Book Pairings for AP English Paper (H-L)
# / Call # / Author / Title / Genre / Description1 / F ADA / Adams / Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / Fiction / Seconds before Earth is demolished to make room for a galactic freeway, an earthman is saved by his friend. Together they journey through the galaxy.
241 FAI / Fairlie, Henry. / The Seven Deadly Sins Today. / Nonfiction / Fairlie relates the Seven Deadly sins to the central issues of contemporary life.
2 / F ALL / Allende / The House of the Spirits / Fiction / The novel follows three generations of Trueba women—Clara, Blanca, and Alba—as they struggle to establish their independence from Esteban Trueba, the domineering family patriarch.
PA Access / M. Esther Harding / Woman's Mysteries : Ancient & Modern (C. G. Jung Foundation Books) / Nonfiction / A Psychological Interpretation of the Feminine Principle as Portrayed in Myth, Story, and Dreams
3 / F ALV / Julia Alvarez / How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents / Fiction / Yolanda left this home in the early 1960s when, for political reasons, her parents immigrated to the United States with their four young daughters. When the political climate cooled down in the Dominican Republic, the girls were allowed to return to spend summers with their extended family.
PA AccessEBSCOebooks / Grasmuck, Sherri / Between Two Islands : Dominican International Migration. / A study of Dominican migration, concerning the socio-economic background of new immigrants and the causes and consequences of their move to the United States.
BCCC / Print & Online ‘98 to ‘07 / 2 articles from the Journal of Social Issues on assimilation and ethnic identity [we do not own]
814.54 ALV / Julia Alvarez / Something to Declare / Nonfiction/Memoir / 24 autobiographical essays
4 / F ALV / Julia Alvarez / In the Time of the Butterflies. / Fiction / Gives a fictionalized account of four sisters in the Dominican Republic under the dictatorship of General Trujillo.
PA Access / Howard J Wiarda / Dictatorship and Development / The methods of control in Trujillo's Dominican Republic
PA Access / Alan Cambeira / Quisqueya LA Bella: The Dominican Republic in Historical and Cultural Perspective / An overview of the historical and cultural development of the Dominican Republic
5 / 811
ANG / Angelou / "And Still I Rise," "Life Doesn't Frighten Me," and other autobiographical poems by Angelou in the Collected Poetry / Poetry / Confessional Poetry
B ANG / Angelou / I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings / Nonfiction/Autobiography / Maya Angelou recounts a youth filled with disappointment, frustration, tragedy, and finally hard-won independence.
6 / F ATW / Atwood / The Handmaid's Tale / Fiction / In the world of the near future, who will control women's bodies?
Offred is a Handmaid in the Republic of Gilead. She may leave the home of the Commander and his wife once a day to walk to food markets whose signs are now pictures instead of words because women are no longer allowed to read. She must lie on her back once a month and pray that the Commander makes her pregnant, because in an age of declining births, Offred and the other Handmaids are only valued if their ovaries are viable.
PA Access / Anne Wilson Schaef / Women's Reality: An Emerging Female System in a White Male Society / Nonfiction / How women see themselves, men, and the society in which they live
305.42 DEB / Simone de Beauvoir / The Second Sex / Nonfiction / Simone de Beauvoir weaves together history, philosophy, economics, biology, and a host of other disciplines to show women's place in the world and to postulate on the power of sexuality.
8-10 / F
AUS / Austen / Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice or Emma / Fiction / Comedies of manners, in which the characters move inside a restrictive code of conduct as they find romance.
LAD / A Lady of Distinction / Regency Etiquette: The Mirror of Graces (1811) / Nonfiction / An etiquette book for women from 1811.
VIC / Amanda Vickery / The gentleman's daughter : women's lives in Georgian England / Nonfiction / What was the life of an eighteenth-century British genteel woman like? This lively book, based on letters, diaries, and account books of over one hundred middle class women, transforms our understanding of the position of women in Georgian England.
11 / F BAR / Barrie / Peter Pan / Fiction / The adventures of the three Darling children in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up.
B BAR / Birkin / J.M. Barrie & the Lost Boys: The real story behind Peter Pan / Nonfiction / J. M. Barrie grew close to the five young boys of the Llewelyn Davies family, becoming their guardian and devoted surrogate father when they were orphaned.
PA Access / Wullschlager, Jackie. / Inventing wonderland : Victorian childhood as seen through the lives and fantasies of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame, and A.A. Milne / Nonfiction / The chapter on Barrie discusses Peter Pan, who in his refusal to grow up, mirrors his creator, James M. Barrie, an "emotional outsider" who idealized his mother, was unable to relate to women and compulsively played with other people's children.
Internet / Freud / The Interpretation of Dreams
/ Nonfiction / The Interpretation of Dreams outlined Freud's theory of unconscious forces in the context of dream analysis. Introducing the id, the superego, and the ego, Freud advanced scientific understanding of the mind immeasurably by exposing motivations normally invisible to our consciousness.
Kahn, Michael. / Basic Freud: Psychoanalysis for the 21st Century. / Nonfiction / A study of Freud's theory of the unconscious, explaining what he meant by the unconscious and looking at his teachings on the subject; exploring the repetition compulsion, and theories of sexual development, anxiety and guilt, defense mechanisms, dreams, and grief and mourning; and examining the unconscious aspects of the therapeutic relationship.
12 / F BEL / Bellow / The Adventures of Augie March / Fiction / Describes the life of Augie March, a poor Chicago boy growing up during the Depression, and his search for a career.
PA Access / Erikson, Erik H. / The Erik Erikson reader / selected and edited by Robert Coles / Nonfiction/Psychology / A collection of writings drawn from throughout the entire career of twentieth-century psychoanalyst Erik H. Erikson, known for his work in developmental psychology.
PA Access / Jenna Weissman Joselit / The wonders of America : reinventing Jewish culture, 1880-1950 / Nonfiction/Sociology / Presents a study of Jewish American culture.
155.8 / David Riesman / The Lonely Crowd, Revised edition: A Study of the Changing American Character / Nonfiction/Sociology / "This is a book about social character and about the differences in social character between men of different regions, eras, and groups."
13 / 769
BLA / William Blake / Songs of Innocence / Poetry / The Songs of Innocence dramatize the naive hopes and fears that inform the lives of children. Many of the poems draw attention to the positive aspects of natural human understanding prior to the corruption and distortion of experience.
Internet / Emanuel Swedenborg / Divine Love and Wisdom 1763 / Nonfiction Philosophy/Religion / In Divine Love and Divine Wisdom (1788), which Blake annotated, Swedenborg expounds upon how the churches have hidden the Divine in the natural universe.
14 / F BRA / Bradbury / Fahrenheit 451 / Fiction / In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury's classic, frightening vision of the future, firemen don't put out fires--they start them in order to burn books. Bradbury's vividly painted society holds up the appearance of happiness as the highest goal--a place where trivial information is good, and knowledge and ideas are bad.
363.31 HEI / Marjorie Heins / Sex, Sin, and Blasphemy: A Guide to America's Censorship Wars / A brief but broad overview by Marjorie Heins of the attempts by self-appointed morality police to control what Americans say, see, hear, and think.
15 / 832 BRE / Bertolt Brecht / The Threepenny Opera / Drama / Based on John Gay's The Beggar's Opera, The Threepenny Opera is a vicious satire on the bourgeois capitalist society of the Weimar Republic, but set in a mock-Victorian Soho.
943 FRI / Otto Friedrich / Before the Deluge : Portrait of Berlin in the 1920s / Nonfiction / A fascinating portrait of the turbulent political, social, and cultural life of the city of Berlin in the 1920s.
16 / Access PA / Charlotte Bronte / Villette / Fiction / Charlotte Brontë’s last and most autobiographical novel is narrated by Lucy Snow, determined to preserve an independent spirit in the face of adverse circumstances.
WOL / Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman / Nonfiction / Wollstonecraft attacked the educational restrictions that kept women in a state of "ignorance and slavish dependence."
17 / F BRO / Emily Bronte / Wuthering Heights / A pair of narrators relate the story of the foundling Heathcliff's close-knit bond with his benefactor's daughter, Catherine Earnshaw. Although, one in spirit, they are social unequals.
WOL / Mary Wollstonecraft / A Vindication of the Rights of Woman / Nonfiction / Wollstonecraft attacked the educational restrictions that kept women in a state of "ignorance and slavish dependence."
MIT / Mitchell, Sally. / Daily life in Victorian England / Recreates daily life in Victorian England, from urban slums to the estates of high society, with information on the physical, social, economic, and legal aspects of the era, from 1837 to 1901.
18 / F BRO / Dan Brown / The Da Vinci Code / Fiction / A murder in the silent after-hour halls of the Louvre museum reveals a sinister plot to uncover a secret that has been protected by a clandestine society since the days of Christ. Draws on the works of theologians, art historians, and other experts to explore the sources, ideas, and major themes of the novel "The Da Vinci Code."
PA Access / Dan Burstein / Secrets of the Code / Nonfiction / Guide to the Mysteries Behind The Da Vinci Code
19 / F CHA / Michael Chabon / The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay / Fiction / The story of two talented Jewish cousins--one a writer, the other an artist. At the beginning of WWII they collaborate and create comic book action heroes who battle Hitler and his minions. The novel reveals much about what happened to America in the middle of the twentieth century.
PA Access / Les Daniels.-- / Superman : the complete history : the life and times of the Man of Steel / Nonfiction / A history of Superman, from his origins in 1938 through his appearance in American Express commercials in 1998, looking at the manifestations of the Man of Steel in comic books, movies, radio and television shows, books, toys, and video games; and examining the transformations the hero has undergone over the years.
B LEE / Jordan Raphael and Tom Spurgeon. / Stan Lee and the rise and fall of the American comic book / Nonfiction / Traces the career of writer and editor Stan Lee, discussing how he helped promote comic books to popularity in the United States.
20 / 364.1 C / Truman Capote / In cold blood : a true account of a multiple murder and its consequences / Nonfiction novel / Recreates the slaying of the Clutter family of Kansas, and the capture, trial, and execution of their murderers.
PA Access / Edited by Suzanne Elizabeth Kender / Crime in America / Nonfiction / A collection of articles on the topic of crime in the United States, examining statistics and current trends in criminal activity, the causes of high crime rates, and possible solutions to the problem.
364.3 SAM / Samenow / Inside the Criminal Mind / Nonfiction / In 1984, this groundbreaking book presented a chilling profile of the criminal mind that shattered long-held myths about the sources of and cures for crime. Now, with the benefit of twenty years' worth of additional knowledge and insight, Stanton Samenow offers a completely updated edition of his classic work.
F CAR / Orson Scott Card / Ender's Game / Fiction / In order to develop a secure defense against a hostile alien race's next attack, government agencies breed child geniuses and train them as soldiers. young Ender is the Wiggin drafted to the orbiting Battle School for rigorous military training. Ender suffers greatly from isolation, rivalry from his peers, pressure from the adult teachers, and an unsettling fear of the alien invaders. His psychological battles include loneliness, fear that he is becoming like the cruel brother he remembers, and fanning the flames of devotion to his beloved sister.
CAM / Campbell / Hero with a Thousand Faces. / Nonfiction / This influential study traces the story of the hero's journey and transformation through virtually all the mythologies of the world.
22 / F CAR / Lewis Carroll / Alice's adventures in Wonderland ; and, Through the looking glass / A little girl falls down a rabbit hole and discovers a world of nonsensical and amusing characters.
The 1872 sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland finds Carroll’s inquisitive heroine in a fantastic land where everything is reversed.
PA Access / Wullschlager, Jackie. / Inventing wonderland : Victorian childhood as seen through the lives and fantasies of Lewis Carroll, Edward Lear, J.M. Barrie, Kenneth Grahame, and A.A. Milne / Nonfiction / In creating Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, girl-obsessed loner Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) achieved a breakthrough in children's literature, a work unparalleled in its freedom of thought and spirit, observes Wullschlager.
JUN / Jung / The Basic Writings of Jung: Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious / Nonfiction/Psychology / This part of Jung's work is devoted to his concept of the collective unconscious and its correlate, that of the archetypes.
RAC / Rackin / Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the looking glass : nonsense, sense, and meaning / Nonfiction/Literary Criticism / A study of Carroll's masterpieces that address issues that concerned mid-Victorians on the brink of a new era.
23 / SC CHO / Kate Chopin / The Awakening / Fiction / The Awakening begins at a crisis point in twenty-eight year-old Edna Pontellier's life. Edna is a passionate and artistic woman who finds few acceptable outlets for her desires in her role as wife and mother of two sons living in conventional Creole society.
PA Access / Carroll Smith-Rosenberg / Disorderly Conduct: Visions of Gender in Victorian America / Nonfiction/Essays / This first collection of essays by Carroll Smith-Rosenberg, one of the leading historians of women, is a landmark in women's studies. Focusing on the "disorderly conduct" women and some men used to break away from the Victorian Era's rigid class and sex roles.
305.42 / Betty Friedan / The Feminine Mystique / Nonfiction / Groundbreaking 1963 work in which Friedan defined the feminine mystique as "as the worthlessness women feel in roles that require them to be financially, intellectually and emotionally dependent upon their husbands. Through her findings, Friedan hypothesized that women are victims of a false belief system that requires them to find identity and meaning in their lives through their husbands and children.
821 COL / Coleridge / The Rime of the Ancient Mariner / Poetry / A sailor tells about the terrible fate that befell his ship after he killed an albatross
PA Access / Shelvocke / A Voyage round the World by the Way of the Great South Sea (1726) / Nonfiction / Sailing in 1719 with an expedition to prey on Spanish ships, Shelvocke gave his superior officer the slip and proceeded on his own account. On this voyage occurred the incident of the albatross which Coleridge used in his 'Ancient Mariner.'
25 / 851
DAN / Dante Alighieri / The Inferno / Fiction / The Divine Comedy is a narrative poem describing Dante’s imaginary journey. Dante passes through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Each part consists of a prologue and approximately 33 cantos. Since the narrative poem is in an exalted form with a hero as its subject, it is an epic poem. Dante and Virgil enter the wide gates of Hell and descend through the nine circles of Hell. In each circle they see sinners being punished for their sins on earth; Dante sees the torture as Divine justice.
PA Access / Saint Thomas Aquinas / The summa theologica v.1 / Nonfiction / St. Thomas Aquinas, a ground-breaking writer of the 13th century, was one of the finest theological writers in Western thought. The Summa examines the nature of sin, evil, and redemption, including the Seven Heavenly Virtues, and considers a range of human transgressions, including what are now known as the Seven Deadly Sins.
26 / F DIC / Charles Dickens / David Copperfield / Fiction / David Copperfield is the novel that draws most closely from Charles Dickens's own life. Its eponymous hero, orphaned as a boy, grows up to discover love and happiness, heartbreak and sorrow amid a cast of eccentrics, innocents, and villains
B DIC / Jane Smiley / Charles Dickens / Nonfiction/Biography / Chronicles the life of Charles Dickens, focusing on how his life experiences influenced each of his major works, and analyzing his narrative techniques, his voice and themes, and his portrayal of England's lower class.
Internet / Freud / Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex. In The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud Also online
/ Nonfiction / Landmark study examines sexual aberrations, infantile sexuality, and the transformations of puberty.
155.3 BUS / David M. Buss / Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating / Nonfiction / Based on the most massive study of human mating ever undertaken, encompassing more than ten thousand people of all ages from thirty-seven cultures worldwide, The Evolution of Desire is the first book to present a unified theory of human mating behavior