Lockport Boy’s Lacrosse

Booster Club

Scholarship Award

Two Lacrosse Scholarships @ $150.00 each


1.  Fill out application (must be typed)

2.  Enclose an official transcript (supplied by guidance)

3.  Return the completed application, with enclosures, to the guidance office by May 1st. Attn: Mrs. Catalano

Rules Governing the Scholarships

1.  Application must be a graduating senior who has participated for a minimum of 3 years in the Lockport Lacrosse program and earned a varsity letter from LHS.

2.  Applicant must be accepted at a either a technical, 2 or 4 year school to further their education.

3.  Applicant must submit a minimum of 2 written letters of recommendation from adults who can speak about their character, personality and ability. None of these may come from the lacrosse coaching staff at LHS.

4.  An independent scholarship committee will select the winners.

Lockport Boy’s Lacrosse Booster Club Scholarship

Scholarship Application

Applicant Information:

Last Name: First Name:

Address: Phone:

City: State: Zip Code:

Date of Birth:

Family Information:

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Names:

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Occupations:

Number of Dependent Children in Family (including applicant):

Number of Family Members in College Next Year (including applicant):

Applicant Background:

Cumulative HS Avg: Rank in Class: Class Size:

Intended College Program of Study:

Career Goals:

College(s) with Applications Filed:

Estimated Yearly Cost of School (Total):

Co-Curricular Activities:

Athletic Activities:

Awards and Honors:

Community Activities and/or Volunteer Services:

Special Talents/Interests:

I/we herby certify that the information above is correct to the best of our knowledge:

Applicant Signature: ______Date:______

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: ______
