Boulder Preparatory Charter High School
Board of Trustees Meeting 6/12/13
Quarterly Headmasters Report summarizing Block 4, 2012/2013
The Faculty:
· Shane Abrams continued his success by delivering engaging curricula in Poetry and Music classes.
· ShAnnon Rheubottom (’04) continues to teach art classes. The alumni event on 4/4/13 was successful and we hope to plan more opportunities with Boulder Prep activities and classes.
· Israel Sanchez resigned at the end of the Block.
· Dylan Muzny after another successful block at BP teaching ACT/Science/ Performing Arts classes has decided to commit to completing his Master’s in Education as soon as possible. He is enrolling at CU in the fall, but will continue to serve in adjunct capacity through the summer block and the fall semester.
· Cara Ray, will be meeting with senior advisors during the summer to consider how to enhance our senior planning and curriculum.
· Ezra Huscher, one of our Americorps teachers, has completed his two year commitment but will also continue to teach science and computer programming classes at Prep as a member of the adjunct faculty.
· Jason Pagac, the second of our Americorps teachers, also completed his one year assignment by successfully delivering our Algebra I class over the last two blocks.
· We are currently re-evaluating our Mandarin Language and Culture program.
· Regina Keeley was able to successfully deliver a donated pony from Florida that we have named “Boxer”. Boxer is having a successful transition to Colorado at the Twin Oaks Farm. We look forward to his contributions as the first non-human member of the Boulder Prep faculty.
· John McConachy, the father of an alum, Sean (’08) , will be joining the faculty in an adjunct capacity to teach an applied science course during the summer. This is the first time the parent of an alum has taught at BP.
· Overall, as indicated in my end of year email, the faculty is to be commended for another excellent year in the advancement of the Boulder Prep mission.
The Students
· Our 17th graduation was a great success with eighteen graduates, sixteen of which participated in the commencement ceremony.
· This year, for the first time, students were encouraged to choose someone other than me to introduce them at graduation. Both the students and faculty did an excellent job of establishing this process as our new tradition at Boulder Prep commencement ceremonies.
· Over 130 different students have participated in the afterschool program with 32 students that attend regularly (at least once per week).
· Approximately 35 students, including the graduates, qualified for the end of year Elitch’s field trip.
· 8 students earned “slip letters” indicating they had not made enough academic progress to justify them receiving a full time class schedule. Appointments are scheduled with each student and their families to discuss if and how BP can continue to serve them.
· Approximately 20 new students are scheduled for interviews for the summer block.
· Mental health also continues to be a challenge for students. The staff has been great about stepping up as interventionists to support students and get them back on track. Efforts also continue to provide a list of affordable and effective mental health professionals to students.
· 12-15 students continue to ride the Lafayette school bus daily and appreciate the service.
The Program
· Gabe Dillon continues to increase his efficiency and add additional goals in his capacity as Dean of Faculty.
· In order to promote further faculty development, Gabe, Regina, Lili and I are planning the Staff development days for the summer block.
· The afterschool program also continues to grow with even more field trips and a more successful afterschool homework lab.
· The Summer Block schedule, for the first time is a full schedule that allows for students to earn a full block’s worth of credit.
· Prior to the summer block a “Digital Storytelling” class is being offered as an intensive and currently has more than ten students participating.
· My efforts in truancy court to make BP more available as a resource to the court has resulted in the enrollment of six students. I will continue to discuss with truancy officers in both districts how we can be more proactive with potential truant students by encouraging them to enroll at Prep in the fall.
· I have also volunteered more than 20 hours at Twin Oaks Farm in an effort to explore several opportunities to collaborate and partner with them.
The Facility
· Lili Adeli and Ezra Huscher received a grant from the City of Boulder to install solar panels at Boulder Prep.
· Lili also continues to work with Gabe to finalize plans for modernizing our kitchen.
· Rachel Brett is also making plans to xeriscape the front of the building.
· Students from the Botany and Food Systems classes planted our garden and some additional fruit bushes.