BohemiAustin First Forming Meeting


Cepeda Branch Library

Attendee introductions

Scott Mauer: interested in co-housing and intentional community (IC); Now living nomadically in a yurt

Clifford May: working for a decade on a co-housing project; his long-range plan is a meditation-centered ecovillage; owns land on Plum Creek, may need to relocate

Jim Ellinger: lived in Whitehall Co-op; interested in co-housing for many reasons

Debu, visitor from India: realizes housing issues; his native land still struggles with it

Sasha Rose: single mom; forming Austin Tribal Village

Betsy Haggard: a Kaleidescope fan; here for info

Larry Vaughn: curious; interested in cost-effectiveness and commonalities

Michael Tobis (MT): interested in social creativity and eventual intentional retirement community

Linda Anderson: curious, involved

Kyle Suarez: curious, interested in alternative lifestyle with community

Dale Barnard: long interested in community; trying to be realistic about what’s possible; favors incidental community

Karen Menshke: part of Boomers’ Collaborative, which seems currently in a holding pattern

Celeste Epstein: involved in both successful and failed communities; wants one spiritually centered

Howie Richey: issue won’t go away—the need exists; recognizes importance of research and learning what has been tried. What could we do in Austin? explains his vision of an art-centered building cluster; refers to Process Suggestions chart

Open Discussion & Commentary

Celeste: What’s the process for creating our community?

Dale: What is common among us? Bohe vision – staying in Austin/weird/etc. Who’s on board with this?

Sasha: good to collaborate with her Austin Tribal Village group

Larry: wants to be the sage elder

Celeste: What’s critical to a community? What’s the main commitment? Interested in the inner life.

MT: Community would share in a business. My parents built an immigrant community, a cultural group, huddled together because they were odd. I like the idea of a common pursuit built around the arts.

Scott: A shared vision is bigger than the individuals holding it.

Jim: Geoff Kozeny compiled a directory of intentional communities. A related video is available online. [see BohemiAustin Fb site]

Celeste: Who here isn’t satisfied with the status quo? (No one present.)

Sasha: I’m studying the historical tribal ways, where elders make decisions.

Larry: Such a group numbered 30 to 40 people (up to 150), beyond which trust faded.

MT: Is this group about the one vision (BoheAus) or exploring communities in general? I suggest movies/books/field trips/etc.

Clifford: Some focus on low costs, such as University Trailer Park (?) as an economic engine.

Sasha: I’d add music and arts.

Karen spoke of her sci-fi reading group, together since 1994. All care for and are available to each other.


When shall we meet again? How often? Howie will survey participants via Drupal.

Homework assignment: Write a one-page description of a day in the life of your dream community, written in present tense.

All briefly evaluated the evening and adjourned to Hops and Grain for refreshment and further conversation.

submitted by Linda; typed by Howie