Notes of the meeting of the Boscastle Regeneration Steering Group held on 18 May 2007 at 2.00 p.m. at the NCDC Offices, Higher Trenant Road, Wadebridge


Annie Moore – North Cornwall District Council

Colin Mitchell – Carillion

Andrew Houghton – Environment Agency

Gordon Trapmore – Environment Agency

Tim Hunt – South West Water

Janey Comber – North Cornwall District Council

Andrew Davey – National Trust

Richard Mayger – Cornwall County Council

Adrian Prescott – Boscastle Chamber of Trade & Commerce

Malcolm Green – Boscastle Chamber of Trade & Commerce

Arthur Bannister – Forrabury & Minster Parish Council

George Findley – Forrabury & Minster Parish Council

Graham Holland – North Cornwall District Council

Glenton Brown – Cornwall County Council

Bruce Tyzzer – North Cornwall District Council

Keith Field – North Cornwall District Council

Neil Pendleton – North Cornwall District Council

Emma Dutton – North Cornwall District Council

N Irving-little – Observer – Forrabury & Minster Parish Council

1.Apologies for absence

No apologies for absence had been received.

2.Minutes of the Last Meeting

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Boscastle Regeneration Steering Group held on 23 February 2007 were agreed as a correct record subject to:

Page 3 – 4. Flood Defence Scheme – Upper Jordan – Second Paragraph delete “parapet” and replace with “gap in the wall”.

Page 4 – 7. Toilets/Gateway Building – Third Paragraph delete “Gordon Trapmore” and replace with “Keith Field”.

3.Matters arising from the minutes

There were no matters arising from the minutes.

4.Flood Defence Scheme

General Progress

Andrew Houghton outlined the main areas of work as follows:-

  • 240 car parking spaces had been provided from 31 March;
  • Works were continuing in the east, mid and west sections of the car park;
  • The retaining wall had been raised in the car park;
  • Bank retaining works were in progress at the Otherworld;
  • Works to the footbridge were being undertaken at the moment

Colin Mitchell updated the Group on works being undertaken by Carillion as follows:-

  • The works in the west end of the car park had not gone as smoothly as anticipated;
  • The sewer would need to be diverted due to the GatewayBuilding;
  • Curbing and sub-base work was being undertaken to enable tarmac to be laid;
  • Toilets had been temporally relocated to enable tarmac to be laid; they would be put back in place when tarmac works were complete;
  • Bed lowering works were continuing;
  • Braided section works upstream were continuing;
  • Stone masons were working on the wall and parapet further up stream;
  • The rock under the main bridge was harder than anticipated; alternative methods of excavating the rock were being investigated; the requirements of Cornwall County Council and the Environment Agency were being taken into account
  • Acknowledge that contractors will need to be out of the river channel by the summer holiday

Andrew Houghton confirmed that the Environment Agency’s work was concentrated upstream of the main road bridge.

Colin Mitchell advised that the mini digger was working between the two bridges, during the summer work would be concentrated on the river bed and not on the banks.

Works at Penally Terrace were due to commence next week. Access for residents would be maintained.

New Bridge

Andrew Davey advised that concerns had been expressed by the community regarding the proposals for the new bridge.

When the previous planning application had been submitted, the conclusion had been to develop a design for a contemporary style bridge. The Bridge Working Group had worked on a design that had been presented to the community but there had been strong concerns regarding the proposal, with a petition and opposition being made at a public meeting. The comments of the community had been heard and in response the Bridge Working Group had met to reflect on what had been said and to look at a way forward with a view to fine tuning the contemporary design focussing on the railings and finish of the steel.

In view of the concerns the current planning application would be withdrawn and a revised application submitted.

Andrew Davey confirmed that a stone bridge was not an option; in order to achieve what is required a stone bridge would be too bulky.

A light grey aggregate was proposed to be used on the bridge to fit with the environment and provide a surface for medium to cling to and grow.

When the design of the bridge had been finalised and submitted for planning consent a press release would be issued to the community explaining the principles and details of the design.

Car Park Surface Treatment

Keith Field advised that there were concerns about the proposed grasscrete finish of the overflow car park. Intensive use of the surface may kill off the grass leaving a baron area. The long term use and maintenance of these surfaces had been not been positive. The designer/contractor had been requested to investigate alternatives types and methods of surface. If it is decided that an alternative surface should be used an application would need to be made to the District Council to lift the relevant condition of the planning consent.

Andrew Davey confirmed that the National Trust as landowner would need to be involved in any changes to make sure the right surface is selected.

Reference was made to the engagement of professional landscape consultants and the involvement of NPA consultants and Neil Pendleton confirmed that any redesign should have a strong input from the landscape architects.

Keith Field agreed to meet with representatives to discuss the way forward and the options available.

Catchment Management Strategy

Andrew Houghton advised that the Catchment Management Strategy had been completed and published and a fact sheet produced. The Environment Agency and National Trust were working with local landowners to undertake the initial works. It was proposed to coppice the unstable trees between New Mills and Boscastle. The Environment Agency was intending to meet with the Parish Council on site to provide information and guidance on the works being undertaken.

Upper Jordan

Works were continuing with Cornwall County Council Highways regarding the culverts. Works to Paradise Road culvert were nearly complete. Works to the culvert at Gunn Pool Lane were proposed. Discussions were ongoing with the landowner at Doctors Hill.

5.South West Water

Programme of Works

Tim Hunt advised that he had produced an article for the ‘Blowhole’ as agreed regarding the details of the sewage works and the functions of the two chambers.

Tim Hunt outlined details of forthcoming works in the autumn adjacent to the Witchcraft museum.

Colin Mitchell confirmed details of the works planned, in particular works at ‘Things’, Penally Terrace, Stonemasonary, excavation works for the deep sewers. Works would downscale in the next few weeks.

Sewage Treatment Scheme

Tim Hunt advised that a site was being investigated for the sewage treatment scheme for Boscastle. A site plan indicating the preferred location was circulated to the Group. Eleven sites had been considered, with fifteen issues considered at each of the eleven sites. The preferred location was off the B3263 in fields at Tresuck Farm House.

The proposed sewage treatment scheme would be positioned below ground level to minimise visual impact from the road and coastal footpath. Discussions with the landowner were ongoing.

It was anticipated that a planning application would be submitted in July 2007 with a possible decision in December 2007.

6.Visitor Centre Scheme

Keith Field advised that the Visitor Centre was very popular and had been a successful project.

Janey Comber expressed her appreciation on behalf of the village to the National Trust in respect of Cornish Goodies i.e. delaying the works and making the premises available to the village. Her comments were endorsed by the Steering Group.

Arthur Bannister requested that consideration be given to the installation of public pay phone in the Visitor Centre. Neil Pendleton undertook to explore the possibility with the Centre Manager.

Andrew Davey outlined the works proposed for Cornish Goodies during the winter.

7.Toilets/Gateway Centre

Bruce Tyzzer advised that works to the Gateway Centre had been stopped whilst concerns from the community were addressed.

There was a need to reconsider the design of the building in terms of overall height and proportions. Various options were being considered to modify the design and a new planning application will be submitted in due course.

When a revised design has been sorted out, efforts would need to be made to explain the changes and the overall impact including, for example, marking the new heights on the existing walls.

The temporary toilets would remain until the centre was completed. It was anticipated that works would not commence until September/October.

8.Project Co-ordination

Keith Field referred to the programme of works with particular reference to :-

  • Pipe work required in the Autumn by Cornwall County Highways and South West Water;
  • Discussions with the National Trust regarding the surface in the Harbour area;
  • Works commencing at Cornish Goodies, hope that works can be undertaken in tandem, between agencies
  • Western Power were undertaking works in Valency Row to repair cobbles – difficulties obtaining materials

Bruce Tyzzer advised that works to Valency Row were hoped to continue next week. Residents were aware of the situation. Western Power had been requested to subsidise the small lack of funding to complete the scheme.

Colin Mitchell advised that next week would be the last chance to bury the rain water drains.

Tim Hunt confirmed that the existing sewage arrangements would continue through this summer.

9.Play Facilities

George Findlay updated the Group on the current situation regarding the Play Facilities.

He advised that fencing had been erected around two sides of the play area. The Contractor, Taylormade would be erecting the play equipment from Monday of next week, following which the remaining fencing would be erected.

The Group stressed the importance of a risk assessment being undertaken for the facility.

Keith Field advised that street furniture should be requested from the County Council.

Arthur Bannister advised that the Parish Council were trying to reduce the speed limit along the stretch of road to 20 mph.

10. Highways

Roger Mayger advised that preliminary designs for the streetscape design were being prepared. The designs would be submitted for pre-consultation at the public meeting in Boscastle on 24 May. The designs would out for consultation in June/July 2007. Feedback would then be considered and details passed to Cormac in September/October with a view to works commencing through November – March 2008. Following this, surfacing of the new road would take place in April/May 2008.

Roger Mayger/Paul Allen agreed to meet with the Environment Agency to discuss works on Doctors Hill.

Keith Field confirmed that Cornwall County Highways were liaising with the District Council’s Conservation Officer and Halcrow regarding the streetscene proposals.

Reference was made to a number of rutted roads leading into Boscastle, and a gap in the Valley View road.

11.Communication Issues

It was agreed that a newsletter should be circulated in July 2007 highlighting issues regarding the NewBridge, Toilets/Gateway Building and Sewage Treatment works.

12.Any Other Business

Arising from the above, Janey Comber made reference to the positive co-operation of the village whilst the works have been undertaken.

13.Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on Friday 20 July 2007 at 2.00 p.m .at the Council Offices, Higher Trenant Road, Wadebridge.

The meeting closed at 4.00 pm.