Botanica Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc.

August 2, 2016

Board of Directors Meeting

Approved September 8, 2016

Minutes from the Board of Directors meeting for Botanica Lakes Homeowners Association, Inc., held on August 2, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at Botanica Lakes Clubhouse, Fort Myers, Florida.


Candice Zizilas called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Directors Present: President; Candice Zizilas, Vice President; Karen Miller, Treasurer; John Messer, Secretary; Paul Pugsley, Director; Tracy Traub

Absent: LCAM, Tina Gerhardt from Resort Management


A quorum was established


Proof of notice was posted 7/28/2016 on and in accordance with Florida Statutes 720 and is now on file.


Tracy Traub made a MOTION to approve minutes from 7/6/2016; SECONDED by Karen Miller. Hearing no further discussion, Candice Zizilas called for the vote. All those in favor. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

Karen Miller made a MOTION to approve minutes from 7/19/2016; SECONDED by Tracy Traub. Hearing no further discussion, Candice Zizilas called for the vote. All those in favor. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY


Is attached to these minutes


John Messer made a MOTION to initiate the process of changing some of the rules and regulations for Botanica Lakes as recommended by the Docs committee. SECONDED by Karen Miller. Candice Zizilas called for the vote. All those in favor. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

Karen Miller made a MOTION to change the ARB policy to increase deposit to $100 for all changes performed on home, with $75.00 being refunded after work has been completed; SECONDED by Paul Puglsey. Candice Zizilas called for the vote. All those in favor. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY to be implemented starting September meeting.

Karen Miller made a MOTION to accept US Lawns mulch proposal. John Messer SECONDED to accept US Lawns mulch proposal providing that application and contract are as proposed. Candice Zizilas will work with Karen Miller regarding contract specifications. Candice Zizilas called for the vote. All those in favor. THE MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

Survey Monkey will be sent out randomly to Homeowners regarding IF readers for gate access

The Board decided on obtaining more information to Web provider regarding costs, set up

Roof repairs (3 @ guardhouse) (2 @ clubhouse) are still under repair


Without any further business to discuss, Karen Miller made a MOTION to adjourn meeting. TacyTraubSECONDED. All those in favor. Passed Unanimously

Respectfully Submitted

Karen Miller

HOA Vice-President