ICT Access Agreement
STUDENT:I understand that access to the school’s ICT resources is for the sole purpose of completing my studies. My access to them is dependent upon teacher approval and ongoing ethical and responsible use.
While I have access to ICT resources I will:
Respect my learning:
I will access only those files, programs and sites to which I am permitted and instructed;
I will not play games unless with express teacher permission
I understand that Education Queensland’s Webmail is the only email system to be used at school;
I will observe copyright and referencing requirements and avoid plagiarising the work of others;
I understand that it is my responsibility to save a personal copy of all documents to avoid loss through inadvertent system failure;
I will provide a portable storage device (as per my subject stationery requirements) that is dedicated to school related files only.
Behave ethically:
I will use appropriate language within all documents, file names, programs;
I will not look for or use anything that is inappropriate, illegal, dangerous or offensive (including tools which could interfere with the security and operation of the Network);
If I accidentally come across something that is illegal, dangerous or offensive, I will inform my teacher and clear any offensive pictures or information from my screen;
If I become aware of possible irregularities or breaches of security, I will not take advantage of those and will report the matter immediately to the teacher.
Respect others:
I will not communicate with other students across the Network/Internet without permission or use ICT resources to annoy, offend or disrupt the learning of others;
I will not interfere in any way with the work of other students by touching or using another student’s
Be cyber smart:
I will not share my logon details with others and will use only the logon I am allocated;
I will not reveal home addresses or phone numbers—mine or anyone else’s;
I will only provide student details for authorised online activities under teacher direction;
I will be mindful of the etiquette and protocols of online communication when composing content;
Respect our environment:
I will print economically to minimise paper wastage;
I will not misuse the Network by saving or sharing non-school related files or interfering with the set-up of school programs;
I will not stream or download files without permission;
I will not connect any private wireless or Bluetooth device to the Network unless express permission has been given (eg for LearnIT students);
I will not interfere with the set up and operations of any computer, projector or printer and understand that I am responsible for the cost of any repair I might incur;
I will immediately report the incident or discovery of any fault or damage to ICT resources to the teacher;
Smart Phones can provide quick and easy access to web-based resources. In doing so, I must:
Have teacher permission and follow teacher instructions;
Be mindful of ethical and appropriate workplace behaviour at all times in terms of what is accessed,
used, created and communicated;
Use my own data plan;
Not connect my phone to the Network. (NOTE This is considered a serious breach of Network operations
and security.)
As a member of our school community I understand the need to use ICTsethically and responsibly. I acknowledge that ICT resources, whether they be school-owned or private (such as cameras, mobile phones, laptops, the Internet) shouldnot be used for texting, emailing, photographing, videoing, posting or social networking as a means to embarrass, offend or threaten any member of our community or bring the school into disrepute.Nor should they be used for distributing inappropriate, offensive or illegal material.
I agree to the above rules of ICT access at CabooltureStateHigh School. I understand that my computer access may be electronically monitored and managed where necessary. I acknowledge that I am required to follow teachers’ instructions at all times and am responsible for any breach of security, misuse or damage that occurs under my log on. If the school decides I have breached this agreement, appropriate action will be taken. Depending on the nature of the breach, consequences could include meeting the cost of repair, loss of Network and/or Internet access for some time, variation to subject selections, suspension or exclusion from school and/or possible referral to the police.
Student’s SignatureDate
Parent or Guardian
I understand that the school’s Network and access to the Internet can provide students with valuable learning experiences. I also understand that it gives access to information on computers around the world; that Caboolture SHS cannot control what is on those computers; and that a very small part of that information can be illegal, dangerous or offensive.
I accept that, while teachers will always exercise their duty of care, protection against exposure to harmful information must depend finally upon responsible use by students.
I am aware that use of the school computers and the Internet is electronically monitored and that students will be held responsible for any misuse or damage of the Network or resourcesand for any material deliberately downloaded or accessed under their student logon.
In line with Caboolture State High School’s Responsible Behaviour Plan, bullying, including cyber bullying, is not tolerated. Appropriate action will be taken where it occurs at school or has an impact at school. However, as monitoring and management of Internet use and activity at home is the duty of parents/guardians, the school will not be held responsible for resolving external cyber bullying issues.
I believe ______(Name of Student) understands the responsibilities outlined above, and I hereby give my permission for him/her to access CabooltureStateHigh School’s ICT resources under the school’s rules. I understand that students breaking these rules will be subject to appropriate action by the school. Depending on the nature of the breach, consequences could include meeting the cost of repair, loss of Network and/or Internet access for some time, variation to subject selections, suspension or exclusion from school and/or possible referral to the police.
I understand that the terms of this agreement are subject to change in response to new circumstances and that updates will be advised via the school notices and newsletters.
______(Parent or Guardian’s Name- Please PRINT)
______(Parent or Guardian’s Signature)
I/G:\Coredata\HOD\ICT\LAN\ICT Access agreementa.doc