Regular Meeting Minutes May 23, 2016
2910 East Fifth Street Austin, TX 78702
~ Minutes ~
Executive Assistant/Board Liaison Gina Estrada
Monday, May 23, 2016 12:07 PM Meeting Called To Order
12:00 PM 2:29 PM Meeting Adjourned
I. Pledge of Allegiance
II. Safety Briefing
Donna Simmons, Vice President of Administration, gave the safety briefing for the month. She reminded us to be safe when operating around Capital Metro vehicles and to pass with care.
III. Recognition
Chair Cooper recognized departing Board Member Ann Stafford and thanked her for six years of dedicated service to Capital Metro. President Watson also thanked Ann for her service on the board and her numerous contributions to Capital Metro. Linda and Chair Cooper made a presentation to Board Member Stafford.
Board Member Silas also had departing remarks for Board Member Stafford.
IV. Public Comment:
Kenneth Bishop, citizen, commented about the bus stops impacted by the construction on Pleasant Valley and 7th Street. Mr. Bishop was upset with Capital Metro and City of Austin announcements not being consistent regarding the closing date of these bus stops.
Carlos Leon, citizen, had remarks regarding good and bad driver behavior incidents noted on his list provided to the Board.
Michael Burnet, citizen, had remarks regarding future transit development opportunities for private and public transit agencies.
Michael Zitz-Evancih, citizen, thanked Board member Stafford for her service on the board. He also mentioned he is fine with MetroAccess drivers having his contact information so he can receive notifications regarding late or early departure and arrival times.
V. Advisory Committee Updates:
1. Update on the Customer Satisfaction Advisory Committee (CSAC)
Sam Sargent, Community Involvement, stated CSAC met on May 11th and heard the following presentations:
· Connections 2025 Study Update
· Discussion of Payment Method Changes to the Ticket Vending Machines
Lastly, Sam thanked Board Member Stafford for her service on the board.
2. Update on the Access Advisory Committee (AAC)
Sam Sargent, Community Involvement, stated the AAC met on May 4th and discussed the Access-A-Ride program coming to a close this year after FTA guidance. The Committee is actively looking for a replacement program. In addition, the committee discussed the approved June 2016 Service Changes.
VI. Board Committee Updates:
1. Finance, Audit and Administration Committee; and
Board Member Terry Mitchell, Chair of the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee, presented the report. The Committee met on May 11 and recommended three action items for approval:
· Changes to the subsidy structure for the MetroRideshare program to allow regional groups to participate with zero subsidy from Capital Metro.
· The Build Central Texas FY2016 projects list in an amount not to exceed $250,000.
· Approval of a resolution to execute an ILA with UT for shuttle services with an estimated revenue of $19,150,000.
In addition, the committee heard the following presentations:
· Update of federal legislative affairs provided by Chambers, Conlon & Hartwell, Capital Metro’s federal relations consultants
· Connections 2025 Update
· Investment Recovery Internal Audit
· Financial Report
2. CAMPO update
Board Member Terry Mitchell presented the report. The committee re-appointed Ann Kitchen to the Capital Metro Board as one of the CAMPO representatives. In addition, the committee heard a presentation from CTRMA and Capital Metro regarding the planning and development of Park and Ride facilities that will benefit transit vehicles using the managed/express lane projects being developed by the CTRMA. The Memorandum of Agreement for the Park and Ride initiative will be presented to the Board next month. Lastly, the committee established criteria for the Federal Transit Administration's 5310 grants to local jurisdictions.
VII. Consent Items
1. Approval of minutes for the April 25, 2016 Board Meeting
Board member Silas moved to approve the consent agenda/Jonse seconded. Motion carries: 8-0
2. Approval of the Build Central Texas (BCT) FY 2016 projects list and funding allocation disbursement in accordance with the approved FY 2016 budget. The FY 2016 approved budget includes a not-to-exceed amount of $250,000 for Build Central Texas projects.
Board member Silas moved to approve the consent agenda/Jonse seconded. Motion carries: 8-0
VIII. Action Items:
1. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Muniz Concrete & Contracting Inc. for the expansion of the parking lot at the Lakeline Park and Ride in an amount not to exceed $1,788,970.
Ken Cartwright, Vice President, Capital Projects, presented this item. He reported that funding for this project is available in the approved FY2016 Capital Budget. He also provided an aerial photograph of the Lakeline Park and Ride parking lot and commented there are 485 existing parking spaces. The project will add 460 additional parking spaces to accommodate both current and future ridership demands. Board member Garza commented that the project will impact traffic on Lyndhurst Street and asked if Capital Metro is working with the City on this issue. Ken commented that staff is having ongoing discussions with the Public Works and Transportation department to address this issue.
Board member Stafford moved to approve this item/Garza seconded. Motion carries: 8-0
MOVER: Ann Stafford, Secretary
SECONDER: Delia Garza, Board Member
AYES: Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Kitchen, Jonse
2. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute an Interlocal Agreement with the University of Texas at Austin for shuttle services for an estimated revenue of $19,150,000 for a period of three years starting September 1, 2016.
Dottie Watkins, Vice President of Bus & Paratransit Services, presented this item. Capital Metro has partnered with the University of Texas since 1989 to provide shuttle services for UT students and the Austin community. This three year agreement will allow for continuation of these services at existing service levels of 103,000 annual vehicle hours for a fixed fee of $4,775,000 in year one, $4,885,000 in year two and $5,000,000 in year three.
Board Member Mitchell moved to approve this item/Silas seconded. Motion carries: 7-0
MOVER: Terry Mitchell, Board Member
SECONDER: Beverly Silas, Vice Chair
AYES: Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Kitchen, Jonse
AWAY: Garza
3. Approval of a resolution authorizing changes to the Capital Metro subsidy structure for the MetroRideshare program to allow regional groups to participate in the program with zero subsidy from Capital Metro.
Dottie Watkins, Vice President, Bus & Paratransit Services, presented this item. The MetroRideshare program consists of two groups categorized as in-service area or out-of-service area groups. Approval of this resolution will allow the program to be extended to groups of commuters that travel in the region but do not start or end their trip in the Capital Metro service area, but are within the following seven counties: Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Hays, Lee, Travis and Williamson. These regional groups will receive zero subsidy from Capital Metro.
Board Member Kitchen wanted to know the cost to an individual participating in the MetroRideshare program. The cost to the customer varies depending on how much may be subsidized by their employer.
Board member Jonse moved to approve this item. Garza seconded. Motion carries: 8-0
MOVER: Rita Jonse, Board Member
SECONDER: Delia Garza, Board Member
AYES: Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Kitchen, Jonse
4. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Ben Fitzgerald Real Estate Services, LLC dba Rosemark for an amount not to exceed $6,588,560 for building maintenance services for the North Operations and Maintenance Facility for a base period of two (2) years with six (6) one year options.
Shanea Davis, Vice President, Property & Asset Management briefed the Board on this item. Rosemark will provide all building maintenance services for the North Operations and maintenance facility and will be responsible for all permitting, regulatory, inspections and compliance regulations. Capital Metro will provide quality assurance and oversight.
Board member Word moved to approve this item/Stafford seconded. Motion carries: 8-0
MOVER: Juli Word, Board Member
SECONDER: Ann Stafford, Secretary
AYES: Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Kitchen, Jonse
5. Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Stadler U.S. Inc. to perform software and hardware updates for an amount not to exceed $418,000.
Melvin Clark, Vice President, Rail & Operations, presented this item for Board approval. This resolution requests that the Board approve the name of the company performing the software and hardware to the Stadler DMU from Stadler Bussnang to Stadler U.S. Inc.
Board member Silas moved/Mitchell seconded. Motion carries: 8-0
MOVER: Beverly Silas, Vice Chair
SECONDER: Terry Mitchell, Board Member
AYES: Silas, Stafford, Mitchell, Word, Cooper, Garza, Kitchen, Jonse
IX. Presentations:
1. MetroWorks Update
Greg Buford, Program Manager, gave this presentation. He stated agreements have been signed with numerous business partners including the Four Seasons Hotel, Jo’s Coffee, Hotel Van Zandt, ForeFlight LLK, UMC Brackenridge, and DPR Construction and the College of Heathcare Profesionals. Revenue generated from this program in FY15 was $1M, with FY16 YTD at $655k.
Discussion regarding ridership tracking and how MetroWorks program is promoted ensued with Board members participating in the discussion. The Guaranteed Ride Program was discussed. It was suggested and noted that Capital Metro needs to actively market the Guaranteed Ride Program when promoting MetroWorks.
2. Central Texas Changing Demographics
Christy Willhite, Government Relations Manager, introduced Ryan Robinson, City of Austin Demographer, whose presentation included:
· Population & Job Growth
· Housing affordability
· Changing poverty dynamics
· Changing political landscape
At the conclusion of the presentation, Chair Cooper mentioned that non-profit organizations could benefit from the information and asked Ryan for his contact information to pass along.
X. Reports:
1. Central Corridor Project/Connections 2025 Update
Todd Hemingson, Vice President, Planning & Development, provided an update on the Central Corridor Project and Connections 2025. Staff met with stakeholder committees and held several open houses to present the Connections 2025 market and service analysis results. Staff also briefed the Finance, Audit & Administration committee on the results. In addition, the Board was provided with statistic information on routes.
Dan Myers, Project Principal, for Central Corridor Project study is conducting individual briefings with the Board to gather input. Next, meetings with key stakeholders, public and private sector will be conducted to accomplish shared understanding of goals and objectives for the study.
2. Planning/Development
Todd Hemingson, Vice President, Planning Department, presented the report. The report included updates on:
· MetroRail Long Range plan
· TOD Guide 2016
· Transit Development Plans (TDP)
· Partnership Efforts (SmartCity grant, DAA parking study, TxDOT 1-35 project, COA transit priority working group, and CTRMA Park and Ride coordination efforts)
Board member Silas suggested staff notify Congressman Doggett’s office of Buda’s acceptance of the TDP. Lastly, Todd reported Q2 FY2016 system ridership is up 1.1% compared to Q2 FY2015.
3. Operations
Dottie Watkins, Vice President, Bus and Paratransit Services, presented the Operations report. The report included the following:
· Bus services struggled system wide with on time performance due to traffic congestion related to SXSW and the President’s visit in March
· The overall customer satisfaction index for the second quarter was 7.18
4. Finance
Leslie Browder, Executive Vice President, CFO presented the report. Highlights included:
· Sales Tax: $2.4 million above budget for the first 5 months. 5.2% year-to-date growth over prior year receipts.
· Operating Expenses: $102 million expended to date, or 43% of budget
5. President/CEO Updates
President Watson presented her report. The president's report included the following updates:
· Austin Don’t Rush day results ridership
Ø Up 20% on MetroRapid; 15% on MetroExpress and Metro flyer routes; 8% on MetroRail.
· Buda Transit Development Plan
· Hispanic Austin Leadership Graduates - Congratulations to Melissa Ayala and Eric Bustos
· Capital Metro received Bronze “Telly” (national) Award for Square Your Turns Video out of 13,000 entries
XI. Items for Future Discussion:
XII. Adjournment
ADA Compliance
Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call (512)389-7458 or email if you need more information.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Wade Cooper, chairperson; Beverly Silas, vice chair; Ann Stafford, board secretary; Delia Garza, Ann Kitchen, Rita Jonse, Terry Mitchell and Juli Word. Board Liaison: Gina Estrada (512)389-7458, email if you need more information.
The Board of Directors may go into closed session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney for any legal issues, under Section 551.072 for real property issues; under Section 551.074 for personnel matters, or under Section 551.076, for deliberation regarding the deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices; arising regarding any item listed on this agenda.
Date: May 23, 2016 ______
Chris Brent
Executive Assistant to the CEO/President
Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority Page 6 Updated 8/2/2016 11:42 AM