Minutes of the
March 2, 2016 SPECIAL Meeting
Chairman Paul Harrington called the SPECIAL meeting of March 2, 2016, to order at 6:30 P.M.
Board Members Present: Paul Harrington, Chairman
Cornelius O’Leary
Michael Ciarcia
Malcolm Hamilton
Dennis Gragnolati
David Weigert
Norman Boucher
Stephan Brown, Jr.
Board Members Absent: None
Also in Attendance: Amanda Moore, Assistant Finance Director
Susan Bell, Superintendent of Schools
Patricia King, Chair, Board of Education
Les Koziara, Business Mgr, WL Public Schools
Tim Mulcahy, Garland Co.
Lindsey Charette, Student, South Elementary
Carly MacDougald, Student, South Elementary
Arika Sapkota, Student, WL High School
Colin MacDougald, Student, WL High School
There was none.
There was none.
A. Board of Education
Roof Discussion:
Susan Bell began by stating the Board had some questions regarding the cost of the roof project. She stated Tim Mulcahy from the Garland Company is present to answer any questions the Board may have.
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Minutes of March 2, 2016 Special Meeting
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Norman Boucher reviewed the job estimate with Mr. Mulcahy. Mr. Mulcahy stated the estimated time is forty days of ripping and roofing, with a crew of eight to twelve. He then stated the estimated number of dumpsters to be used would be 25 to 30. He stated also the materials are included. He then stated they have estimated this project at $27.00 per foot, with a thirty-year warranty.
Chairman Harrington questioned the reimbursement by the State. Susan Bell stated the State of Connecticut would have to reimburse at the rate of when the vote took place. The process will have to begin before July 1, 2016.
Chairman Harrington asked the Board for further questions. There were none. Chairman Harrington thanked Mr. Mulcahy for attending this evening.
Budget Presentation:
Patricia King began by thanking the Board and all of the Board of Education staff for their hard work in putting this budget together. She then stated she is pleased to present a zero percent increase operating budget for 2016-2017, with this being the third consecutive year presenting a zero increase budget.
Ms. King stated they did this by reducing staff by twelve positions, and offered an early retirement incentive, to which currently ten teachers have accepted the offer.
Dr. Susan Bell began by thanking all involved with the budget process. She stated since Windsor Locks is an Alliance District, they are not allowed to go below a zero percent increase budget. She then stated their primary goal is the children and their achievements.
Dr. Bell began the presentation by stating they have 156 classrooms, 1,630 students enrolled, and 393 employees. She reviewed the Board of Education’s vision and the learning system. She then gave a brief tour through each of the schools, beginning with North Street School.
Dr. Bell then moved on to South Elementary School. Two students from South Elementary, Lindsey Charette and Carly MacDougald spoke on their learning portfolios.
Dr. Bell then gave a brief overview of the Windsor Locks Middle School. She then moved on to Windsor Locks High School. Student Representatives to the Board of Education, Arika Sapkota and Colin MacDougald, spoke about the programs and projects they are working on at the Windsor Locks High School.
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Dr. Bell stated we are no longer on the list of poor performing schools, which was just made public today. She then stated that the Alliance Funding is guaranteed only in the 2016/2017 fiscal year, and past that they do not know if the funding will be there.
Dr. Bell then reviewed the non-salary contractual obligations, which is tuition, transportation, utilities, equipment and insurance.
Michael Ciarcia questioned the solar panels. Ms. Koziara stated the solar panels are currently not working. She stated they hope to have them working by May.
Dr. Bell then reviewed the change in outplacements over five years. She stated they have reduced the costs by bringing the students back into Windsor Locks.
Dr. Bell then reviewed the contractual and non-contractual salaries. She stated they have made reductions in the work force and imposed a wage freeze.
Dr. Bell then reviewed the non-salary district operating costs.
Dr. Bell then summarized the total budget. She also reviewed the early retirement incentive, which resulted in ten retirements. She stated that two of the teachers will not be replaced, and reviewed the savings with the Board. She also reviewed the grants received. She then reviewed the special programs and the costs of each.
Dr. Bell and Patricia King thanked the Board for their support.
Michael Ciarcia asked to review all of the Capital requests. Norman Boucher asked for the proper information for the roof replacement. Ms. Koziara stated she would get the information for him.
Michael Ciarcia thanked Mr. Ferreira for finding a way to redirect traffic to eliminate the traffic flow issue at North Street School. Mr. Ciarcia verified that the request for $35,000 for sidewalks and canopy is no longer required. Mr. Ciarcia also questioned why the bleachers were removed from the Middle School gym. Dr. Bell stated they were in need of repair. Mr. Ciarcia also questioned the IT request. He stated he would like to know what is required. Dr. Bell stated at this time she would say that all of what they requested is needed, but she will have her staff review once more.
Michael Ciarcia also questioned if they have looked into opening the pool at the high school for revenue. Dr. Bell stated they will look into it. Mr. Ciarcia also questioned the idle space in the schools. Dr. Bell stated they will be doing a facilities study.
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Chairman Harrington asked the Board for any further questions. There were none. Chairman Harrington thanked all for attending.
A. Board of Education
David Weigert made a motion to approve the Board of Education budget at $29,336,822. Michael Ciarcia seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.
Chairman Harrington referred to the minutes of February 3, 2016, February 9, 2016, February 10, 2016, and February 16, 2016, asking for any changes or corrections. There were none.
Cornelius O’Leary made a motion to approve the minutes of February 9, 2016, February 10, 2016, and February 16, 2016 as written. Michael Ciarcia seconded the motion. All were in favor. The vote was 6-0, and the motion was approved.
Dennis Gragnolati made a motion to approve the minutes of February 3, 2016 as written. Michael Ciarcia seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, and the motion was approved. Malcolm Hamilton abstained from voting on this matter.
There was none.
Norman Boucher stated he feels the roof project information was not reported to the Board properly. He stated the Board of Education has not done their homework. He stated that it should not take forty days to complete the job, and he stated they do not know if there is asbestos or PCB’s.
A motion was made by Dennis Gragnolati, seconded by David Weigert, to adjourn. The vote was unanimous and the meeting stood adjourned at 9:50 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda A. Kuchta
Recording Secretary