.
  1. Date of next meetingDate: 6 Oct 2012 (Saturday)

Time:2:30 p.m.

Venue:LSCSchool Library

Ms Cecilia TangBr Patrick Tierney
