Village of Metamora
Regular Council Meeting
September 15, 2014
7: 00 p.m.
1) Call to Order: at 7:00 P.M.
2) Roll Call: Tina Sauve X, Christa Domeier X, John Clark X, Tim Denney X, Larry Morris X, Ron Richmond A, John Griswold X, Robert Boice X, , Liz Spearing X, Marci Kinkade X
3) Pledge of Allegiance
4) Approval of Agenda: 60-14 Boice moved, Griswold 2nd, to approve the agenda, motion carried.
5) Police Report: Chief Mallett went over the report and suggests that we put no motorized vehicle signs on the trail and park property.
6) County Commissioner: Eady discussed the ET Rover pipeline, and the fact that there will be a meeting on Wednesday at 5:30 at the Lions Hall on it.
7) Approval of Consent Agenda: 61-14 Morris moved, Spearing 2nd, to approve the consent agenda, motion carried.
8) Planning Commission: Crawford stated that they discussed the zoning ordinance amendment and that they would like some info on pros and cons, the public hearing is set for October 7th.
9) DDA: Clark stated that the DDA approved to pay for the curb on the well house drive. There was discussion on tree removal from the Lions Hall and a Jamestown resident that are seeking reimburse.
10) Council Communications: Clark is waiting on quotes for the drainage work.
11) Public Time: Nothing
12) Attorneys Report: Nothing
13) Unfinished Business
a) Land Purchase: Sauve stated that the couple is just waiting on Kennedy to do the survey.
b) White Horse Inn: Sauve stated that they are working along and hoping to open in by mid-October.
c) Coachhouse: Edwards has been advised to issue a ticket, the property is now up for sale.
d) Tree in Harmer Park: Sauve went over the 3 quotes. 62-14 Spearing moved, Boice 2nd, to approve the quote from Edwards Tree Service, motion carried.
14) New Business
15) Public Time: Boice brought up the issue of Jamestown Dr., the possibility of a low interest loan or a special road assessment, with the hopes of the Village eventually taking over the road. There was discussion on the Jamestown Association and the issue of it not being dissolved, but neglected. Clark stated that we would put this on the agenda next month.
16) Adjournment: 63-14 Griswold moved, Spearing 2nd, to adjourn the meeting, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:36 P.M.