Booking and Course details:

The camp is open to children (boys and girls) who are aged between 8-13 years and will run on the 25th October 2017. Please arrive at 8.30-8.50am for registration; the day will finish at 3.40pm. The price is £16 for the day and this includes a complimentary certificate. Children will need to bring football/rugby boots and trainers, suitable clothing for the weather conditions, sun cream and plenty of water to drink (not fizzy drinks). Children will also need to bring a suitable packed lunch. Suggested items which could be included are: sandwiches, pasta, rice, vegetables, fruit, yoghurts. These items must not include any nuts.

To book a place: Please complete the Giles Academy Summer Rugby Camp Booking Form (below) and return it with payment by Wednesday 18th October. Booking forms and payments need to be returned to:

Bev Hippisley, Giles Academy, Church End, Old Leake, Boston, PE22 9LD.

For any further information about the camps please contact Craig Dodd, Rugby Lead on 01205 870693 or email .

Giles Academy Rugby Camp Booking Form

This booking form must be completed by a Parent/Guardian. A separate booking form must be used for each child attending the camps. Please complete the form using BLOCK CAPITALS. All information must be completed.

Childs Name: Childs Age: DOB:

Parents Name:


Post Code:

Contact No: Home: Mobile:


Emergency Contact Name and Number if not the same as above:

Second Emergency Contact Name and Number:

Do you agree to your child being photographed for use on future promotional material? Yes No

Any Medical Conditions or Allergies? Yes / No (If Yes, please give full details)

Giles Academy Rugby Camp (Please Tick) Venue: Giles Academy, Church End, Old Leake, Boston

Wednesday 25th October £16

Method of Payment:

Cheque Enclosed Cheques payable to ‘Giles Academy’

Cash Enclosed

Please return this form along with your payment by Wednesday 18th October to the address below: Bev Hippisley, Giles Academy, Church End, Old Leake, Boston PE22 9LD

Terms and Conditions

The Giles Academy Summer Rugby Camps run from 8.30am to 3.40pm each day. Giles Academy is not responsible for children left unsupervised outside these hours. Places will be filled on a first come first served basis. Payment is considered as acceptance of the booking conditions.

Cancellations made up to two weeks before the camp will receive a 50% refund. Any cancellations made after this time will not be refunded. The Giles Academy Summer Rugby Camps are staffed by RFU qualified coaches who will implement the highest safety measures, however, they cannot be held liable or responsible for damages, injuries or loss of possessions.

We strongly recommend that all valuables be left at home. Giles Academy will reserve the right to suspend any child that causes disruption to the camp due to misbehavior. Giles Academy reserves the right to cancel, amend, alter and change any camp or its content without the need for prior notice.