Boys Baseball Leagues
Continental Amateur Baseball Association League Rules
National High School Federation rules with CABA exceptions will be followed
Age Divisions: CABA recognizes the May 1st age cutoff as set forth by USA Baseball:
If you were born between: Your PLAYING AGE is:
May 1, 2000 - April 31, 2003 - 8
May 1, 2000 - April 31, 2002 - 9
May 1, 2000 - April 31, 2001 - 10
May 1, 1999 - April 31, 2000 - 11
May 1, 1998 - April 31, 1999 - 12
May 1, 1997 - April 31, 1998 - 13
May 1, 1996 - April 31, 1997 - 14
May 1, 1995 - April 31, 1996 - 15
May 1, 1994 - April 31, 1995 - 16
May 1, 1993 - April 31, 1994 - 17
May 1, 1992 - April 31, 1993 - 18
May 1, 1991 - April 31, 1992 - 19
Team Insurance: All teams playing are required to have team insurance and have proof of team insurance on file with the home office and available at each game.
Umpires: The CABA Umpire In Chiefis responsible for scheduling all umpires for all divisions. Umpires Fees ($70) are split between teams at every game. Fees are to be paid at the plate meeting.
Game Balls: Each team provides two quality game balls for each game.
Host Fees: Teams will also pay host field fees (where necessary) -fees are $10.00 per team. This is to help cover chalk, water, equipment cost, field rentals associated with use. Fees are to be paid at the plate meeting.
Rescheduled games: Teams have a 48-hour window from scheduled game time to reschedule a game. The team wishing to reschedule must inform the other team and CABA - ASAP. The team that wishes to reschedule must send the request via e-mail to no less than 48 hours from scheduled game time.Teams that frequently request reschedules for games may be banned from the league with no refunds.
Forfeiting games: Forfeiting Teams are responsible for complete game feesof games - $70 umpires and $20 Field fees where necessary. If a team forfeits a game (That was confirmed between the two teams) by not showing at the game or trying to reschedule a game after the 48 hour notice period, the team loses the game. This is only if both teams confirmed the game. If the game was not confirmed by either of the teams, CABA will not consider this a forfeited a game. CABA sees this as more of the teams fault for showing up without calling and confirming the game first. CABA does not refund lost money to teams or umpires for any lost money due to teams not showing up for scheduled games. Some umpire associations may bill teams for not giving them 24 hours notice of canceled or non played games.
To ensure that the standings are kept up to date each manager (both winning AND losing) are required to e-mail CABA with the scores of their game within 48 hours of their completion.
1. National High School Federation rules with CABA exceptions will be followed.
2. Game length for league games:
18U - 13U: 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours
08U-12U: 6 innings with no new inning after1 hour 45 minutes
Mercy rule will be in effect at 10 runs after 4 innings (08u-10u) and 5 innings (11u-18u) or at both coaches mutual agreement.
3. Divisions are based upon player's ages as of the May 1st Cut off date for the current year.
4a - Players may only play on one team during the league season unless he receives a release from his coach from the original team. A player can only change teams once during the season. Teams MUST keep a current and updated roster on file at all times.
4b - Players from within the same organization can be used to help field a team however that player used under this rule is not allowed to pitch. (Players must only play for their own team during the Playoffs.) This rule is to allow the playing of games that may not be possible due to lack of players, not to allow players within an organization to be use to stack a team for a particular game.
4c - Individual team managers are responsible for having in their possession, AT ALL TIMES, a team book complete with documentation and/or other information pertaining to individual player age. Your team book should include any/all of the following: Birth Certificates, School ID, Pictures, Roster, Team Liability Insurance Cert, Etc. Team books must be readily available and presented at time of request by any opposing manager. Team books will be checked by CABA periodically throughout the season and for playoffs.
Players without proper documentation will be suspended from further play from the point of infraction.
Any Manager caught using older players for any reason, will be ejected from the event and required to remove himself from the premises immediatelyand will further be subject to additionalpenalties as deemed necessary by the State Director.
4d -CABA has discretion on all matters beneficial to the League. Any questions to CABA about any team's roster or players must come from the manager of a team in good standing with CABA.
5. Recommended 08U Pitching Distance, Base Distance & Other Special 08U Rules:
38' Pitching;60' Bases
Base stealing is allowed in the 08u division after a pitch crosses Home Plate
Home Plate is Closed - Only a hit or walk may advance a run
5A. Recommended Pitching and Base Distances For 09u-HS:
09U - 44' Pitching; 60' Bases
10U - 46' Pitching; 65' Bases
11U - 50' Pitching;70' Bases
12U - 50' Pitching; 70' Bases
13U - 54' Pitching; 80' Bases
14U - 60'6" Pitching; 90' Bases
HS - 60'6" Pitching;90' Bases
6. Pitching restriction for league games are unlimited. However, CABA recognizes those pitching restrictions set forth by USA Baseball. CABA is not responsible for tracking innings and/or pitches - we strongly suggest that all coaches, parents, teams representatives and players make themselves familiar with and adhere to the following recommendations:
Coaches and parents should listen and react appropriately to a youth pitcher when he/she complains about arm pain. A pitcher who complains or shows signs of arm pain during a game should be removed immediately from pitching. Parents should seek medical attention if pain is not resolved within four days or if the pain recurs immediately the next time the player pitches. League officials should educate parents about this consideration.
* Pitch counts should be monitored and regulated in youth baseball. Recommended limits for young pitchers are as follows:
* 9-10 Year Old Pitchers 50 pitches per game 75 pitches per week 1,000 pitches per season 2,000 pitches per year
* 11-12 Year Old Pitchers 75 pitches per game 100 pitches per week 1,000 pitches per season 2,000 pitches per year
* 13-14 Year Old Pitchers 75 pitches per game 125 pitches per week 1,000 pitches per season 3,000 pitches per year
* 15-18 Year Old Pitchers 100 pitches per game 150 pitches per week 1,500 pitches per season 3,500 pitches per year
* Pitch count limits pertain to pitches thrown in games only. These limits do not include throws from other positions, instructional pitching during practice sessions and throwing drills, all of which are important for the development of technique and strength. Backyard pitching practice after a pitched game is strongly discouraged. Excessive practice when a pitcher is in a slump should also be strongly discouraged.
* Pitchers should not throw breaking pitches (curveballs, sliders, etc.) in competition until their bones have matured (indicated by the level of pubertal development) typically between 13-15 years of age. In order to succeed a youth pitcher should focus on learning good mechanics, firmly establish the skill of an accurate fastball and then learn to vary the speed of his/her pitches.
* Pitchers are discouraged from pitching for more than one team in a given season. Coaches will tend to use better pitchers on each team, which would significantly increase pitch volume.
* Pitchers should compete in baseball no more than nine months in any given year as periodization is needed to give the body time to rest and recover. For at least three months a year a pitcher should not play any baseball or softball, participate in throwing drills or participate in other stressful overhead activities (javelin throwing, football quarterback, softball, competitive swimming, etc.).
* Pitchers should engage in year round physical conditioning including activities to improve endurance, strengthen the upper and lower body, enhance core strength, develop neuromuscular coordination and maintain flexibility. Specific programs should be geared to the stage of pubertal development.
* Pitchers should be discouraged from participating in ìShowcasesî due to the risk of injury. The importance of ìShowcasesî should be de-emphasized, and at the least, pitchers should be permitted appropriate time to prepare for the display of their skills.
* Baseball players should be discouraged from copying the style of professionals as these players have developed individual adaptations.
* It should be strongly discouraged for a pitcher to return to the mound in a game once he/she has been removed as the pitcher.
* The passion and importance placed on the success in the game of baseball, by parents, coaches and players must be tempered. The current practices of high pitch volume, early use of the curve and slider, inadequate instruction of biomechanics and a lack of appropriate conditioning will result in an increased risk of serious injury. These injuries can prevent young pitchers from reaching their maximum potential and can cause lifetime limitations in activity. Stress and overuse must be replaced by moderation. Advancing development coupled with appropriate teaching and conditioning will permit the elite player to evolve with a lower risk of a significant injury.
7. Batting Order - Teams may elect to bat 9 players AND/OR bat 10 players with the 10th player being a EH (extra hitter). The EH is considered a defensive player and may switch in and out defensively. Teams may also bat their entire roster. A starter my re-enter one time only to their original spot.
8. You can start a game with 8 players if the reason for 8 players is due to extenuating circumstances (lost, car trouble, injury). You can add players to the line up any time during the game, up to 10 players (LEAGUE RULE ONLY). If a player is ejected and there is no substitute, only the first time the ejected player's spot comes up in the line, it will be ruled as AN OUT. If a player must leave the game due to injury or any other reason, the line up just moves up after the first out is recorded for missing the next at bat. NO LEAGUE GAME SHOULD BE FORFIETED FOR THE ABOVE SITUATIONS.
9. Home team will be the first team listed on the regular season schedule. Home teams is determined by a coin toss during pool play games during playoffs. Higher seed will be home team in playoffs. Host team will be official scorekeeper and have choice of dugout. Please note that all changes in the line up must go through theplate umpire. Home team must report the scores within 48 hours to the league director.
11. All rulings will be decided by the umpire on the site, and their decisions are final. There are NO protests.
12. Coaches please use your discretion, to avoid forfeited or cancellation of games. It is the team's responsibility to be warmed up and ready to play at game time. Only the umpire may allow a 15 min. grace period at his discretion to avoid a forfeit.
13a. Runners: Courtesy runners will be allowed for the pitcher or catcher with TWO outs. The courtesy runner will be someone not currently in the game or if the team has no substitution, the last out.
13b. Runners: It is the base runner's responsibility to avoid contact with the fielder when he has the ball. Slide or avoid is in effect at all times. Intentionally running into a fielder who is in possession of the ball is grounds for ejection.
14. All conversations with an umpire should be conducted after a time out has been called and be held in calm and professional manner. Verbal abuse of the umpire will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from the game. If your question is regarding a rule clarification, the head umpire, or league director will make an official ruling.
15. Ejected players and coaches shall be subject to discipline ranging from forfeiting a game, suspensions and/or ejection from the league.
16. To intentionally walk a batter, a coach simply needs to inform the umpire and point to first base. No pitches are thrown.
17. POOR SPORTSMANSHIP WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. No throwing bats, helmets, or other equipment. NO SWEARING. Any coach's behavior that is detrimental to the team or child will be given a warning. Fans, coach, and players will only warned once for unruly, disruptive or inappropriate behavior. A second offense will result in an expulsion from the Park. Director has full discretion on all matters, regarding conduct on and off the field.