Students will be exposed to a broad range of topics, including areas of mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. The Units of study will include topics such as: Introduction to Health, Mental Health, Family Health, Nutrition, Diseases and Disease Prevention, Substance Abuse, and First Aid & Safety which includes Adapt Certification. This is a split-semester course with nine weeks Health and nine weeks Personal Fitness.
Health Classes– willconsist of writing assignments,vocabulary assignments, lectures, power points, class discussions, group work assignments, homework projects, audio/visual materials, classroom activities, role-playing, worksheets, quizzes, and tests.
* identify the physical, mental, and social aspects of health as they relate to the various topics studied.
* understand how unhealthy choices can affect his/her quality of life now and in the future.
* discuss the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol and other illegal drugs on the human body.
* identify and cope with different forms of stress in everyday life.
* organize and develop reports on various health related topics.
* explore decision making skills and the consequences of certain decisions.
* identify the risk factors and negative consequences involved in bad decision making.
- Be on time. (Inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings) ***MUST REPORT TO (LAS)
- Be respectful to others. (Bullying will not be tolerated – Physiological or psychological)
- Be in your seat during class time. (Get permission to leave your desk)
- Be prepared for class each day. (Bringyour Health Notebook, Paper, and Pencil)
- Clean up your work area/desk before you leave class (pick up trash, straighten desk, & return books)
- No food, candy, or soda allowed in the classroom/Gym. (Water is permitted)
- Late work can always be turned in, however, grade will be deducted by (10 Points a Day)
- Missed Assignments, due to being absent from class, will be given 2 days to turn in missed work.
- Wildcat Wednesday: Failing Classwork/Homework Grades can be pulled up to a 75 during this time.
- Wildcat Wednesday: Test/Quiz Grades can be pulled up to a 70 during this time.
GRADING SYSTEM: Approximate percentage breakdown is:
Classwork/Homework-40%SLO (Post-Test)- 10%
Health Quizzes/ADAP- 15%Semester Final Exam- 10%
Unit Test/Projects- 25%
A tardy in class is defined as not being inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings.
On the third tardy,parent contact will be made by the teacher. Once a student reaches 5 tardies, an administrative referral will be turned in. If a student is tardy, without a pass, after the first ten minutes of class the student will have a referral form filled out for skipping and turned into the student’s administrator.
Health Book –Glencoe Health (Mary H. Bronson, Ph.D.)
Power Points / Notes – (Website)