2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 3.4.a.3Ready2Teach Candidate Survey

Ready2Teach Candidate Survey

1. Please indicate your licensure program?

  1. Teaching All Learners
  2. Early Childhood PreK-3
  3. Middle Grades (4-8)
  4. Art
  5. Music
  6. Physical Education

2. Gender

  1. Female
  2. Male

3. To what racial or ethnic group(s) do you most identify?

  1. Asian
  2. African American
  3. Native American/Native Alaskan
  4. Caucasian (non-Hispanic)
  5. Hispanic
  6. Pacific Islander
  7. Multi-Racial

4. Where did you complete your Residency?

  1. Shelby County Schools
  2. Dyersburg City Schools
  3. Jackson-Madison Schools
  4. Tipton County Schools

5. What grade level (s) did you teach?


___First Grade

___Second Grade

___Third Grade

___Fourth Grade

___Fifth Grade

___Sixth Grade

___Seventh Grade

___Eighth Grade

___Middle School Multiple Grades

___Special Education Multiple Grades


Yearlong Residency
Strongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
My Pre-Residency Course Work prepared me for the Residency. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My Residency I University Supervisor supported me. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PreService Instructive Mentor (PIM) was a good role model of how to teach. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
Guidance and support was always provided by University staff. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I believe the yearlong residency has positively impacted my ability to be a successful first year teacher. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
The school where I completed my residency had a positive environment for students and teachers. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think participating in the first full week of school was beneficial. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think I am better prepared because of the Ready2Teach program. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think my teaching was fairly evaluated by my PIM. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think I was fairly evaluated by my University Residency I Supervisor. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think I was fairly evaluated by my Residency II University Supervisor / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I learned a lot about differentiated instruction to address the varying strengths and needs of students. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think completing the edTPA was professionally beneficial. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think edTPA caused me to think more about why and how to plan. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think the expectations for the Residency were too high. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think the Residency will make me a better first year teacher. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PIM readily shared resources and ideas / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PIM provided helpful suggestions and feedback. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PIM was collegial during the Residency / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○

The next few items will require you to Rank Order your perceptions. Please rank order the following items

7. Rank the following aspects of Residency 1 from 1-8: 1=Highest and 8 = lowest.

Of the following, which was the most important aspect of having a successful Residency Experience.

___Spending the first week of school at my school.

___My methods course work.

___Co-teaching with my PIM.

___Learning about Classroom Management

___Developing skill in lesson planning.

___The amount of time spent in the school.

___My PIM

___My Residency 1 Supervisor.

8. Rank the following aspects 8 aspects of Residency II: 1=most important; 8=least important

___Completing edTPA

___Being in the school 5 days a week.

___Co-planning and assessment

___Classroom management

___Learning how to work with diverse students

___Support the edTPA Seminar provided.

___Learning how to differentiated instruction