The presentation room capacities listed below are subject to change.

Boston Convention and Exposition Center

Room Name / Session
Capacity / Gallery
Capacity / Gallery
Ballroom East / 1,800
Ballroom West / 1,800
102 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
103 / 165
104 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
104 C / 150
106 / 165
107 A / 165
107 B/C / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
108 / 165
109 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
153 C / 165
154 / 165
156 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
156 C / 124 / 40 hands-on + 84 gallery
157 A / 169
157 B/C / 150 / 60 hands-on + 90 gallery
159 / 165
160 A / 165
160 B/C / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
161 / 150
162 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
203 / 165
204 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
205 A / 250 / 80 hands-on + 170 gallery
205 B / 210
205 C / 250 / 80 hands-on + 170 gallery
206 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
207 / 140
209 / 165
210 A / 304 / 80 hands-on + 224 gallery
210 B / 404
210 C / 304 / 80 hands-on + 224 gallery
211 / 150
212 / 110 / 40 hands-on + 70 gallery
252 A / 110 / 40 hands-on + 70 gallery
252 B / 170
253 A / 150 / 60 hands-on + 90 gallery
253 B / 192
253 C / 150 / 60 hands-on + 90 gallery
254 A/B / 300
255 / 140
256 / 110 / 40 hands-on + 80 gallery
257 A/B / 210 / 80 hands-on + 130 gallery
258 A / 253
258 B / 150 / 60 hands-on + 90 gallery
258 C / 150 / 60 hands-on + 90 gallery
259 A / 150
259 B / 110 / 40 hands-on + 70 gallery
260 / 150

Westin Boston Waterfront

Room Name / Session
Capacity / Gallery
Capacity / Gallery
Commonwealth Ballroom A-B / 172 / 60 hands-on + 112 gallery
Commonwealth Ballroom C / 133
Grand Ballroom A / 456
Grand Ballroom B / 400
Grand Ballroom C / 124 / 40 hands-on + 84 gallery
Grand Ballroom D / 125
Grand Ballroom E / 124 / 40 hands-on + 84 gallery
Douglass / 120
Faneuil / 120

Exhibitor Workshops

Room Name / Facility / Capacity
105 / Convention Center / 165
151 A / Convention Center / 166
151 B / Convention Center / 166
152 / Convention Center / 166
153 A / Convention Center / 166
153 B / Convention Center / 172