Botanical Name: Saraca indica(Roxb.)Wilde

Local name: Asoka tree

Family : Fabaceae

Uses : The most ancient tree of India.used as spasmogenic, oxytocic, uterotonic, anti-bacterial, anti-implantation, anti-tumour, anti-progestational, antiestrogenic activity against menorrhagia and anti-cancer.

Botanical Name: Alstonia scholaris L.R.Br.

Family: Apocyanaceae

Uses : An astringent herb for treating skin disorders, malarial fever, urticaria, chronic dysentery, diarrhea, in snake bite. upper purification process of Panchakarma . The Milky juice of the tree is applied to ulcers.

Botanical Name: Desmodium gangeticum (L.)DC.

Local name: Salparni, anshumati

Family : Fabaceae

Uses : used in Ayurvedic medicine. . The roots of Desmodium gangeticum are used as one of the ingredients of two very important Ayurvedic preparations, 'Dashmoola Kwatha' and `Dashamootarishta'. used to cure typhoid and other fevers, asthma, bronchitis, vomiting, dysentery, piles, biliousness, chorela, scorpion sting and snake bite .

Botanical Name: Cassia fistula L.

Local name: Aburnum or golden shower Aragvadha,

Family : fabaceae

Uses : InAyurvedic medicineAyurvedic , the tree is known asAragvadha, meaning "disease killer". The fruit pulp is considered apurgative.

Botanical name :Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprenge

Family: Rutaceae

Uses: The leaves are highly valued insouthern and west- coastIndian cooking andSri Lankan cooking. The leaves are also used inAyurvedic medicine and possessanti-diabetic properties.

Botanical name: Aloe vera (L.) Burm.f.

Local name: Kattarvazha

Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae

Uses: Effective in reducing blood glucose in diabetic patients and in lowering blood lipid levels in hyperlipidaemia.Extracts fromA.veraare widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicineindustries, being marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing, or soothing properties.

Botanical name: Strychnos nux-vomica L.

Local name:Nux Vomica,

Family: Loganiaceaea

Uses: Used in preparation of the popular homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica. Strychnine is a deadly poison. In the Indian (Ayush) system of medicine, "hudar" is a mixture containingStrychnos nux-vomicaand used to elevate blood pressure.

Botanical name: Senegalia catechu (L.F.)P.J.H.Hurter&Mabb
Local name: Catechu,Cachou,Cutchtree,black cutch, andblack catechu.

Family : Fabaceae

Uses: The wood extract is used in traditional medicine for sore throats and diarrhea. In ayurveda, it is used for rasayana. Used as anti-dyslipidemic, anthelminthic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diuretic anti-pruritic, coolant, taste promoting, enhancing digestion and curing skin disorders.

Botanical name: Alpinia Calcarata Rox

Local name: Chittaratha, Aratta

Family: Zingiberaceae

Uses: Used extensively in traditional medicine to aid digestion and help with abdominal discomfort. It fights nausea, prevents or stops vomiting, and effectively treats diarrhea.

Botanical name: Aerva lanata (L.)Juss.exSchult..
Local name : Mountain knotgrass

Family: Amaranthaceae

Uses: Used for food for people and animals. The whole plant, especially the leaves, is edible. The plant is used for the treatment of snakebite and also gives protection against evil spirits, is a good-luck talisman for hunters, and safeguards the well-being of widows.


Botanical name: Crataeva magna (Lour.) DC
Local name: Crataeva nurvala

Family: Capparaceae Uses:The dried bark is used in traditional Ayurveda & siddha systems of medicine in India. The decoction of bark is internally administered to cure diseases like renal calculi, dysuria, helminthiasis, inflammations and abscesses.

Botanical name: Gymnema sylvestre R. Br.
Local name: Gymnema, cowplant

Family: Asclepiadaceae Uses: Historically, the leaves were used for stomach ailments, constipation, water retention, and liver disease.It is also used for reducing blood sugar levels.

Botanical name: Hydnocarpus pentandra (Buch.-Ham.) Oken

Local name: Kodi, Maravatty, Marotti, Nirvatta

Family: Flacourtiaceae

Uses: Seeds yield a yellow oil used for burning lamps. Seed oil is also anti-inflammatory, alterative, tonic, used as local application is rheumatism, sprains, braises, sciatica and chest affections

Botanical name: Hygrophila schulli

Local name: Marsh Barbel

Family: Acanthaceae Uses: The species is widely used in traditional medicine in India. It was extensively used in Ayurvedic system of medicine for various ailments like rheumatism, inflammation, jaundice, hepatic obstruction, pain, etc

Botanical name: Oxalis corniculata L.

Local name: Creeping woodsorrel

Family: Oxalidaceae


The leaves of wood sorrel are quite edible, with a tangy taste oflemons. The entire plant is rich invitamin C. InIndia, where the plant is known aschichoda bhaji("earthalmond greens"), it is only eaten seasonally, starting around December.

Botanical name: Phyllanthus emblica L.

Local name: Indian gooseberry

Family: Phyllanthaceae


All parts of the plant are used in variousAyurvedic / Unani medicines. Used as arasayana to promote longevity, & to enhance digestion, treatconstipation, reduce fever, purify the blood , reduce cough , , strengthen the heart , benefit the eyes , stimulate hair growth , and enhance intellect. According to Ayurveda, aamla balances all three doshas (pitta vata,& kapha)

Botanical name: Piper longum L

Local name: Indian long pepper

Family: Piperaceae


It is widely used in Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani systems of medicine, particularly for diseases of the respiratory tract. It plays an important role in aiding the thermogenic response . It is the major constituent of an ayurvedic preparation ,‘Triaktu’. The root is used for bronchitis, stomachache, and diseases of spleen, and tumors & improves appetite also. The infusion of root is prescribed after parturition to induce the expulsion of placenta.

Botanical name: Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.)Spreng.

Local name: Panikkoorkka

Family: Lamiaceae

Uses :

The leaves have used intraditional medicinal especially for the treatment of coughs, sore throats andnasal congestion, infections,rheumatism andflatulence. Leaves are also used forskin ulcerations,scorpionbite, skinallergy, wounds,diarrhoea, with emphasis on the leaves being used as ahepatoprotective, & to promoteliverhealth.

Botanical name: Plumbago rosea L.

Local name: Rosy flowered redwort

Family: Plumbaginaceae

Uses :

Bark used as blistering plaster; also applied to spine for fevers; antidyspeptic. Root is used as abortifacient and antifertility medicine. Milky juice used in ophthalmia and scabies. Roots also used for dyspepsia, piles, diarrhea, and to improve the appetite.

Botanical name: Punica granatum L.

Local name: Pomegranate

Family: Lythraceae

Uses :

In ancient Ayurveda system of traditional medicine, the rind of the fruit and the bark of the pomegranate tree are used as a remedy against diarrhea, dysentery, and intestinal parasites. The seeds and juice are considered a tonic for the heart and throat. It is considered a healthful counterbalance to a diet high in sweet-fatty components & is considered a blood builder. Pomegranate has been used as a contraceptive and abortifacient

Botanical name: Saccharum officinarum

Local name: Sugar cane

Family: Poaceae

Uses :

Portions of the stem of this and several other species of sugar cane have been used from ancient times for chewing to extract the sweet juice. It is used in traditional medicine both internally and externally.[

Botanical name: Plumbago auriculata Lam.

Local name: Blue plumbago,Cape plumbago

Family: Plumbaginacae

Uses :

A decoction of the aerial parts or roots ofPlumbago auriculatais taken to treat blackwater fever. A root infusion is taken as an emetic. Root powder is put on warts to make them disappear and is also used as snuff to relieve headache. The powdered, roasted root is rubbed into scarifications over fractures to promote healing, and is rubbed on the body to cure stitch

Botanical name: Cyanthillium cinereum (Carl Linnaeus) H.Rob

Local name: Little Ironweed

Family: Asteraceae

Uses :

Medicinal plant having application in abortion, cancer and

various gastrointestinal disorders.The plant extract showed analgesic, antipyretic, antidiarrhoeal activity, antioxidant properties and anti inflammatory


Botanical name: Piper betle L.

Local name: Betel

Family: Piperaceae

Uses :

According to traditionalAyurvedic medicine, chewing areca nut and betel leaf is a remedy forbad breath. Medicated oil from leaf is used for the treatment of the irritation in the skin caused due to the bite of the spider. The juice of this plant is used for Nasea and the root is also used in the treatment for the swelling caused due to Viper bite

Botanical name: Wrightia tinctoria (Roxb.)R.B

Local name: Pala indigo plant or dyers’s oleander , Sweet Indrajao

Family: Apocyanaceae

Uses :

Iused to treat psoriasis, nonspecific dermatitis and herpes.

Its astringent and antibacterial properties are beneficial in treating scalp disorders like dandruff. In folk medicine, the dried and powdered roots are used for improving fertility.

Botanical name: Elephatopus scaber L.

Loal name: Aanachuvati, prickly leaved elephant’ s foot

Family: Asteraceae

Uses :

Used in traditional medicine asastringent agent, cardiac tonic,diuretic, to treat ulcers and eczema, inrheumatism to reduce fever, and to eliminate bladder stones. The plant containselephantopin which has an antitumour activity