Board of Governors Meeting


April 24, 2015

1.  Roll Call Of Board Members:

Officers in attendance:

Commodore Jeff Lohrmann, V/C Pamela Chaney, F/C Mark Thompson, Treasurer Cory Golden, Secretary Ray Haber, IPC Wayne Seiss, Bylaws Chair P/C Earl Lambert, Ways and means Captain Frank Mitchell, entertainment Chair Captain Kurt Friesland, Members at large: P/C Gene Schenk, P/C Will McCracken, P/C Chuck Ervin, Captain Mike Malone, Captain Gordon Learn, Alternate Member at large Captain Greg Van Dyke,

Not in Attendance:

R/C Steve Schanberger, Club Steward Captain Tom Martin, P/C Mike Mooney

Confirmation That A Quorum Exists [9 board members needed]

(Secretary – Haber)

The meeting was called to order by Commodore Lohrmann at 7:12 p.m.

2.  Reading And Approval Of The Minutes Of The Previous Month’s Board Of Governors Meeting –

A motion was passed to suspend the reading of the minutes.

3.  Reading And Approval Of The Minutes Of The Previous Regular General Membership Meeting –

A motion was passed to suspend the reading of the minutes.

4.  Introduction/Election Of New Members - no new members

·  IPC Seiss stated that there are 2 new prospective members on the board

·  IPC Seiss further commented on the fact that we need to look at streamlining the new member process, to prevent losing new members due to how long it takes for a prospective member to become a member. IPC Seiss offered the suggestion that we may consider allowing them to bring the boat in ahead of time as a guest. After further discussion it was determined by the board that the club would continue to handle new member applications as it is currently done.

5.  Probationary Membership Review And Discussion -

·  Capt. Kronkaitis received his 12 month probationary membership review. After a review of Capt Kronkaitis’s work hours and club involvement, a motion passed to accept him as a regular member.

·  Secretary Haber read a letter of resignation from Capt Davis Sandstedt dated March 29, 2015. Much discussion ensued as to whether to accept David Sandstedt’s resignation because he resigned without completing any hours this year, therefore owing $40/hour for prorated hours due. His resignation was not accepted due to work hours remaining owed to the club.

·  Capt Sandstedt received his 12 month probationary membership review.

·  A motion was made to accept him as a regular member, the motion was not seconded.

·  A separate motion was made to deny his 12 month probationary member approval, thereby not accepting him as a member of Bodkin Yacht Club, citing the reason as him not being a good match for the club. The motion passed.

6.  Treasurer’s Financial Report - Golden (includes membership status report)
Regular - 55

Social - 43
Associate - 5

Life - 1
Distinguished Life - 3

Honorary - 0

Total - 107

As of 3/27/2015

Checking Account: $ 23,066.60

Savings Account: $ 24,007.22

Total: $ 47,073.82

Bartenders Fund: $ 1,017.24

Delinquent Members as of 3/27/2015:

A motion was passed to accept the treasurer’s report as read.

7.  Unfinished Business

·  -Carpet cleaning update, the carpet was cleaned

·  -Trash and recycling, we are going to paint the dumpster to show a differentiation between the trash and recycling dumpsters. There are now recycling cans in the clubhouse. There is still a question of whether or not we as a club can make the commitment to recycling.

·  -Opening weekend- V/C Chaney has been in communication with White Rocks in reference to their opening weekend requests. The OW ad book is in progress, and she is looking for hubcaps as OW decorations. The V/C also reported that she has met with the Bobbin’s president in reference to their needs and requests for OW.

·  The Question was raised as to whether we were going to reattach the sign at the bottom of A pier steps indicating the latitude, longitude, club name and current commodore. The sign is currently in poor shape, and should not be attached to the new steps. It was suggested that we make the sign smaller and attach it to the bulkhead along the base of the hill along the lower driveway instead.

·  -P/C Lambert presented several rules changes as follows:

(Part 11) Hall Rental Agreements (nonmember) will be removed from the rules, therefore:

-Part 12 becomes 11

-Part 13 becomes 12

-Part 13 becomes 12

-Part 15 becomes 14

(Part 13) Piers & Docks

#19 Current

No member of BYC is permitted to berth more than (1) vessel requiring shore power and water at BYC. Small runabouts not exceeding 21 Ft. and not requiring shore power may be berthed on the inside of “C” pier with approval of the board. Dinghies must be stored on a member’s vessel or on an assigned dinghy rack. Dinghy rack space will be assigned on a first come first serve basis with an annual fee of $25.00.

#19 Proposed

All Current BYC slip holders will be allowed to berth a second vessel at BYC at the current rates plus a nonrefundable $100.00 yearly fee. All said slips will be reviewed monthly by the Fleet Captain and if the slip is needed as a main slip assignment, the second vessel must be reassigned or removed from the club. Dinghies must be stored on a member’s vessel or on an assigned dinghy rack. Dinghy rack space will be assigned on a first come first serve basis with an annual fee of $25.00.

#25 Current

Overnight dockage for visitors is available at BYC on a first come first serve basis. The fee will be $25.00 per boat and a $5.00 fee per night for 30 amp circuit. Dockage can be pre-approved by the Fleet Captain or monies can be collected by the sponsoring member and turned over to the Fleet Captain. Dockage and electric fees will not be charged to visitors attending Club functions for the night of the event.

#25 Proposed

Overnight dockage for visitors is available at BYC on a first come first serve basis. The fee will be $25.00 per boat and a $5.00 fee per night for 30 amp circuit. Dockage can be pre-approved by the Fleet Captain or monies can be collected by the sponsoring member and turned over to the Fleet Captain. Dockage and electric fees will not be charged to visitors attending Bodkin Yacht Club functions for the night of the event.

#26 Current

Each Slip Holder is required to have an active electric meter while the slip is occupied. Small runabouts not requiring shore power may be berthed on the inside of “C” pier with the approval of the board and are exempt from this rule.

#16 Proposed

Each Slip holder including second slips is required to have an active electric meter at all times. This is required by all vessels no matter size or type.

Submitted by,

P/C Earl Lambert, By Laws Chairman

A motion was made and passed to approve the rules changes as written.

8.  New Business

·  Flower beds are being mulched this weekend.

·  P/C Ervin pointed out that during opening weekend we usually have two trash dumpsters, and asked the question, “Are we still going to have a second dumpster and are we going to try and recycle.” It is likely that we will not try to recycle opening weekend, because it will be too difficult with the number of guests and sheer volume of waste produced. It has been suggested that we should schedule an extra pickup opening weekend. This is being looked into.

·  P/C McCracken asked about buying a new/used vacuum and suggested going with a Dyson, he also asked about how to use our TV as an input receiving unit. He has also has found a projector and has asked whether we are still considering that purchase.

·  P/C McCracken has asked for $160 for a used Dyson vacuum cleaner. A motion was made and passed to approve $160 for the purchase. P/C McCracken’s eBay skills were recognized and commended.

9.  Reports of Officers:

Commodore: Jeff Lohrmann

·  The commodore reported that he received a letter from P/C Maisel which would be read at a later point in the meeting.

·  Princess Erin completed her fundraising raffle and collected $200, which went to Ronald McDonald house today. The pictures are fantastic, and will be posted to the website for everyone to view.

·  Openings start this weekend with Marley Boat Club’s opening at Red Eye Yacht Club tomorrow.

·  CBYCA sent us their 2015 ad books, which are very nice with a lot of good info. There are a limited number available, if anyone is interested

·  Commodore Jeff has offered his parking spot to be raffled by the bobbins as a fundraiser. A motion was made to disallow this offer. The motion did not pass, so the parking spot will be offered to the bobbins as a fundraiser.

Vice Commodore: Pam Chaney

·  The V/C reported that everything in her report was covered under new business.

·  Thank you to the grounds committee for a great job all hands as well as overall this spring getting the club grounds ready for the season.

·  The V/C stated that she is looking forward to all the openings.

Rear Commodore: Steve Schanberger

·  The bar report is nearly ready and should be completed by next week.

·  A special thank you to Capt Bourdon for meeting the cleaning contractor.

·  The HVAC maintenance has been completed thanks to Capt Drexel.

·  The fire inspection is complete and the club has passed. Thank you to Capt. Friesland for letting them into the building for the inspection.

·  The liquor license has been renewed. Thank you to P/C Fairall for picking up the license from the liquor board.

Fleet Captain: Mark Thompson

·  F/C proposed that we assign Capt Eberly to C-8, a motion passed to do so

·  The F/C asked for a final list for our shakedown cruise.

·  Everything is set for memorial weekend cruise

·  Thank you to everyone for their pier repair assistance, and especially to P/C McCracken and his eBay skills in finding amazing deals.

·  Please note that in reference to the vacation cruise, there are deadlines coming up, please send in the info for your boat and each destinationyou will be attending.

·  F/C Thompson concluded with a final thank you again to everyone for all the help he has received this year.

Secretary: Haber (includes bills and communications)

·  -The Secretary read a letter from Wade and Jacki Christopher requesting to change their membership from social to associate, a motion was passed to grant the change in membership.

·  A letter was read from Capt John Paxton requesting that he be excused from OW duties as his son/daughter?(check letter) is getting married that weekend. He wanted it noted that he was not the wedding planner and would not have scheduled it to conflict with his OW duties. A motion passed to excuse Capt Paxton from OW.

10. Reports of committees

Ways and Means [Frank Mitchell]

·  Condenser unit move: To move and cover the unit will cost $1868.55, which will include it being painted to match the building. It should be able to be completed by opening weekend. $1500.00 was approved previously for the completion of this project. The price increased as the scope of work was extended. A motion to approve an additional $368.55 to complete the project passed. Finance Chair Capt. Steineagel will take care of the work being scheduled and completed as proposed.

·  The questionnaire for the county in reference to the tax reassessment is nearly complete, with a couple of finishing touches needed before submission. The questionnaire is due by May 15.

·  Repair to the B-Pier bulkhead, and the addressing of water drainage issues causing the damage: The bulkhead repair estimate is $11,750 if completed by a contractor. P/C McCracken has offered that we as a club can complete the needed repair for $2,000 in materials and further that there are members able and willing to do that work. (ask P/C McCracken for detail of the work)

·  C-Pier steps: Ways and Means Chair Capt. Mitchell’s recommendation is to have the steps done to match the A pier steps. The cost is $16,000.00 to leave the rise and step height/length as is but to reface as was done on the A-Pier steps. Discussion ensued with some members of the board expressing concern about spending money on an aesthetic improvement when there are a lot of unknown expenses in the near future. A motion passed to approve the $16,000 for the steps. The vote was tied 6-6 with Commodore Lohrmann casting the tie breaking vote.

·  The topic of a scrip increase was discussed, with an agreement that the board would review and make suggestions on what the appropriate amount of the increase should be.

·  Capt Mitchell further reported that the committee was reviewing a possible need for a dues and/or slip fee increase to offset the increased expenses the club is incurring.

Club Steward [Tom Martin] N/R

Entertainment Chairman [Kurt Friesland]

·  -Capt Friesland reported that it looks like the bull and oyster roast cleared roughly $4,670.00

·  -He further complimented our kitchen, stating that our kitchen is why the event went so well and why we are able to host such nice events at our club.