BPTUAA EC National Committee
01st August 2016 TUC London Office London
Wales & South West Region
GMB RMA National Committee Members
Roger Balsdon
(1)Chairs Welcome: The Vice Chair opened the meeting welcoming everyone and thanked everyone for coming this morning with all the Transport and Travel difficulties that are going on to day, as there are many matters to be discussed now we have a New Prime Minister who is on the right wing side of the Tory Party and has already express right wing ideals and views in Parliament. The Labour Party to stop tarring it self apart and get the Leadership Election over as soon as possible and must show the Country they are a creditable opposition to the Tory Party and representing the view of the people, as the Tory Party carry out implementing their manifesto polices will effect all walks of life throughout the Country causing great hardship. Food and Clothing banks are increasing with more and more People falling below the Poverty Levels set by the Government. The Labour Party needs a statesman who speaks like a Leader and wins over the minds of the people, and get their strategy right by reaching out to all will only be way the of Labour wining the next Election in five years time or less
(2) Apologies: Five were recorded
(3) Minutes of the 9th May 2016 meeting: Were agreed and duly signed as a true recorded.
(4) Matters Arising: (a) Discussion on the Decline and State of Health and Care within the NHS / Private which we all Care about, (b) The Governments Trade Union Reform Bill which must resisted at every opportunity, (c) Government Cuts that seem to be taking place to everything. (d) Raising awareness the importance of Voting at Elections and particularly General Election and Demonstrating to promote change when needed, (e) W H Smith approach to help display for sales of British Pensioner fell on stony ground. (f) Mick Cash RMT still to be approached about Concession.
(5) Treasures Report: Bank Statements Presented and accepted as a true record, finances showing a slight rise due to 12 New Affiliation, Branches and Individuals purchaser of the BPTUAA Magazine.
(6) Secretary Report & Correspondents: (1) State Pension: Government changes and allowances mean that thousands of pensioners will receive less than ever when they retire. (2) NHS: Massive shortages of Nurse, Doctors, Midwives and Privatisation going ahead at a alarming rate and Surgeries closing everywhere. (3) The Royal Mail: Privatisation and the effects it is having on people lives with the loss of many more Post Offices. (4) The Disabled: The worrying effects on their lives about the changes that affect their Independent living allowances. (5) International day for Older People 1st October in London with others taking place in Local Areas around the Country, (6) Pensioners Parliament had good speakers like John Hillary (War on want & TTIP) on the down side only 700 attending show the apathy amongst people. The BPTUAA with the Trade Union Movement, Labour Party MPs and others need to keep up the fight against Tory austerity measures
(7) Reports and Discussions: All Regions gave good reports, on Regional Rallies against Benefits Cuts and Bus Services being withdrawn especially in Rural Areas Communities, Social Housing Shortages, Combining of Transport Passes Bedroom Tax, Withdrawing Services, Closing Care & Nursing Homes, Mobiles and New Technology over use Danger to under 5 causing deafness when Adults, Getting rid of the Triple Lock, Cost of renewing Trident Subs & Missiles
(8) AOB: None