The June 19, 2015 Board Meeting was called to order by President Jim Fleming at 9:02 AM at his home.
Present: Vice President John Annin, Past President Bob Barnum, John Clarke, Treasurer Jeany Cuttell, President Jim Fleming, Secretary Cathy Hesselman and Cheryl Mitchell.
Absent: Stefan Anderson, Mary Dan Bina, Bill Duff and Monty Hunt.
The minutes of May 23, 2016 Board Meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer's Report:
The report was approved as presented.
Year to date total income: $16,529.94
Year to date total expenses: $3,447.10
Net worth to date: $120,050.60
Jeany Cuttell reported that Julie Tryczak is stepping down after many years of doing BOLPF payroll but will stay on until we have someone else. After discussion about the benefits of having a paid person to do our payroll Jeany made a motion to hire a qualified payroll person some time in July if possible. John Clarke seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Jeany reported that our finances are on budget and her report will be available at the annual meeting. It was also suggested people designate on their check they want their donations to go for $ for Hours, this will help with the budget next year.
Committee Reports:
Clean Boats Clean Waters: Cheryl Mitchell reported lots of hours were being covered at the beach. Cheryl voiced that Bob Clem and Karl Hoessel had concerns about the coverage on Mondays when we don't have a volunteer. A motion was made that Bob and Karl split Mondays when needed and give Cheryl the discretion on their hours. John Clarke seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Grants: John Annin reported that Phases 4 and 6 are closed and that CBCW's is the only grant open. All documentation of the grants from the beginning will be on our website soon.
Membership: It was reported that the letters and the email campaign have resultedt in dues payments ahead of the Annual Meeting when most monies are received.
Old Business:
Jim Fleming confirmed that Bern Fleming and John Clarke will do the audit this year.
On June 10, 2015 John Clarke moved that BOLPF Board support and sign on to the WisconsinLakes letter that opposes the inclusion in the state budget bill of a provision prohibitingcountyshoreland zoning that is more restrictive than the state shoreland zoning to be sent to Wisconsin's Joint Finance Committee. John Annin seconded the motion. The vote was 9 yes and 2not heard from. The motion carried.
John Annin reported that the clean up of the lumber yard was progresssing.
New Business:
The Survivor's dinner will be September 13, 2015 at the Redman.
The report for the Annual Meeting (seat sheet) was reviewed. It was suggested to put the agenda on a lake wide email for those that can't attend the Annual Meeting.
Trig's has stopped their T.S.L.C.&S. program April 30, 2015 and will start a Scrip program. The Board decided not to participate.
Each Board member was asked to donate a bottle of booze or wine to the auction again this year.
Our next meeting will be June 27, 2015 after the Annual Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 AM.
Cathy Hesselman
Recording & Corresponding Secretary