BOOK PROJECT (In Place of the TALK)

BOOK PROJECT (in place of the TALK)

DUE: Thursday, Dec. 3rd

-10 points every day that it is late.

Directions: Continue reading your independent reading book and be sure to pay attention to characters, conflict, plot, setting, and examples of powerful writing/imagery. Then, find a shoebox, coffee can, any container and get creative! The container must be completely covered. Your name and class period should appear on the bottom.


The outside of your container should be inspiring, interesting, and exciting.

It should be visually stimulating and draw people’s attention.

Ø  Title, Author

Ø  Minimum of 3 pictures/graphics that represent aspects of your book (think theme, conflict, setting, etc)

Ø  Minimum of 3 excerpts from the book. They can include key moments, poetic language, strong dialogue, etc.

Ø  A HOOK: A summary in 3-5 sentences

EXAMPLE: This is a book about a war veteran on his journey home. He meets obstacles along the way and must overcome fear and pain in order to return to his wife and son. This book is filled with darkness, light, death, and hope…an epic journey you won’t want to miss!


Ø  Index Card #1: Characters, Setting, Main Conflict(s) that appear in the book.

Ø  Index Card #2: Which character are you most like? Why? What do you share in common? Explain.

Ø  Index Card #3: Why do you think the author wrote this book? What were they trying to show you about life, relationships, nature, love, etc?


Ø  Draw or include 4 objects that represent aspects of your book.

Ø  Index card #4: A list of the 4 objects and their significance.


Ø  Re-create an important or favorite scene from the book.

Ø  Index card #4: What is happening in this scene? Which characters are present? What is the significance of this scene?


___ CREATIVITY (use of various colors, interesting and effective design/layout)