English 10A Outside Reading Project

You have two options for the final project for your outside reading novel. Choose one of the following and have it ready to present on ______

Total Possible Points: 40

Option 1: Book Talk

Give a 3-5 minute talk about your book. Include basic information about the story and characters. Have your speech prepared on note cards and be thorough but not overly detailed in your explanation. At the end of the presentation, tell the class who might enjoy reading this book, and what you can get out of it.

See the back side of this form for complete requirements.

Option 2: Multi-genre Project

Choose three projects from the list below in tic-tac-toe style. You must choose three that form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line. Be ready to stand in front of the class on the due date and tell about your novel and projects. All projects should be neat and professional or you will lose points on your final grade.

Write a review of the novel (about 1 page). Include information about what you liked and didn’t like in the story with details. You don’t have to summarize the entire book; just tell about the memorable parts. / Make a collage that represents a character or theme of the novel. Include pictures that you drew or cut out of magazines and words or quotes from the story. This should be poster-sized. / Write a couple letters from one character to another in the story. They should relate to a significant event in the story.
Make a time capsule for a character in your story. The capsule should include objects that are significant to your character and the time he/she lived in. / Write a series of poems inspired by the story. Include illustrations, if you like, that correspond with the poems. Remember, poems don’t always have to rhyme! / Write a magazine interview with a character in your story. If you’d like to see how one of these works, look at a music magazine like Rolling Stone or Spin.
Write a promotional brochure that relates to a character, event, or theme in the story. You can make the brochure by hand or on a computer. Just make sure it’s neat and professional! / Write an advice column in which a character in your story writes in for help with his/her problem. Have the columnist respond with thoughtful, helpful advice. / Make a newspaper or magazine advertisement that relates in some way to a character or event from your story. This should reflect careful thought and creativity. Look in a magazine for inspiration!

Do you have other ideas for your multi-genre project? See me and I will tell you if you may replace another item on the chart with your idea.

Book Talk Presentation Form

Make sure you are specific and use detail to illustrate your main points!

Information being Presented (30 points total)

  1. Book Information (5 points)




  1. Plot Summary (15 points)
  1. Part enjoyed (5 points)
  1. Recommendation (5 points)

Presentational Skills (10 points total)

12Held the book while talking (2 points)

1 2 3Spoke loudly and clearly (3 points)

1 2 3Looked at the entire class (3 points)

12Had a definite conclusion (2 points)