Strategic Plan

Program Committee

Monday, October 19, 2009

Education Center

501 Kings Highway East

Superintendent’s Conference Room

4:00 – 5:30 p.m.


I. Call to Order

·  Dr. Rosato called the meeting to order at 4:10. In attendance were Greg Hatzis, Connee Dawson, Eileen Roxbee, Teresa Samuelson and Gary Rosato.

II.  Update of Common Assessment status K-12 for 4 Core Areas (plan 5-10)

·  The committee reviewed documents submitted by the Curriculum Leaders detailing the common assessments currently in place K – 12 for Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science. A template was also reviewed detailing the skills as identified on the K-12 Skills Matrices for elementary language arts and aligning it with the appropriate assessments. It was agreed that this was a useful template and should be completed for each of the core areas. Dr. Rosato will review this with the Curriculum Leaders to accomplish this task.

III.  Update of Gifted Subcommittee progress and goals (plan 5- 9)

·  The committee reviewed the work of the Gifted Subcommittee to date. This group has had one meeting in September and is scheduled for its second on October 26. Dr. Rosato reviewed the Wiki that has been established for the group to use as well as the sub groups that have been formed to accomplish the goals of this Action Step. The main focus of this year’s work will be to review the goals of the gifted program, research other exemplary programs, review and change if appropriate the identification process for the program and improve our current delivery models if appropriate.

IV.  Update of SRBI and progress monitoring efforts (plan 5-3)

·  The committee reviewed the PowerPoint that was presented at the SEPTA parent forum on October 14. Several needs were identified including insuring common practices among the schools regarding the Early Intervention process, developing common forms across the district, selecting criteria for specific interventions and agreeing on a parent notification system and timeline. Also, Tier 2 + 3 interventions were discussed. Though much work has been done to move this initiative forward, it was agreed that there is still much to do at all levels to insure fidelity of implementation.

V.  Plan next meeting date

·  The next meeting is planned for November 23. The committee will discuss Program Action Plans 5 – 1 and 5 – 4.

5-1 Provide for high quality and appropriate special education staff

5-4 Provide appropriate instructional time and staffing for all curricular areas K – 8.

VI.  Open Discussion

·  No Open Discussion

VII.  Adjournment

·  The meeting adjourned at 5:30.