St. Lawrence CountyOperations Committee

Board of LegislatorsOctober 19, 2015

Board RoomImmediately following Services Committee

Members Attending:Mr. LaPierre,Mr. Acres, Mr. Arquiett, Ms. Bell, Mr. Burke, Mr. Colbert,

Mr. Dann, Mr. Denesha, Mr. Forsythe, Mr. Hooper, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. Paquin, Mr. Perkins,

Mr. Putmanand Mr. Timmerman

Others Attending:Ruth Doyle, Kelly Pearson, Paul Smith, Chris Rediehs, Jason Pfotenhauer, Angela Doe, Tim LePage, Stephanie Hall, Keith Zimmerman, Amy Simmons, Sandy Santamoor, Don Chambers, Kevin Felt, Brooke Rouse, Patrick Ames, Jim Rich, and media representative: Sue Mende, Watertown Daily Times

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Chair LaPierre called the meeting to order at 5:43 p.m. Mr. Denesha moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Ms. Bell,

Mr. Arquiett and Mr. Perkins, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with fifteen (15) yes votes.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES –Mr. Putman moved to approve the September 21st meeting minutes, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with fifteen (15) yes votes.


A. Modifying the 2015 Sheriff’s Office Budget to Accept a 2015 State Criminal Alien Assistance Program Funding from the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) (Res) – Mr. Putman moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Acres and Mr. Lightfoot, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with fifteen (15) yes votes.


A. Authorizing the Chair to Sign an Agreement with Locy Pride Construction for use of a Portion of the Parking Lot at the H.B. Smith Building (Res) – Mr. Acres moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Denesha and Mr. Putman, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with fifteen (15) yes votes.


A. Modifying the 2015 Budget for Assigned Counsel Costs(Res) – Mr. Putman moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Perkins, and carried by a voice vote with fourteen (14) yes votes and one (1) no vote (Dann).

Mr. Doyle said she will give the thirdquarter updates at the Finance Committee Meeting.

6. OLD/NEW BUSINESS – There was no old or new business.

Mr. Putman moved to go to Executive Session at 5:52 discuss appointments, negotiations, and litigation, seconded by Mr. Burke, Mr. Arquiett, and Mr. Denesha, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with fifteen (15) yes votes.


There was a straw poll vote taken during Executive Session.

Mr. Forsythe moved to go to Open Session at 6:52 p.m., seconded by Mr. Putman and

Mr. Timmerman, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with fifteen (15) yes votes.

8. ADJOURNMENT–Chair LaPierre adjourned the October Operations Meeting at 6:52 p.m., as there was no further business.