MadebyandbetweenHARTI FATIM-ZAHRA

Lotissement mandarona n*153. Sidi maarouf. Casablanca



hereinafter: theLessee


ORVAS d.o.o., Uvala Baluni 9 , 21000 Split, Croatia

BOAT TYPE:Sail boat(2018)

BOAT NAME:Beneteau Oceanis 38.1

CHARTER PERIOD:05-02-2018to 12-02-2018

PRICE: / Boatprice: / 1450.00EUR
Total / 1,450.00EUR

Paymentin base:

Charter pack (up to 42 ft) includes: transit log, final cleaning, wi-fi (3 GB), dinghy and outboard engine with fuel (5 l), gas (2,5 kg), bedlinen and towel (1 size M/pax), VAT / 190.00EUR
Tourist tax/pax / 7.70EUR

PAYMENT:50 % ofthe total amount must bepaidwhensigning the charter contract

andthebalanceinduefourweeks prior to checkin.

CHECK IN PORT:05-02-201817:00, Split/ACI Marina Split

Checkin time: from17:00

CHECK OUT PORT: 12-02-201809:00, Split/ACI Marina Split

Checkout time: untill09:00

General Charter TermsandConditions make partofthisBoat Charter Agreement.

ThisContractismadeintwo (2) identicalcopies, fromwhicheachcontract party keeps one (1).

For "Orvas" d.o.o.:

Client: Director:



ORVAS d.o.o.
UvalaBaluni 9
HR-21000 Split / Tel: +385 (0)21 735 377
Fax: +385 (0)21 735 090


1/The charter priceincludesthe charter servicesduringtheagreedcruising time, theship’sdeparturefromandarrivalintheharbour, fuelandlubricantsconsumedwhilecruising for a daily minimum of 4 hoursper a day (selectedroute), yacht’screw, VAT, insuranceoftheship, thecrewandit’spassengerswhile on theboat, minimum 4 hoursof generator workingperday, touristfees, complete bed linenandtowels.

2/Thepriceexcludes: foodandbeverages, portfees, use of water sport equipmentthatconsumesfuel, entrancefees to nationalparks, specialtaxes to marinas to meettheclient'sdemand, specialtransfers, guidedtours, specialdemands for embarkationanddisembarkationoftheclient, daily more than 4 hrscruising, tipsandgratuities for thecrew.

3/Payment: Theagreedpriceispaidintwoinstalments. Thefirst 50% must bepaidinadvance as soon as thereservationandthesignaturesofagreement are completed-thatpaymentalsomeansbookingconfirmation. Theremaining 50% must bepaid 30-45 daysbeforethedeparture date.

4/Crew list: The agent ortheclient must delivertheexactcrew list to thecompany at leasttwoweeksbeforetheembarkation. Itisnotpermitted to have more persons on theboatthan are listedinthecrew list.

5/thecruise: Unlessunder a specialagreement, theshipswillcruisewithin Croatian territorialwatersaccording to a suggestedroute. Thecaptaincanmodifytheroutesinthe event ofbadweatherconditionsorinthe event ofitbeingobjectivelyimpossible to put in to a plannedharbour.

6/Food: Half boardisobligatory. Thepriceisper a person/weekincludesbreakfastandlunch/orsupper.

Breakfast (approximately) from 8.00 to 9.00 hrsandlunchfrom 13.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs. Supperfrom 19.00s to 21.00 hrs.

Fullboardincludesbreakfast, lunchandsupper.

Drinks, beveragesandextrameals are paidbytheclient to thewaiterorcaptainaccording to thegivenprice list. Clients are notpermitted to bringtheirowndrinksandbeveragesontotheboat. Clientsmaynotbringtheirownfood on boardifitisnotexplicitlypermittedbythetermsofthecontract. The bar isopenuntil 23.00 hrs. Thecompanyisobliged to equiptheboatwithallnecessaryfoodandbeverages. All specialdemands must bemadebeforecruising.

7/In the event thattheshipisunable to put out to sea, the Company willofferan alternative ship – ofthe same orevenbetterquality. In the event thatthe alternative shipisoflowerqualitythanthereserved one, thepricewillbereduced to reflectthedifferenceinquality. Thecompany'sliability, ofanykind, islimited to thecruiseprice.

In the event thatthe Company isunable to provide an alternative ship, the Company may take up to 24 hrs to repairthe original ship. Duringthis time allcomplaintsofclient are notacceptable.

8/Specialdiscount on rentingprices: byrequest.

9/In the event ofcancellationbytheclient: The Company reservestheright to levycancellationcharges as follow

-30 % ofthe total price , ifcancelledthreemonthsor more beforeembarkation

-50 % ofthe total price, 59 to 30 daysbeforeembarkation

-100 % ofthe total price for cancellationswithin 29 days prior to embarkation.

Theclientand Company canfindan alternative arrangement withthe same termsandconditions as inthisagreement.

Thecompanyshallnotbeliable for anycurtailmentoftheholidaycausedthroughfaultorreasonofthepassengers. No refundshallbemadeinthe event ofcurtailmentoftheholidayonceithascommenced, howevercaused, norshallthecompanybeliable for anyconsequentexpenses incurred as a resultofcurtailment.

10/ Cancellationorvariationbythecompany: The Company reservestheright to canceloraltertheholidayarrangementsshouldunforeseencircumstancesrequireit. Shouldcancellationbenecessarybeforeembarkation, the Company will, ifpossible, offeran alternative holidayorwillalternatively make a fullrefundofallmoneypaid. The Company isobliged to endthecruiseintheharbouragreedinthe original plannedroute. In the event ofbadlyweatherconditions, the Company mayendthecruiseintheclosest place withpublic transport. Company liabilityofanykindislimited to thecruiseprice.

11/All additionalpaymentswillbepay at theendofthecruise to thecaptainoranyrepresentativeof Company according to thepricereceipt.

12/The passengers are due to hold on to the captain’s rules regarding the safety of the yacht and the well being of all passengers on board. The boat cruises only during the day - not at night. Only by an explicit arrangement with the Company or as a matter of necessity can the boat cruise during the night.

Smoking belowdeckandinthecabinsisprohibited, thepassengers are obliged to abidebythe Croatian rulesprotectingtheenvironment as well as rulesgoverningfishinganddiving.

13/Working time for crewisuntil 0.00 hrs at thelatest (afterthatitisadditionalwork).

14/Note: you are on a woodenboatthat some raindropscancomein. On checkincrew show theclientsfunctionoftoiletsandin a caseofthrowingunacceptableobjectsboatmay lose a lotof time inport to fixagain system .Thatcansnot a legitimatecauseofcomplaint.

15/Embarkationisafter 5 PM on thedayofarrivalanddisembarkationisbefore 9 AM on thedayofdeparture.

16/Theagencyorclientis to report to the Company ifclientshave some malady (chronicorcontagiousallergies) alsoifclientshaveanydietaryrequirements.

17/All remarksorsuggestionscanbesolvedbyagreementswiththecaptainordirectlywithCompany'srepresentative. Unresolvedcomplaints must bemadeinwritingbeforetheendofthecruiseorimmediatelyupondisembarkation.

In the event of a disputebeingtaken to court, thecompetentcourtisin Split, Croatia.

18/thesebookingtermsandconditions are partofthecontractand are acceptedwithsigning a contractorconsenting to cruise (payingafteranofferorembarking on a boatwithout a contract, ordering a cruisewithanagency, etc). Pricesinclude VAT 13%.

Client: For "Orvas" d.o.o.:


Date / signature Date / signature