For more ideas check out
- for USA fiction
- for British fiction
Growing up:
Bright Lights, Big CityJay McInerney
Life of PiYann Martel
The Catcher in the RyeJ.D. Salinger
Huckleberry FinnMark Twain
About a BoyNick Hornby
All the Pretty HorsesCormac McCarthy
Oliver TwistCharles Dickens
Great Expectations ,, ,,
Jack MaggsPeter Carey
A Prayer for Owen MeaneyJohn Irving
The Hotel New Hampshire ,, ,,
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Mark Haddon
Night Time
The Romance ReaderPearl Abraham
The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and FishingMelissa Bank
LucasKevin Brooks
Romance & sex:
WutheringHeightsEmily Brontë
The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald
A Passage to IndiaE.M.Forster
Jane EyreCharlotte Brontë
Pride and PrejudiceJane Austen
Breakfast at Tiffany’sTruman Capote
The Postman Always Rings TwiceJames M.Cain
Race relations:
To Kill a MockingbirdHarper Lee
The Color PurpleAlice Walker
I Know Why the Caged Birds SingMaya Angelou
DisgraceJ.M. Coetzee
White TeethZadie Smith
DublinersJames Joyce
Cider with RosieLaurie Lee
True History of the Kelly GangPeter Carey
Of Mice and MenJohn Steinbeck
Animal Farm George Orwell
Lord of the FliesWilliam Golding
A Town Like AliceNevil Shute
Cold Comfort FarmStella Gibbons
KatherineAnya Seton
The CementGardenIan McEwan
FiestaErnest Hemingway
On the RoadJack Kerouac
The Fifth ChildDoris Lessing
Detectives, action novels, war stories
The Spy Who Came In from the ColdJohn le Carré
The Third ManGraham Greene
Our Man in Havana ,, ,,
The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler
FrankensteinMary Shelley
DraculaBram Stoker
Rosemary’s BabyIra Levin
The Fall of the House of UsherE.A.Poe
The Quiet AmericanGraham Greene
Empire of the SunJ.G.Ballard
No Country For Old MenCormac McCarthy
The Call of the WildJack London
Slaughterhouse Five Kurt Vonnegut
The Venus ThrowStephen Saylor
Lies of SilenceBrian Moore
The Number 1 Ladies’ Detective AgencyA.McCall Smith
Hey Nostradamus!Douglas Coupland
Sarah’s KeyTatiana de Rosnay
The Boy in the Striped PyjamasJohn Boyne
Time’s Arrow Martin Amis
Science fiction & fantasy
The Handmaid’s TaleMargaret Atwood
1984George Orwell
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the GalaxyDouglas Adams
EarthseaUrsula LeGuin
Alice in WonderlandLewis Carroll
His Dark MaterialsPhilip Pullman
A Christmas CarolCharles Dickens
Harry Potter seriesJ.K.Rowling
Noughts & CrossesMalorie Blackman
The Time MachineH.G. Wells
War of the Worlds ,,
The Lord of the RingsJ.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit ,,
The RoadCormac McCarthy
Ghost Stories:
The Woman in BlackSusan Hill
The CrucibleArthur Miller
Death of a SalesmanArthur Miller
A Streetcar Named DesireTenessee Williams
The Birthday PartyHarold Pinter
Saint JoanG.B.Shaw
An Inspector CallsJ.B.Priestley
A View from the BridgeArthur Miller
All My SonsArthur Miller