2015 Self Study Report
Exhibit 3.4.a.3Ready2Teach Candidate Survey
Ready2Teach Candidate Survey
1. Please indicate your licensure program?
- Teaching All Learners
- Early Childhood PreK-3
- Middle Grades (4-8)
- Art
- Music
- Physical Education
2. Gender
- Female
- Male
3. To what racial or ethnic group(s) do you most identify?
- Asian
- African American
- Native American/Native Alaskan
- Caucasian (non-Hispanic)
- Hispanic
- Pacific Islander
- Multi-Racial
4. Where did you complete your Residency?
- Shelby County Schools
- Dyersburg City Schools
- Jackson-Madison Schools
- Tipton County Schools
5. What grade level (s) did you teach?
___First Grade
___Second Grade
___Third Grade
___Fourth Grade
___Fifth Grade
___Sixth Grade
___Seventh Grade
___Eighth Grade
___Middle School Multiple Grades
___Special Education Multiple Grades
Yearlong ResidencyStrongly Agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
My Pre-Residency Course Work prepared me for the Residency. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My Residency I University Supervisor supported me. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PreService Instructive Mentor (PIM) was a good role model of how to teach. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
Guidance and support was always provided by University staff. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I believe the yearlong residency has positively impacted my ability to be a successful first year teacher. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
The school where I completed my residency had a positive environment for students and teachers. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think participating in the first full week of school was beneficial. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think I am better prepared because of the Ready2Teach program. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think my teaching was fairly evaluated by my PIM. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think I was fairly evaluated by my University Residency I Supervisor. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think I was fairly evaluated by my Residency II University Supervisor / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I learned a lot about differentiated instruction to address the varying strengths and needs of students. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think completing the edTPA was professionally beneficial. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think edTPA caused me to think more about why and how to plan. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think the expectations for the Residency were too high. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
I think the Residency will make me a better first year teacher. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PIM readily shared resources and ideas / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PIM provided helpful suggestions and feedback. / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
My PIM was collegial during the Residency / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○ / ○
The next few items will require you to Rank Order your perceptions. Please rank order the following items
7. Rank the following aspects of Residency 1 from 1-8: 1=Highest and 8 = lowest.
Of the following, which was the most important aspect of having a successful Residency Experience.
___Spending the first week of school at my school.
___My methods course work.
___Co-teaching with my PIM.
___Learning about Classroom Management
___Developing skill in lesson planning.
___The amount of time spent in the school.
___My PIM
___My Residency 1 Supervisor.
8. Rank the following aspects 8 aspects of Residency II: 1=most important; 8=least important
___Completing edTPA
___Being in the school 5 days a week.
___Co-planning and assessment
___Classroom management
___Learning how to work with diverse students
___Support the edTPA Seminar provided.
___Learning how to differentiated instruction