Board of Public Works and Safety

Regular Meeting Minutes

February 3, 2014

The regular meeting of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Franklin, Indiana was called to order at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 70 E. Monroe Street, with Mayor Joseph E. McGuinness presiding. Board members Stephen Barnett and Bob Swinehamer answered roll call.

Chief of Police Tim O’Sullivan, Fire Chief John Henderson, Parks Department Superintendent Chip Orner, Sewer Billing Office Manager Sherry Phillips, DPW Superintendent Rick Littleton, Community Development Director Krista Linke, City Engineer Travis Underhill, Interim Street Commissioner Andy Duckworth, Clerk Treasurer Assistant Stephanie Shepherd, Records Clerk Kathy Cragen, and City Attorney Lynnette Gray were also in attendance.

Mayor McGuinness led therecitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Comments

Spring Clean-Up Day - Changing Amy Lane from two-way Traffic to one way; Running from Hurricane to Arvin, on April 26 at 7:00 a.m. –Ms. Jessie Biggermanof Johnson County Recycling District came forward and explained that the request is to facilitate an all-dayclean-up event which will be held at their offices off of Amy Lane – just like last year. The event willstart at 6:00 a.m. and close down at 10:00 pm. Mayor McGuinness made a motion to approve, seconded by Mr. Swinehamer. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Mayor McGuinness presented the consent agenda for approval.

  1. Approval of Minutes from meetings held January 13, 2014 & January 22, 2014
  1. Board of Works Claims.
  • Payroll in the amount of $299,921.81
  • Pension Payroll in the amount of $58,778.53
  • Missed Snow Day Hours in the amount of $1525.79
  • #012514 Sewer Utilities in the amount of $2,685.01
  • #012014 RDC Contracts in the amount of $41,532.70
  • #012414 BOW Utilities in the amount of $62,127.92
  • #020314 BOW General Obligations in the amount of $54,476.01
  • #020214 Sewer Utility General Obligations in the amount of $44,229.05
  • #012914 BOW Utilities in the amount of $42,741.16

Mr. Barnettmade a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented, seconded by Mr. Swinehamer. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

Old Business

Franklin Township Fire Protection Contract for 2014 in the amount of $50,000 - City Attorney Lynn Grayreported that the contracthas been signed by the Franklin Township Trustee, and her Board, and is ready for their approval. In the contract, the township agrees to pay the City of Franklin $50,000 per year for fire protection services. Mr. Swinehamer made a motion to approve, seconded by Mr. Barnett. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

Request Waiver of all Building Permits (except Park Impact Fees) for Habitat for Humanity of Johnson County in 2014 - 4074 Redbud Court – Ms. Lee Ann Wilbur of Habitat for Humanity came forward and asked for a waiver of permit fees for a Habitat House being built at 4074 Redbud Ct., in the Knollwood subdivision. Construction tentatively scheduled to begin in May of 2014. A discussion was held. Mr. Barnett made a motion to approve the waiver of fees, seconded by Mr. Swinehamer. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried. Ms. Wilbur also asked for a waiver of the sewer tap on fee. Mayor McGuinness made a motion to waive the sewer tap on fee, seconded by Mr. Swinehamer. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

Safe Routes to School Planning Study - INDOT LPA Contract - City Engineer Underhillstated the city has already signed a contract with aconsultant for thisproject;this contract is for the INDOT portion for the shared fundingof the project. A discussion was held. Mr. Swinehamer made a motion to approve, seconded by Mr. Barnett. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

2014 Pavement Preservation Program - Consulting Contract - City Engineer Underhillpresented documents for consulting fees for the pavement preservation Program with First Group Engineering, Inc. Mr. Underhill reviewed the proposed contract with First Group Engineering, Inc. A discussion was held. Mr. Swinehamer made a motion to approve the contract for $21,300, giving the Mayor approval to sign the amended document dated Jan. 31, 2013 thatwas approved byCity Attorney Gray, seconded by Mr. Barnett. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

Sign Inventory Time Extension Change Order - City Engineer Underhill stated that due to weather conditions the sign inventory project willbe extended. Mr. Underhill stated there are no additional costs; it will justtake more time. A discussion was held. Mr. Barnett made a motion to approve the order, giving the Mayor approval to sign, seconded by Mr. Swinehamer. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

New Business

There was no new business presented.

Other Business

Job Description Review and Approval Civil Technician/Project Manager - City Engineer Underhill gave an overview of theproposed job description for the Civil Technician/Project Manager. Mayor McGuinness made a motion to approve pending the Clerk-Treasurer reviewing the document, seconded by Mr. Swinehamer. A voice vote was taken with all members stating aye. The motion carried.

Department Reports / Staff Reports

Parks Superintendent Orner stated the new Parks Fun guide has been released.

City Engineer Underhill asked if the Board would like to entertain proposals and cost estimates for work to be done on Water Street, Monroe Street, and Home Avenue. A discussion was held. It was decided that the desired scope of the project would include reconstruction of Water Street from Madison south to either Monroe or Wayne, a mill and overlay over the remaining length of Water Street, sidewalk and lighting improvements as well as a mill and overlay on Monroe Street from Water Street to the railroad tracks and a mill and overlay on Home Avenue from Monroe Street south to the bridge. Mr. Barnett indicated he would like to see a proposal for these projects, Mr. Swinehamer and Mayor McGuinness agreed.


As there was no further business to come before the Board of Works, a motion and a second were madeto adjourn at 5:31 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Janet P. Alexander, Clerk-Treasurer

Enrolled: 02/27/14


Joseph McGuinness, Mayor



Janet P. Alexander, Clerk-Treasurer