

Students will be exposed to a broad range of topics, including areas of mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. The Units of study will include topics such as: Introduction to Health, Mental Health, Family Health, Nutrition, Diseases and Disease Prevention, Substance Abuse, and First Aid & Safety which includes Adapt Certification. This is a split-semester course with nine weeks Health and nine weeks Personal Fitness.


Health Classes– willconsist of writing assignments,vocabulary assignments, lectures, power points, class discussions, group work assignments, homework projects, audio/visual materials, classroom activities, role-playing, worksheets, quizzes, and tests.


* identify the physical, mental, and social aspects of health as they relate to the various topics studied.

* understand how unhealthy choices can affect his/her quality of life now and in the future.

* discuss the harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol and other illegal drugs on the human body.

* identify and cope with different forms of stress in everyday life.

* organize and develop reports on various health related topics.

* explore decision making skills and the consequences of certain decisions.

* identify the risk factors and negative consequences involved in bad decision making.


  1. Be on time. (Inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings) ***MUST REPORT TO (LAS)
  2. Be respectful to others. (Bullying will not be tolerated – Physiological or psychological)
  3. Be in your seat during class time. (Get permission to leave your desk)
  4. Be prepared for class each day. (Bringyour Health Notebook, Paper, and Pencil)
  5. Clean up your work area/desk before you leave class (pick up trash, straighten desk, & return books)
  6. No food, candy, or soda allowed in the classroom/Gym. (Water is permitted)
  7. Late work can always be turned in, however, grade will be deducted by (10 Points a Day)
  8. Missed Assignments, due to being absent from class, will be given 2 days to turn in missed work.
  9. Wildcat Wednesday: Failing Classwork/Homework Grades can be pulled up to a 75 during this time.
  10. Wildcat Wednesday: Test/Quiz Grades can be pulled up to a 70 during this time.

GRADING SYSTEM: Approximate percentage breakdown is:

Classwork/Homework-40%SLO (Post-Test)- 10%

Health Quizzes/ADAP- 15%Semester Final Exam- 10%

Unit Test/Projects- 25%


A tardy in class is defined as not being inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings.

On the third tardy,parent contact will be made by the teacher. Once a student reaches 5 tardies, an administrative referral will be turned in. If a student is tardy, without a pass, after the first ten minutes of class the student will have a referral form filled out for skipping and turned into the student’s administrator.


Health Book –Glencoe Health (Mary H. Bronson, Ph.D.)

Power Points / Notes – (Website)