Boston University Initiative on Cities

Early Stage Urban Research Awards

2016 Request for Proposals


The Initiative on Cities (IOC) is pleased to announce its Spring 2016 RFP for our Early Stage Urban Research Awards. These seed grants support research addressing urban challenges and urban populations in the U.S and abroad.

The Awards are open to all Boston University Schools, and interdisciplinary collaboration is encouraged. Successful proposals will receive seed funding of up to $10,000.

In our first year of sponsoring University research, we funded projects on a variety of topics ranging from the study of unaccompanied homeless adults and the impact of youth participation in local government, to urban waste energy management and energy efficiency in Boston public housing. In total, the IOC sponsored 19 projects.

We seek to continue our catalytic investment in diverse academic research across the Boston University community, while advancing the understanding of complex urban challenges and effective policies and solutions.

Proposals will be reviewed by members of the IOC Faculty Advisory Board and IOC officers.

Grant awards should be used within one calendar year. The IOC would like to receive a written product, in a format suitable for website publication, after one calendar year.


All BU faculty and BU graduate students with faculty oversight are eligible to apply for funding. Please note that BU policy prohibits faculty on 12-month appointments and full-time staff from receiving additional compensation. Faculty with 9-month appointments are eligible to receive summer funding. IOC seed grant funding is not able to cover fringe benefits or conference travel.


All proposals must be submitted in a single PDF and include the relevant documents listed. Submissions should be between 4-5 pages in total. All fields are required.

Proposals are due no later than Tuesday, April 19, 2016.


Proposals are due by midnight on Tuesday, April 19, 2016.

Acceptances and any revise and resubmit requests will be notified by Friday, May 20, 2016.

Invited revisions will be due on Friday, June 3.

All successful applicants will be notified no later thanFriday, June 10, 2016.All grants will be awarded by mid June 2016.


Please direct any questions or concerns to Patricia Cahill at .

Project Information

  1. Principal Investigator and Co-PIs, with affiliated schools and departments
  1. Project title
  1. Research objective/Hypothesis
  1. Project description
  1. Impact statement

A few sentences will suffice, but must address the following questions:

  1. What existing urban problem does your proposal aim to address?
  2. How are you advancing the existing literature?
  1. Detailed methodology
  1. Describe how your project relates to the IOC research agenda, using the categories provided in Appendix A. Again, a few sentences will suffice.
  1. The IOC seeks to bridge the divide between academic research and practice. Describe how you will disseminate your findings beyond academic publication and the ways in which the Initiative can assist in that process. For example, will your findings be posted online or shared through mainstream media, in a White Paper, will you hold workshops or briefings for practitioners, etc.?
  1. Timeline of project and deliverables. Research and associated deliverables must be completed within one year of receipt of grant funds, although need not be published within that timeframe.
  1. Provide a detailed budget, including what materials will be used and for what purpose. This grant does not fund fringe benefits or conference travel. Research travel is permitted.
  1. How will funding from the IOC be leveraged in your pursuit of other funding or together with other resources you have secured for this project?
  1. Outside partners. If working with outside groups or institutions, other than academics,please provide a letter of support. A form letter is available for your use.
  1. If student applicant, please provide the following additional documents:
  2. Resume
  3. Letter of support from your faculty sponsor. A form letter is available for your use.

Appendix A: IOC Research Agenda Categories

Expanding Opportunity and Promoting Urban Vitality / Supporting the Design of Smart, Sustainable Urban Infrastructure / Helping Mayors Lead Fiscally Healthy, Agile Cities
Opportunity Agenda – How can cities close the achievement gap and provide paths to prosperity for all of their residents? [Early education, education, out-of-school time, youth, workforce development]
Economic Resiliency – How cancities develop diverse, stable economies that provide living wage jobs? [Economic development, neighborhood business districts, workforce development]
Health Equity – How can cities improve health access and outcomes for all of their residents? [Public health, violence, gun/crime control, early childhood, obesity, urban stressors]
Cultural Vitality – How can cities create and preserve vibrant urban culture and cultural institutions and minimize displacement? [Arts, historic preservation, neighborhood character, libraries and museums, gentrification]
Equity & Inclusion – How can cities address barriers to racial, social and gender equity and overcome income inequality? (pay equity, gentrification, affordable housing, minimum wage, bias] / Urban Environment - How can cities promote vibrant urban ecology, including clean air, soil, and water? [Urban emissions, urban ecology, urban gardening, urban forestry, urban sanitation, regulation]
Smart Infrastructure – How can cities improve their physical makeup and function, from changing energy use to streamlining traffic flows? [Energy efficiency, infrastructure investment, cohesive traffic and transit plans]
Sustainable Growth - How can cities adapt the built environment to support diverse, healthy, and growing populations? [Transportation and mass transit, urban planning, affordable housing, sharing economy]
Resiliency- How can cities adapt to new and emerging threats, including climate change, sea level rise, and other stresses? [Infrastructure, zoning, urban planning, climate preparedness] / Fiscal Stability - How can city leadersachieve long-term fiscal stability? [Budgeting, municipal finance, pension reform, healthcare reform]
Power of Persuasion - How do mayors use influence and the “bully pulpit” to bring about positive change in their cities? [Media, relationship leadership, collaborative governance, politics, urban regime]
Inspiring Innovation - How do city leaders stimulate innovation and co-creation in their city and within City Hall? [Technology, civic entrepreneurship, civic engagement, big data]