Book Title:Please provide us with two alternative titles for your book.
Book Description:Please describe why you wrote this book, the niche it fills, its subject, and key editorial points that make it unique.
Book Type:Does your book primarily present innovate concepts, business solutions, best practices, basic information, business trends, other?
Outline/Table of Contents:Please list working chapter headings with a sentence or two summarizing each chapter or section.
Sample Chapter:If you have a sample chapter, please send it. Please do not send complete manuscripts at this stage.
Estimated Length:Roughly how long do you expect your book to be (how many thousand words)?
Graphics:Will your book contain figures, graphs, tables, or illustrations? If so, how many?
Delivery Date:Please provide an approximate delivery date for your completed manuscript.
Market:Why is your book important—what will it offer readers?
Audience:Describe the ideal audience for your book (who will buy the book). Please be specific.
Competition:Please list the primary competition for your work and any titles (with author name and publisher, if known) that are similar to yours. What makes your book better than the competition?
Contact Information:Name, address, phone, email, website or blog
Biography:What are your qualifications for writing this book. Please provide a concise biography, including current occupation and title. Please include any past employment and/or associations that you belong to that would be pertinent to the readers of your book.
Knowledge:Describe your background on this subject (academic and/or professional). How has your background contributed to making you an expert on your subject?
Previous Publications:Please list any previous books you’ve written, including title, publisher, year of publication, and sales history if available. List any other published material that is pertinent to the book.
Marketing Support:Publishing is a partnership and we would like to understand the ways in which you and we might market your book.
- Please list all of the professional associations and/or online communities you are a member of.
- If you have a mailing list (email or mail), how large is it?
- If you publish a newsletter or e-newsletter, how often and what is the size of your audience.
- If you write a blog or column (print or web) or make regular appearances on radio or television, please give details, including the size of your audience.
- Please list names of prominent individuals who are likely to endorse your work and/or provide a foreword to the book.
- Please list any media contacts you have.
- If you speak and/or teach, what topics, to what numbers, and in what venues?
- Please attach published interviews, stories, or articles about you.
- Please list organizations or persons that you think might be interested in purchasing bulk quantities of your book.
- Please list schools and/or professors that might be interested in adopting your book as a text.
- Please list events where the book would have an audience of buyers.
- Please list events where you might be speaking.
- Please list magazines or periodicals that might be interested in receiving a review copy or where we may want to target advertising.
- Describe any other marketing or promotional capabilities that you have for the book.
Please submit your proposal to .
Please allow us 6-8 weeks to review your proposal and get back in touch with you. If more than 8 weeks have passed and you still have not heard from us, please email .
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