WEA Course Information Sheet 2013-14

Course title: ICT: Internet and Email skills with Word Processing
Course reference: C2417046 / Tutor(s): Rosemary Charles
Venue: West Green Learning Centre / Fee: £79.00
Concession: Free on proof of income related benefit
Start date: 22nd Jan 2014 / End date: 9th April 2014 / Day(s)/time(s): Wednesday
Number of sessions: 11 / Hours per session: 2 / Level: Introductory
Title of qualification to be gained (if any): N/A
Awarding body (if any): N/A
Essential materials:
Students are to bring along pen, paper and a folder for their work
Course aims:
This course is intended to help you develop your Word Processing skills, using the Internet with confidence and send and receive Emails. Students will create documents whereby they will be able to format and make changes, use the Internet to search for information, send and receive email messages
Course description:
This course provides a useful introduction to word processing, Email and the Internet Practical skills are taught throughout the course and elements of theory are also discussed. The software we will use is Microsoft Word and is commonplace in the home and the modern office.
Any prior knowledge or entry requirements?
You need to have some knowledge of using a computer with mouse skills
Course content: what topics will the course cover?
Induction Internet
·  form filling How to get on the Internet
·  icebreaker Using Browsers to search for initial assessment information
·  course explanation Using Hyperlinks
·  Changing home Pages
Word Processing Deleting Temporary Internet Files
·  Editing text. Safe Surfing
·  Formatting documents: setting margins, line spacing, formatting text Common Internet Terminology
·  Insert clipart, borders to document Save and print web pages
·  File management Create and Using Favourites
·  Saving and printing.
·  Create Email addresses
·  Send, receive and reply to emails
·  Add contact to address book
·  Send cc and bcc
·  Edit contacts
·  Add attachments to email
Teaching, learning and assessment methods: tick those to be used ü
Demonstration / ü / Discussion / ü / Group work / Individual work / ü
Project work / Research / Role play / Written work
Question and answer / ü / Activity outside class time / Observation / ü / Practical work / ü
Presentation / ü / Field trip / Other (state)
How will I receive feedback on my learning progress and achievement?
Feedback with be given on a one to one basis
Learning outcomes: these are the intended outcomes and may be revised in discussion with the class. Students are encouraged to think about and identify their own individual outcomes.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. / Create and edit documents
2. / Format documents
3. / Use File Management for files and folders
4. / Create email account
5. / Send and receive messages
6. / Add and edit contacts in address book
7. / Add attachments to messages
8. / Use search engines and hyperlinks
9. / Surf safely
10. / Delete temporary Internet files, change homepage
11. / Save and print web pages
12. / Create and Using Favourites sites
Reading and information sources:
It is essential that students practice outside of class to gain the necessary confidence to use Word and send messages.
Suggestions for progression to further study or for using the skills and knowledge gained:
When you have completed this course you can progress onto further courses at Level 1: Excel, PowerPoint.