Body Area Terms
Abdominal (ab-DAHM-ih-nal) / Portion of the trunk between the thorax and pelvis; celiac regionAntebrachial (an-te-BRAY-kee-al) / Region between the elbow and wrist; forearm; cubital region
Antecubital (an-te-KYOO-bih-tal) / Space in front of elbow
Axillary (AK-sih-lair-ee) / Armpit area
Brachial (BRAY-kee-al) / Arm; proximal portion of upper limb
Buccal (BUK-al) / Region of cheek
Buttock (BUT-tuck) / Posterior aspect of lower trunk; gluteal region
Carpal (KAR-pal) / Wrist
Celiac (SEE-lee-ak) / Abdomen
Cephalic (seh-FAL-ik) / Head
Cervical (SER-vih-kal) / Neck region
Costal (KAHS-tal) / Ribs
Cranial (KRAY-nee-al) / Skull
Crural (KROO-rahl) / Portion of lower extremity between knee and foot; leg
Cubital (KYOO-bih-tal) / Forearm; region between elbow and wrist; antebrachial
Cutaneous (kyoo-TAY-nee-us) / Skin
Femoral (FEM-or-al) / Thigh; part of lower extremity between hip and knee
Frontal (FRUN-tal) / Forehead
Gluteal (GLOO-tee-al) / Buttock region
Groin (GROYN) / Depressed region between abdomen and thigh; inguinal
Inguinal (IN-gwih-nal) / Depressed region between abdomen and thigh; groin
Leg (LEG) / Portion of lower extremity between knee and foot; also calledcrural region
Lumbar (LUM-bar) / Region of lower back and side between lowest rib and pelvis
Mammary (MAM-ah-ree) / Pertaining to the breast
Navel (NAY-vel) / Middle region of abdomen; umbilical region
Occipital (ahk-SIP-ih-tal) / Lower portion of the back of the head
Ophthalmic (off-THAL-mik) / Pertaining to the eyes
Oral (OH-ral) or (AW-ral) / Pertaining to the mouth
Otic (OH-tik) / Ears
Palmar (PAWL-mar) / Palm of hand
Pectoral (PEK-toh-ral) / Chest region
Pedal (PED-al) / Foot
Pelvic (PEL-vik) / Inferior region of abdominopelvic cavity
Perineal (pair-ih-NEE-al) / Region between anus and pubic symphysis; includes region of external reproductive organs
Plantar (PLAN-tar) / Sole of foot
Popliteal (pop-LIT-ee-al or pop-lih-TEE-al) / Area behind knee
Sacral (SAY-kral) / Posterior region between hip bones
Sternal (STIR-nal) / Anterior midline of the thorax
Tarsal (TAHR-sal) / Ankle and instep of foot
Thigh (THIGH) / Part of lower extremity between hip and knee; femoral region
Thoracic (tho-RAS-ik) / Chest; part of trunk inferior to neck and superior to diaphragm
Umbilical (um-BIL-ih-kal) / Navel; middle region of abdomen
Vertebral (ver-TEE-bral or VER-teh-bral) / Pertaining to spinal column; backbone