2016 Annual Report

Board of Directors

Prepared By

Bona Miller, Treasurer/Manager

August 2016

The Board of Directors is pleased to present this annual report to the general membership of the Bear Lake RV Park Property Owners Association, Inc.

The following governing documents provide the framework for the Board to make decisions and conduct association business:

Articles of Incorporation

Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R's)


Settlement Agreement CV-2008-128

Idaho Code Title 30, Chapter 3, Non-Profit Corporations

Section 528 of the Internal Revenue Code

We are finishing our tenth year as a property owners association. It continues to be filled with opportunities and challenges.


We have a motivated membership / We have motivated Board Members
We are financially sound / We have a desire to establish sound management practices
We have a desire to develop a safe, family friendly, cohesive park


Planning for long term park management / Maintain the privacy and security of the park
Continued improvement of park infrastructure and funding of infrastructure improvements / Improving compliance with park rules and regulations by members and guests
Funding a replacement equipment without increasing fees / Developing activities for members and their families
Determining park usage to plan for improvements to the infrastructure


It is impossible to operate the park without the help of the many people who selflessly volunteer their time for the benefit of everyone. We have made every effort to recognize our volunteers. If we have missed anyone, our sincere apologies and please let us know. The Board thanks the many members who helped make this year a success. When you meet these people, show your appreciation by thanking them.

Maintenance Committee – Rick Berry, Chair; Don Miller, Bob Cook, Mark Brumbaugh

Audit Committee – Bona Miller, Larry Dew

Nominating Committee – Bona Miller, Chair; Deanna Jones, Becky Nuttall

Architectural & Control Committee – John Horsley, Chair; Steve Jones, Don Miller

Steve Eddy – Webmaster,

John Horsley – Hosting our web site

Other volunteers throughout the year included:

◦Humberto CoriaJonathan, Nancy, Emily and George Bromfield

◦Stacey and Morna WilliamsSteve Eddy

◦Mike and Vera Limantzakis Steve and Deanna Jones

◦Mark and Sue Brumbaugh Bruce Hoyne

◦Henry and Ravenna HanftDallas Buttars

◦Rick RobinsonTrenton David

◦Dennis SharpEdward Matherly

◦Jim McDonough

jMANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES (In addition to routine daily management activities, the following major activities were accomplished.


Executed contracts for park managers, maintenance assistant, park host and septic cleaning

Federal and State Tax Returns filed with tax owed of $247 for Federal and $72 for State

Had tax returns reviewed by HOA accountant to determine the accuracy of Bona's work. Accountant stated the returns are done accurately and with appropriate deductions to limit tax liability.

Larry Dew completed financial review of 2014 and 2015

Joined the State's One Call System

Began discussion with outside property management company for future long term management of the park

Rick Berry attended the annual Water Users Meeting to provide us a voice

Continued process for members to pay fees with debit or credit cards through Pay Pal services

Worked to improve collection efforts for delinquent accounts. Two liens filed on those properties whose owners are more than one year in arrears in paying maintenance fees. Accounts receivable lowest in past 4 years.

Sold the lot the park purchased at the tax sale last year. A gross profit of $6,900 was realized for the Association

Continued selling ice and propane for property owners and their guests

Continued providing CC&R Compliance Forms in office so people can pick them up when they want to do work on property requiring approval.

Surveyed membership regarding the number of RV's on lots. We had a 38.2% response

Obtained Attorney opinion regarding charging for extra RV's on lots.

Twenty six lots sold thus far this year with a total of 17 new owners. Don and Bona served as contact people for prosepective owners, answering questions, helping find property stakes, dealing with the title company, etc.


Re-roofing of the cabin at cost of $5,850

Developed five year maintenance plan

Replaced one more leg of the main electrical line

Had locating company locate all of our electrical lines and water shut off valves

Mapping of the electrical system will be done this winter by Dallas Buttars – lot owner

Weed control along roadways and cleared weeds in some common ground between pedestals from around fire hydrants and transformers

Continued work to control ground squirrels as they are tearing up common ground making it difficult to mow and maintain.

Road maintenance and spraying accomplished June 6 by Road Solutions of Burley, ID and Rick Thomas

Lost power and had to replace wire between pedestals in two locations

More improvement seen in property owners marking their lots with county addresses. Continued attention to this item is needed.

One major water break in the main water line repaired.

Another shut off installed on upper Bear Lake Lane while water line was being installed for new owner.

Repairs to Bathroom 3

Completed work for eight property owners using the John Deere tractor and making additional income for the park

Repaired Gravely mower in order to sell it.

Had issues with water quality due to the break in the main line. System was sanitized with 10 gallons of bleach and new water tests came back clear.


We are pleased to welcome the following new property owners to our community.

Anthony & Karen LaubBecky KeyesBryan ManducaChad Liebes

Edward Matherly Glenn RiaJamie UdyJohn Boury

Henry and Ravenna HanftLeo & Julie RobertsonJames McDonoughRobert and Trisha Clark

Ronlald Brady and Ashley HendersonEddie Parke and Sherile RickmanGeorge BromfieldMorris & Patricia Call

Your Board of Directors

Pete Torres, President Rick Berry, Vice PresidentBona Miller, Treasurer

Jay Williams, SecretaryJohn Horsley, Member at Large

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