MAY 17, 2017
The Wortham ISD Board of Trustees met in regular session on May 17, 2017 at 6:30pm in the Administration Building at 201 S. 4th St., Wortham, TX 76693.
Members present: Michael Dunn, Billy Perez, Doug Miller, Sam Wright and Jeff Jones
Members absent: Brent Jones and James Sessions
Board President, Jeff Jones called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. A quorum of the board was present.
Public comments: Jami Calhoun-There have been some incidents with her children and does not feel that there is proper communication.
Doug Millermade a motion to approve the minutes of April 17, 2017 board meeting.
Billy Perezseconded. m/c unanimously.
Billy Perez, Sam Wright and Doug Miller canvassed the 2017 Wortham ISD Board of Trustee Election.
Billy Perez declared the following results
Place 5-Michael Dunn 103
Place 6-Russell Black 101
Place 6-Mike Gargis 10
Place 7-Jeff Jones 97
Installation of officers was administered by Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, Sherry Shivers to Jeff Jones and Russell Black.
Michael Dunn will be installed by notary Lori Jones in the morning.
Doug Miller made a motion to nominate Jeff Jones as board president. Michael Dunn seconded. m/c unanimously.
Doug Miller made a motion to nominate Sam Wright as board vice president. Billy Perez seconded. m/c unanimously.
Billy Perez made a motion to nominate Doug Miller as board secretary. Russell Black seconded. m/c unanimously.
Reports provided:
David Hayes-High School Principal –145enrollment, 94%attendance rate
David Hayes- Middle School–101enrollment, 96% attendance rate
Dee Allen –Elementary School– 266 enrollment,96% attendance rate
Chris Tobola-Athletic Director
Marc Nichelson-Band Director
Marc Nichelson-IT Department
James Davidson-Ag Department
Jeff Craig-Maintenance/Transportation
David Allen-Superintendent-finance and facilities
Sam Wright made a motion to approve the Depository Contract with Farmers State Bank.
Billy Perez seconded. m/c unanimously.
Doug Miller made a motion to approve the replacement of the Wellness policy FFA(local).
Billy Perez seconded. m/c unanimously.
Board adjourned to closed session to discuss personnel at 7:09pm.
Board returned to regular session at 8:37pm.
Billy Perez made a motion to approve Superintendent David Allen’s recommendation to hire Jack Rex and Rachel Berg on an 11 month probationary dual assignment contract for the 2017-2018 school year. Doug Miller seconded. m/c unanimously.
Billy Perez made a motion to approve Superintendent David Allen’s recommendation to hire Chad Coker and Chris London on a 10 month probationary dual assignment contract for the 2017-2018 school year. Doug Miller seconded. m/c unanimously.
Billy Perez made a motion to adjourn. Michael Dunn seconded. m/c unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.