Boise Brave ParentsParent Board MeetingOctober 7, 2014
Attendance: Amy Kohlmeier, Amy Rustad, Dr. Ann Farris, Matt Kobe, Tracy Leinen, Theresa Ryden, Louise Poole, Justin Peters, Robin Ivanoff, Jennifer Jones, Tani Theiler, Cindy Gustavsen, Wendi Pennington, Cindy Hartley, Kristin Sinclair, Cherilyn Blender, Gail Inch, Cindy Wong.
Call to Order: Amy Rustadcalled the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m.
School District Report
Dr. Ann Farris, BHS District Director; Matt Kobe, Athletics District Director; Tracy Leinen, BHS Athletic Director:
Dr. Farris unveiled an architectural rendering of the proposed Boise High School Athletic Complex the purpose of which is to improve and gain athletic facilities at Boise High School. This version is still subject to permitting.
The area currently located at West Fort and Robinson Streets which includes the softball and baseball fields will be expanded. The Facilities and Operations (F&O) site (old grade school, parking lots, various F&O buildings, and land) will be developed into the Boise High Athletic Complex and will include several fields for soccer and football, spectator stands at one field (with protected viewing enhancing ticket sale revenue to Boise High), bathrooms, locker rooms, parking, and ticket booths in optimal locations, in addition to the current softball and baseball fields. One option for additional parking would be to change a planned field to a parking lot. The goal is to maximize parking while still taking advantage of the facilities and fields.
The new F&O facility will be relocated near the Bus Barn by the airport which is a desirable location for F&O needs.
Per Dr. Farris, the timeline for this project, known as Phase I, will be dependent upon the planning and construction of the F&O facilities but should not exceed 2-3 years.
The funding for this project was obtained through the sale of the Franklin and Cole properties. There will likely be a fundraising component as the locker rooms were an addition to the Phase I plan and budget. The use of turf or grass is also a budgetary factor. Additional funding options may include Brave parents via the Brave Board and/or sports teams’ booster groups.
Phase II is the track and current track facility updating. The track will slide toward North 13th Street and will add two more lanes to become an 8 lane performance track able to host meets and it will include spectator stands. The inner oval will be smaller, and approximately 150 parking spots will be added.
The priority of the Boise High Athletic Complex will be Boise High sports and classes such as physical education and lifetime fitness. These two subjects already use the Fort Boise area and with block scheduling, the enhanced facilities will provide an optimal learning environment. Thus the complex will be used during the day, in the evenings and on weekends. Subject to scheduling,the multiple fields will pose the option of having North Junior High also use the facilities.
This highly coveted space for the Boise High Sports Complex has been held since 1993. The concept for Boise High School and Boise High School green space is more recent as is the funding from the sale of the above-mentioned properties. Now that a plan exists, parents can see where the money will go and this will provide Boise High with an excellent recruiting tool.
Regarding shared facilities, the Boise High baseball field is owned by the Boise City Parks and Recreation Department. It is shared by Boise High, Legion, and the City of Boise. This cooperative relationship has been strengthened in recent years by Amy Kohlmeier and Tracy Leinen. Boise High has been able to add improvements the baseball fields.
Amy and Tracy will keep the Boise Brave Parent Board current on the permitting and development process.
Regarding the issue with the track surface, Matt Kobe said that a timeline for cost and resurfacing of the existing track will be addressed. Unfortunately, an outside and unknown individual bladed the track during the snowy winter last year and did great damage to the surface. The School District recognizes the priority of the track improvements as Tracy mentioned that an anonymous donor is offering to cover the cost of a new track but timing is essential. Moving forward with the track development phase is thwarted by the need for the tennis courts. Fort Boise tennis courts are used for both practice and matches in addition to the home courts, thus another tennis facility would need to be located. Because Boise High is a downtown facility, it is important to continue to allow the public and the YMCA access. Future access will be limited regarding vehicles other than those for official use and care.
Secretary’s Report
Theresa Ryden (Secretary): Amy Rustad emailed minutes from the September 2, 2014 Board Meeting to the Board.
Action: Kristin Sinclair moved that we approve the September 2nd minutes. Gail Inch seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Principal’s Report
Amy Kohlmeier (Principal): On behalf of the faculty and staff, Amy thanked the board for the fall luncheon. She also appreciated the parent volunteers and student leadership group at Homecoming and noted that both the football game and dance went very well with no incidents.
The recent Statesman article regarding schools that use Google accounts didn’t mention Boise High. However, Boise High is in the process of teaching the students to use Google, signing responsibility forms, and getting the system running.
The Brave Empowerment Network (BEN) trained 80 students on October 1st. Amy is pleased that so many students are invested in making Boise High a better place. She is happy to work with such awesome kids!
College days and Red Ribbon Week are October 29th and November 6, respectively. Eye To Eye is the Idaho Drug Free Youth Symposium. Professionals will come in to try to foster drug and alcohol free options and to encourage students to embrace those. It culminates with a planting ceremony of 90 red tulips in a flower bed to bloom in the spring.
Parent conferences will be October 29th and 30th. Teachers would appreciate bottled water. Lunch is already provided.
The PSAT is October 16th. There will be a late start for seniors and no zero hour. Many great activities such as concerts and plays are coming up.
Faculty Report
Cindy Hartley (Faculty Representative): From Pat St. Tourangeau in the library: The library has a new Maker Space where students can create and build new things. We are collecting just about anything that size allows for either student projects or student creations: buttons, metal rings, cool scissors, fabric/wallpaper/flooring samples, old CDs and floppy disks, zip ties, leggos, etc. The library also installed a large, flat-screen TV that allows student projects to be wirelessly transmitted or teacher instruction to be demonstrated. Currently, the library is using Apple TV and an iPad but hoping to get mirroring software in order to use a small laptop or PC for demonstrations, too.
From Katie Rotchford: The newspaper staff has successfully published their first edition for the year. Parents can pick up copies in the office. Also, they are online at They have a Facebook page and can be followed on Twitter and Instagram at @boisehighlights. Additionally, the WAC is opening this week and will be open at lunch four days a week except Wednesdays for PLC. Tutors will be available after school in the library and on Thursdays. Drafts are now being accepted for online submission with digital feedback for students. Students and parents can find information about the WAC and the online submission guidelines at:
From Brad Dalton: In Lifetime Sports, the “Lifetime” part of the course name pertains to infusing skills that help individuals think like successful human beings. We look at the differences between a maker and a taker, what it means to be selfless, breakdown the concepts of influence, victimhood, joy, internal paradigm, and many more. Through discussion and through improv speech, we achieve this each week. The students are assigned 30 second improv speeches each week done in front of the class. The speeches could cover something as goofy as naming their favorite letter in the alphabet, or they could cover something along the lines of speaking about an individual they consider a person of influence. With the goofy speeches, the life lesson is that we’ll be thrown into many situations in our life where we have to think on our feet, improvise, adapt, and overcome. We have to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. With the more serious content such as influence, fear, vision, finding purpose, belief, etc., the goals are more obvious. We’re the only physical education class that I know that does this and the intent is to feed our kids more than just knowledge and skill. The intent is to build character and strength between the ears that will allow them to be great communicators and in doing so, raise the lid to their leadership capabilities. Ninety percent of all failed relationships are because of communication. Being a great communicator will give them a shot at a solid future.
From Natalie Lutes, Head of the Special Education Department and Extended Resource Room teacher: There is something very cool happening at Boise High for the first time. I have a group of students who are teaming up with AVID Seniors to participate in WE Day activities. WE Day is a culminating event that is taking place February 25th in San Jose. The ticket into this amazing celebration is the logged community hours that were served throughout the school year. Our ultimate goal would be to take 25-30 students to San Jose, after all of the time and energy that has been investedin changing our local and global world. We would appreciate any shout out about our project and see if ideas can be generated to help raise funds for this incredible trip, or local ways we can impact our community. The students have met and next week will be brainstorming a few local and global projects in which they can become involved. We are very excited to have our special education and general education students come together for such an exciting project. Thank you for all you do for Boise High!
Student Report
Justin Peters (Student Representative): The Homecoming Dance went very well! Leadership is in the early stages of planning Red Ribbon Week and is leaning toward a serious theme with speakers coming in the week of November 2nd.
The Toga Dance will be October 17th from about 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the Quad, weather permitting, or in the gym. Two hundred t-shirts are ordered. Food will not be served. The play, Dracula, is being performed after the dance. Amy Kohlmeier will again lead the dance “greeting party” to help chaperone.
Treasurer’s Report
Joan Wong (Treasurer): From the Foundation Account $3,600.00 went to the Student Aid Fund as an annual donation, and $500.00 went to the Brave Empowerment Network (BEN) for their first semester expenses.
Financial Report for October 6, 2014:
Bank of Cascade AccountCurrent Balance in checking account: / $21,795.01
Foundation Accounts
Fundraising Account / $46,055.06
BRAVE Parents Due / $10,261.36
Recent Expenses:
New Membership T-shirts orders / $(299.00)
Recent Deposits:
Membership Due
Bricks Deposits
Others: Square Inc., / $ -
Interest income / $ 0.18
Beginning Balance / $22,177.76
8/21/2013 / Hewlett Packard R1400417 / -$249.00
8/21/2013 / Lenovo R1400442 / -$1,598.00
8/21/2013 / Hewlett Packard R1400443 / -$249.00
8/23/2013 / Hewlett Packard R1400499 / -$249.00
8/23/2013 / Hewlett Packard R1400505 / -$498.00
8/23/2013 / Hewlett Packard R1400521 / -$498.00
8/28/2013 / Hewlett Packard R1400566 / -$498.00
9/11/2013 / Troxell R1400670 / -$474.00
9/11/2013 / Apple R199401 / -$1,000.00
9/11/2013 / Amazon / -$413.97
9/11/2013 / Hewlett Packard R1400780 / -$249.00
9/11/2013 / GovConnection R1400797 / -$1,157.68
9/26/2013 / Hewlett Packard R140199 / -$249.00
9/26/2013 / Troxell R1401103 / -$474.00
9/26/2013 / Hewlett Packard (Smith printer) R199407 / -$796.87
10/10/2013 / Digital Edge R1401300 / -$1,109.25
10/17/2013 / Amazon (Printer Swanson) R124144 / -$109.00
12/13/2013 / Amazon (Asus laptop) R124192 / -$379.00
12/17/2013 / Troxell R1402144 / -$337.00
1/4/2014 / Amazon (Asus laptops) R199532 / -$9,360.00
1/16/2014 / Amazon (Asus laptop) R129907 / -$308.88
3/11/2014 / Lenovo R1403056 / -$642.00
3/12/2014 / Hewlett Packard R1403064 / -$286.50
4/16/2014 / Tek-Hut (Lenovo batteries) / -$239.98
As of 5/31/2014 / Ending Balance / $752.63
8/19/2018 / HP Printer for Jake Wimer (R1500557) / -$250.00
Ending Balance / $252.63
9/3/2014 / HP Printer (R1500846) / -$250.00
Ending Balance / $2.63
Committee Reports
Athletic Committee (Wendi Pennington): Wendi reported that the Boys’ Soccer seeding will be determined by Friday’s game. If they win, they will be in second place. All district games will be played at Timberline from October 11th-15th. State will be held in Idaho Falls. The Girls’ Soccer team is in first place going into districts. The Girls’ Volleyball team placed second in the Skyline Classic tournament. Both Boy and Girls’ Cross Country teams should make it to state. They placed sixth as a combined team at the Sun Fair Invitational Meet in Yakima competing against eighty teams. Emily Hamlin and Matt Sewall are favorites to win state.
Activities Update (Therese Patek): BHS Performing Arts/Fall 2014:
October 11: Fundraiser
October 16-18: High Expectations at Idaho State University Choral Invitational in Pocatello
October 21, 23: Fall Choir Concert 7:00-9:00 p.m.
October 28: Several BHS choir students will participate in the Barbershop Festival sponsored by the Boise Chordsmen held at the Morrison Center.
The Choir is currently soliciting donations of items for a silent auction to be held during the Madrigal Dinner in December.
October 25: Treasure Valley Festival of Bands at Vallivue High School 1:00-9:00 p.m.
October 28: Guitar Concert at BHS Auditorium 7:00-9:00 p.m.
November 1: Mel Shelton D-lll Marching Band festival at BSU 12:00-10:00 p.m.
November 18: Fall Marching Band Banquet at BHS 6:30-8:00 p.m.
November 22: Holiday Parade at Borah High Sch0.ool 8:00 a.m.
October 11: Tiny House Tour Tickets $20; proceeds benefit the Chamber Orchestra.
November 4: Boise High Quad Orchestra Concert (Boise, Hillside, North) at BHS 7:00-9:00 p.m.
October 15,16,17, 23,24,25: Dracula 7:00-9:00 p.m.
October 16,17,18: High X retreat to McCall
November 13,14,15,19, 20: Mid-Summer Nights Dream 7:00-9:00 p.m.
BBP Grant Process (Kristin Sinclair): Grants are due November 5th and are slowly coming in. November 19th is the first grant review meeting.
New Business
Fundraising Chair (Cherilyn Blender): The Gala ticket price will go from $65 to $75 per person. This price is necessary to cover increasing costs and support the fundraising portion of ticket sales. A website will be added to the Boise Brave website explaining how to buy tickets and how to donate. Solicitations will begin in the next couple weeks; board members are asked to donate two items each. Auction Frogs will begin the online auction the week before the Gala and end it the day after the Gala. The theme is “Drama” as the Drama Club is helping out that evening.
Two items that will be funded by the Gala proceeds are a sound system in the gym and Chrome Books. The sound system in the gym is not adequate for sporting events or guest speakers. A professional system was used for the senior assembly last year and made a remarkable difference. The Chrome Books are $200 each and approximately 25-30 are needed. Teachers often have students use iPhones for research in the classroom. For students who don’t have iPhones, teachers can check out Chrome Books from the library.
Next Meeting will be Tuesday, November 4th at 3:30 p.m. Room 402
Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Theresa Ryden, Secretary