Evaluation of the Go-Geo! Demonstrator

Name: (optional)
1.0 / Homepage
1.1 / What is your overall impression of the homepage?
1.2 / Do you think the ‘Resources’ section is useful? (Y/N)
If not, please state why and suggest a way of improving this section.
2.0 / Quick Search
2.1 / Which of these features would you use to search with? (Y/N)
2.2 / Do you think it is clear how to conduct a quick search? (Y/N)
If not, please comment.
2.3 / Do you think that the quick search is too simple? (Y/N)
If so, please suggest some additions.
3.0 / Advanced Search
3.1 / Which of the advanced search tabs would you use? (Y/N)
Data Type
Date Range
3.2 / Overall, do you think there are too many search options? (Y/N)
3.3 / Do you think that the ‘Text’ and ‘Terms’ Tabs are both necessary? (Y/N)
3.4 / Do you think the ‘Data Type’ tab is clearly laid out? (Y/N)
If not, please suggest ways to improve this section.
3.5 / Would you use the Thesaurus? (Y/N)
In your opinion, was the icon easily interpretable? (Y/N)
Do you think the thesaurus is intuitive to use? (Y/N)
If not, please suggest ways to improve it.
4.0 / Results Listing
4.1 / In your opinion is the level of information on this page appropriate? (Y/N)
If not, please comment.
4.2 / Would you use the Map View? (Y/N)
In your opinion is this feature intuitive to use? (Y/N)
If not, please suggest some improvements.
4.3 / Is it clear how to modify your previous search? (Y/N)
4.4 / Is it clear how to conduct a new search? (Y/N)
6.0 / Search Record
6.1 / Which of the search record tabs did you view? (Y/N)
6.2 / In your opinion, is the level of information on the tabs too much or too little? (Y/N)
Too much
Too little
6.4 / Would you use the print feature? (Y/N)
6.5 / Would you use the email feature? (Y/N)
6.6 / Is it clear how to choose another record to view? (Y/N)
7.0 /
7.1 / Do you like the general look and feel of the portal? (Y/N)
7.2 / Is there anything you would change?
7.3 / Are there any additions you would make?
7.4 / Did you find the portal easy to navigate through? (Y/N)
7.5 / Did you think overall performance was acceptable? (Y/N)
7.6 / Did you think that the search performance was acceptable? (Y/N)
7.7 / Do you think you would use the portal should it become a full service? (Y/N)
8.0 / Additional Comments
9.0 / Errors/Bugs

Thank you for your time

Please return this questionnaire to:

Julie Missen

Projects Assistant,

UK Data Archive,

University of Essex

Colchester, C04 3SQ