How do I log in to the MAT Online Learning Center?

Logging In to the MAT Online Learning Center

Step 1

·  Go to (see the red box below)

·  You will see the webpage shown below

·  You will see the message “You are not logged in (Login)” (see the yellow box below)

·  CLICK on the word “Login” in that message

Step 2

·  Now you will see the login screen below

·  In the center of the screen, you will see boxes where you will type in your Username and Password. (see the red box below).

Step 3

·  Type your Username in the Username box -- be CAREFUL to type it in exactly as it is spelled in the email we’ve sent you – no spaces, no capital letters!

·  Your username has been emailed to you – please email us at if you have not received it within 2 business days of submitting your online registration form.

·  The first time you log in, your password is changeme - type it in CAREFULLY because you will not be able to see the letters you are typing as you type in your password (you will just see black dots). Remember, no spaces and no capital letters!!

·  The system will ask you to change your password to something only you will know. It can be anything you want, as long as you follow the rules on the screen. Type in your new password, and WRITE IT DOWN!!


Step 4

·  If you have followed these directions correctly, you should see a screen like the one below.

·  The message in the area that’s highlighted here with a yellow box should read “You are logged in as (your name)”. If you see this, you know you have logged in successfully! GREAT JOB!

·  If not, go back to the beginning of these instructions and try them again.

·  If you are still unable to login, please email us at for help.

Step 5

·  Once you are logged in, scroll down to the Course Categories area of the Online Learning Center front page

·  Click on the course you have been enrolled in

·  If you are a child day program provider/employee, the course to click on is MAT Independent Study – Part 1

·  This course is highlighted below with a red box in the illustration below

Step 6

·  Now you should see the front page of the MAT Independent Study Part 1 course.

·  Read the Important Information About this Online Course

·  Then scroll down to the Introduction Module and click the blue “Introduction Module” link to start this online module.

·  This module explains how this online course and the MAT IS course as a whole work. You need to read every page in this module, and answer the two questions in this module, in order to be able to continue to Module 1.