Bosch Annual ScientificMeeting (ASM 2018)

New Horizons in the Technology of Medical Research

Thursday 26thJuly, 2018

Presentation will be in the form of a3 minute thesis talk, or a poster.

Please send an abstract (guidelines below) toDr WannitTongkao-on () by Tuesday 10thJuly, 2018. Please indicate if you prefer poster or talk format. We will try to accommodate all requests but, if time is tight, young investigators will be given preference.

Abstract guidelines:

To be considered for a presentation, the presenting author must register for the Meeting. Registration is free, but is required for a presentation. Click here to register.

Prepare your abstract as a Word document, following this example (from another meeting) in format and font:

Neuroprotection of the retina: mechanisms and therapeutic options

Jonathan Stone*, Discipline of Physiology, Bosch Institute and ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Research, University of Sydney

The protection of the retina, particularly of photoreceptors, from environmental and genetic stress is important for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Because the retina is part of the central nervous system (CNS), discoveries from retinal and cerebral degenerations are proving relevant to each other. Although clinically, most retinal and cerebral degenerations remain difficult to prevent, slow, stop or reverse, the range of neuroprotective strategies devised in laboratory models is broadening. Some strategies, like light restriction and preconditioning, are retina-specific. Others, particularly stress-conditioning by ischaemia, remote ischaemia, phytotoxins, exercise and caloric restriction, were discovered in other tissues, and have proved relevant to the brain or retina. Their mechanisms may be general not just to the CNS, but to all tissues and will be reviewed. Two emerging neuroprotectants, dietary saffron and photobiomodulation (the irradiation of tissue with low energy red-infrared light) will also be reviewed, and data on the dose-response relationships will be presented. The therapeutic options opened by these strategies will also be discussed.

Multiple authorships are of course welcome. The name of the intended presenter should be in bold font.

Word limit: 250-300 words

Give the document a filename in the form Bosch ASM 2018 Abstract yourname(e.g. Bosch ASM 2018 Abstract John Doe)

Attach the document to an email, using the subject line Bosch ASM 2018 Abstract submission.

Email to COB onTuesday10th July, 2018

Please go to for further meeting information.