Boulder County Leadership Fellows


The Community Foundation invites applications for its third Boulder County Leadership Fellows class. The 2012-2013 class of Fellows will meet monthly for 11 months to buildnetworks of trust between communities and across sectors to meet Boulder County’s changing needs. Fellows are provided a resource for building networks and relationships; a forum to engage in thoughtful dialogue about emerging, multicultural, and transformational leadership;the chance to learn about the wide range of needs and assets in our community; and the opportunity to share their own experience and interact with established community leaders.

This year’s classof 20 will be made up of a diverse group of emerging leaders from a cross section of business, government, nonprofit, education, environmental, arts, neighborhood or community organizations. This will be an invaluable experience supporting and encouraging transformational leaders to address issues across communities and sectors. This is not a leadershipskills buildingprogram but is meant to build networks to support Fellows’ personal and professional progress toward leadership development and to build a strong cohort of diverseleaders from across sectors. The ideal applicant will be a graduate of an existing leadership development program and/or holda formal or informal leadership position in their personal or professional life.

Applications are due August 3 and a $100 participant fee will be due by the first meeting. The charge is necessary to offset a portion of our costs and to be able to continue to provide this opportunity. A limited number of partial scholarships are available and the Foundation expects that about ¼ of its participants will be scholarship recipients.

As a Boulder County Leadership Fellow, you must . . .

Be a Boulder County resident

Have a desire to make a positive impact

Be willing to challenge yourself and others

Be open to new thinking about your role as a leader

Commit to attend monthly meetings for one year

Have a willingness to work collectively and be open to learning

The Leadership Fellows program has a high commitment to inclusivity. We are happy to provide accommodations to allow a diverse array of participants. However, please note, this year’s sessions will be conducted in English.

Fellows Application Timeline

Aug 3Fellows Applications Due

August 10Notify Applicants

September 17Boulder County Leadership Fellows Program Begins

(3rd Monday of the month, 9AM-Noon)*

July 16, 2013Final Meeting

*Note: Once every quarter, meetings are from 9AM-1PM with lunch provided for fellows and guests.

2009-2010 Fellows:

Ruth / Barreto / National Wildlife Federation
KC / Becker / Boulder City Council
David / Brantz / Strover & Spitz LLC
Rose / Chamberlain / Prudential Rocky Mountain Realtors
Mirla / Coronado de Low / Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition
Meca / Delgado / Boulder County Healthy Youth Alliance
Perla / Delgado / Community Action Programs
Barbara / Douglass / The Dairy Center
Brad / Elliott / Wells Fargo Bank
Erendira / Juarez / Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition
Jean Pierre / LaFaye / EFAA
Chris / Le / Community Volunteer
Scott / McCarey / Department of Transportation, Boulder County
Gavin / McMillan / City of Louisville
Eliberto / Mendoza / Boulder County Circles
Jennifer / Olson / American College for Internal Veterinary Medicine Foundation
Mirna / Ramires-Castro / Boulder Valley Women's Health Center
Lara / Ruggles / Teens, Inc.
Yessenia / Santamaria / Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition
Liz / Smokowski / Imagine!

2010-2011 Fellows:

Rebecca / Adleman / CU - Interactive Theater
Olga / Bermudez / Child and Youth Resources, Longmont
Douglas / Bolton / Regional Emergency Telephone Service Authority
Cathy / Busha / Out Boulder
Yvette / Butler / IBM
Carmen / Cool / Boulder Youth Body Alliance
David / Dadone / BMOCA
Allison / Disbrow / Attention Homes
Karen / Hada / YWCA
Matthew / Holloran / Sheriff's office/ Insight Contemplative Counseling
Shelly / King / Community Volunteer
Aicila / Lewis / Out Boulder
Patti / Micklin / Special Transit
Omar / Postigo-Martell / Well Translated LLC
Rosabella / Rice / Language Solutions
Cynthia / Torres / Boulder County Farmers' Markets
Maria / Valasco / Intercambio de Comunidades
Barbara / Webb / BASEC Boulder Area STEM Edu.
Tavi / Wolman / Boulder County Community Services
Zach / Noffsinger / Boltage/ Flatirons Law Group

2011-2012 Fellows:

Emily / Andrews / YWCA of Boulder County
Lisa / Christian / Lisa Christian Production, LLC
Jessica / Fernandez / Ed & Ruth YMCA
Shenna / Fitzgerald / Engage Communication
Elicia Marie / Goodsoldier / The Chinook Clubhouse
Robin / Menschenfreund / St. Vrain Family Center
Alexis / Miles / Trainer and Human Resource Consultant
Christine Abuba / Nakwa / CU-National Center for Women and Information Technology
Joy / Pak / The Dairy Center for the Arts
Aaron Vasquez / Pasterz / the Center for People with Disabilities
Laura / Post / Boulder Museum of Contempory Art
Dan / Powers / Western Disposal
Nick / Robles / Boulder County Public Health
Sabrina / Sideris / INVST Community Studies
Lenny / Sigwarth / Dental Aid Inc.
Nancy / Trigg / Google
Gemma / Webster / Wow! Children's Museum
Bruce / Wiener / Bruce Wiener, P.C.
Brooks / Witter / Living Well Transitions; Luminous Counseling
Ailsa / Wonnacott / Association for Community Living

Boulder County Leadership Fellows Application

Application Deadline: Aug. 3, 2012, 5:00 p.m.

Contact information


Address (with zip code)______

Title or Position______

Organization/Company ______

E-mail Address: ______

Work Phone ______Cell Phone ______Home phone______

Race/Ethnicity Identification (optional for our inclusiveness data) ______

Have you served or are you currently serving on any advisory committees, boards, and/or commissions, or in political office? ______
If so, please list.______

Do you hope to join a Commission, a nonprofit board of directors or advisory committee, etc., or run for political office in the next 5 years? ______

If so, please identify ______


Feel free to attach a resume to provide the following information.

  • Briefly describe your responsibilities, including prior experience in your current line of work.
  • Please share any past relevant experience -- professional or volunteer. Include any leadership experience, in either formal or informal settings.


List valued education experiences (this can include community convening opportunities, personal mentoring, and leadership trainings).

Essay Questions

Please attach responses to the following inquiries (200 words or less per question).

1.Please provide a brief biography of your leadership experience.

2.Who in your family or community has had the most impact upon your growth as a leader and why?

3.Discuss two of the most significant challenges Boulder County faces today and how you believe you can help to address one of these challenges.

4.Describe the changes you hope to see take place in your community in the next ten years and your role in bringing them about?

For information about scholarships, please contact Elvira Ramos,

Boulder County Leadership Fellows

2012-2013 Application

Recommendation Letter

Due Aug. 3, 2012

In addition to this application, each applicant will need to submit a letter of recommendation. Recommendations ideally will be from someone who is familiar with the applicant’s leadership experience and/or abilities. The letter may be submitted with your application or sent separately.

In each letter the following must be included:

Applicant Name

Name of Reference

Relationship to Applicant

Signature of Reference

Please highlight the applicant’s potential or realized leadership skills and experience and characterize his/her commitment to community.

Please email or fax your recommendation letter by Aug 3, 2012to:

Elvira Ramos

The Community Foundation

1123 Spruce Street

Boulder, CO 80302

(fax) 303-442-1221

Thank you for your time and comments.