Board of DirectorsMeeting Agenda
June 29, 2015
10:00 AM- 3:00 PM CST
Meeting at: ND Center for Nursing OfficeLake Agassiz Small Business Development Building
417 Main Avenue, Fargo ND 58103
Agenda / Action
Meeting started at:10:05 AM
Directors in Attendance: Mary Anne Marsh (CUNEA), Connie Kalanek (NDBON), Stacey Pfenning (NDBON), JeannaKujava (NDPHA), Margaret Reed (Past-President), Roberta Young (NDNA), Julie Bruhn (alternate NDNA, sitting in for Sigma Theta Tau), Nancy Johnson (Public Member), Amanda Remynse (ND Workforce Development)
Dean Gross (NDNPA), Julie Hanson (NDNADONA), Margaret Roseann Diehl (NDANA), Joann Lindemann (NSAND)
Directors Absent: Sandy Boschee (NDONE-alternate), Denise Andress (NDAHEC), Jacque Mangnall (CUNEA-alternate), Bill Krivarchka (NDAHEC-alternate), Paula Schmalz (NDBON-alternate), Cheryl Rising (NDNPA-alternate), Miranda Miller (NSAND-alternate), Carla Hanson (STTI), Beth Ashmore (STTI-alternate)
Staff in Attendance: Patricia Moulton (Executive Director), Kyle Martin (Associate Director)
10:00 PM – 10:15 AM
Introductions and Icebreakers
Updated Board of Directors LIst
Approval of minutes from April Meeting
April Meeting Minutes / Discussion:
Vote on Approval of AprilMeeting Minutes:
Julie Hanson moved, Nancy Johnson Seconded approval of meeting minutes. Motion Passed.
10:15 AM – 10:20 AM
Review of actions taken by Executive Committee since AprilMeeting:
May Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Finalized Copyright Indemnification Agreement
Health/Dental Insurance Plan / Discussion:
Corrections were suggested to the May Executive Committee Meeting minutes.
The Copyright Indemnification Agreement has been finalized with our attorney and will be used with every presenter that we plan to post powerpoint slides or other materials for. It was used in conjunction with the presenters for the Celebration.
At the April Meeting, the Board of Directors voted to offer insurance to all employees starting July 1st. A health and dental insurance package was approved by the Executive Committee at the May meeting. When we started to sign up for the plan and fill out the final papwerwork, it was discovered that the cost of the plans had risen substantially since May. Due to this we went in multiple times looking at different plans and structures and found a set of reference plans which included acceptable insurance and was less expensive than the original set of plans. The new costs for the insurance plans have been included in the budget documents at this meeting.
10:20 AM -10:45 AM Treasurer’s Report
Current bank account balance- Connie
Review of Current Budget through May 31st- Connie/Patricia
4th Quarter Budget Summary
Celebration Revenue and Expenses
Report on Finance Changes made from Audit Findings
Revised Employee Handbook Reflecting Health Insurance, Life Insurance and Retirement Plans and Vacation Time Accrual
Suggested Revised Employee Handbook / Discussion:
The current bank balance at Dakota Community Bank was $173, 168.59 as of June 29, 2015.
Connie Kalanek and Patricia Moulton reviewed the fourth quarter estimated budget summary. The estimate indicates that we will have less revenue but also less expenses for the year with a projected reserve of $225,840.25. Our goal was $210,000.
Patricia Moulton reviewed the Celebration Revenue and Expenses. While there are still a few small expenses that have not been paid, it looks like the revenue from the Celebration will be about $8,000. We did have quite a bit of social media pickup from the URL radio interviews and the Bismarck Tribune provided an insert.
The Finance Committee has made most of the changes based on recommendations from the audit. There is still work to be done on a capitalization and depreciation policy. The Finance Committee recommended an audit every two years which would follow the president’s terms.
Patricia Moulton reviewed the suggested changes to the employee handbook to include a description of the type of retirement plan the Center is offering employees, an update on health/dental insurance and deletion of life insurance coverage. The board recommended deleting the words “for any reason” in the description of sick and vacation leave. The board also recommended researching why all of the vacation time is being added to the first paycheck of the year- which results in a spike up of accrued time.
Vote on Approval of Employee Handbook Revisions:
Roberta Young moved and Connie Kalanek seconded to approve the employee handbook with the exclusion of changes to the vacation time section until this could be researched. Motion passed.
10:45 AM – 12:15 PM Comprehensive Review of Budget and Strategic Plan for 2015-2016-
Strategic Plan Funding Proposals
Draft Budget Spreadsheet
Funding Assumptions
Draft 2015-2016 Budget Summary
2015 National Forum Member Survey Results Draft
Salary Analysis / Discussion:
Patricia Moulton provided a review of all of the funding proposals, the draft spreadsheet, the funding assumptions developed by the Finance committee and the draft 2015-2016 budget.
Vote on Approval of 2015-2016 Budget:
Julie Baustad moved and Julie Hanson seconded approval of the 2015-2016 budget. The motion passed.
Patricia Moulton also reviewed the National Forum member survey results and the salary analysis she conducted.
12:15 PM- 1:15 PM Lunch and Updates from Directors and Organizations / Discussion:
Board members provided updates from their organizations.
1:15 PM– 1:30PM Executive Director Evaluation- Mary Ann
Executive Director Annual Evaluation Report June 2015 / Discussion:
Patricia Moulton and Kyle Martin left the room for the evaluation discussion.
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM Infrastructure
Review Board of Directors Membership List, ND Center for Nursing Leadership Team List and Board of Director representation
ND Center for Nursing Board of Directors
ND Center for Nursing Leadership Team List
Appointment of Treasurer until October Annual Meeting
Bylaws / Discussion:
Patricia Moulton reviewed the list of Board members and membership on leadership team groups. Each workgroup includes at least one board member or alternate.
With the retirement of Connie Kalanek, the current treasurer, board members were asked if they are interested in the Treasurer role. Margaret Roseann Diehl was appointed treasurer by president Mary Anne Marsh until our annual meeting in October.
2:00 PM- 2:30 PM
Review of Legislative Session and Interim Policy Issues and Role of Center for Nursing / Discussion:
Patricia Moulton reviewed the Center for Nursing Role during the last legislative session as a facilitator for those nurses and nursing organizations interested in legislative bills. The Center provided lobbying only on those issues for which policy briefs have been developed: Community Paramedics and tobacco tax.
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Other Issues?
Review Annual Calendar and Revised for 2015-2016
Plan next in-person Board Meeting in October in Bismarck / Discussion:
Date of October Board Meeting: The board requested that Patricia Moulton should send out a meeting doodle to find the best date for the October annual board meeting which will be held in Bismarck.
Meeting ended at 2:40 PM