Borough of Plum Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Plum Heritage Trail Advertisement for Bids
Sealed proposals will be received by the Borough of Plum, 4575 New Texas Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15239, for the abovementioned project at the Borough office and be publicly read aloud.
Date for bids to be opened 9/9/2015
Time for bids to be opened 11:00am
The proposed project will include but is not limited to be the installation of the following:
4,700 LF 8' wide walking Path (Recycled Millings)
850 SY Asphalt Parking Lot
Copies of the bidding and contract documents may be obtained at the office of R. F. Mitall and Associates, Inc., 117 Sagamore Hill Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15239, phone: 724-327-7474, upon payment of a non-refundable deposit of $75.00 payable to "RF Mitall and Associates." Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in the amount of not less than 10% of the total amount bid, made payable to "The Borough of Plum."
All work and material shall be in accordance with PennDOT Form 408, latest edition and the Borough of Plum. The Contractor or his sub-contractor is NOT required to be pre-qualified by PennDOT to perform the type of work required by this contract. Bidder to submit with Proposal a list of similar projects constructed within the last five (5) years.
The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or to reject any or all bids. No Bidder may withdraw his proposal within 10 days after the actual date of the opening of the proposals.
The winning bidder must execute the contract in full within 90 days of the Notice to Proceed Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract.
Michael A. Thomas
Borough Manager