Board of Directors Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ashford Club
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Board Members in Attendance
SHRM-Atlanta Board of Director Minutes –February 11, 2009
Board of Directors Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ashford Club
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Nancy Vepraskas, Chair
Steve Szafarz, President
Liz Wysong, President-Elect
Michael Grindell
Thana Sakas
Linda Ricklef
Helene Lollis
Kimberly Douglas
Clem Johnson
Alisa Cleek
Mary Lynn Miller, Executive Director
SHRM-Atlanta Board of Director Minutes –February 11, 2009
Board of Directors Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ashford Club
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Board Members Absent
SHRM-Atlanta Board of Director Minutes –February 11, 2009
Board of Directors Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ashford Club
7:00 am to 9:00 am
Rena Holland
Nancy Geraghty
Gary Jones
Susan Davidson
Coretha Rushing
Sandy Hofmann, Advisory Member
SHRM-Atlanta Board of Director Minutes –February 11, 2009
Board of Directors Minutes
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Ashford Club
7:00 am to 9:00 am
- Call to Order and Opening Remarks
Chairperson Vepraskas welcomed all Board members and thanked them for their attendance. She called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM.
- Approval of Agenda
ACTION: It was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the agenda as distributed.
- Approval of Minutes
ACTION: It was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the minutes from the December 9, 2008 meeting.
- Executive Director’s Report
Mary Lynn Miller presented an update on our upcoming events. Attendance is strong and membership is holding very steady at 2400+. She presented a handout covering the preliminary 2008 year end financials, the investment report as of 2/12/09, and the January numbers (Attachment 1).
ACTION: It was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to accept the proposed changes to the Equity and Investment Policy (Attachment 2).
ACTION: It was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to appoint Mike Grindell (Chair), Steve Szafarz, Liz Wysong and Coretha Rushing to the 2009 BOD Finance Committee.
- President’s Report
Steve Szafarz presented an overview of the EVPs plans and goals (Attachment 3). He highlighted some of the key areas including a 3-year plan to grow membership, some currently open positions in Member Services, various metrics the Volunteer Engagement team plans to put into place, the tremendous number of activities the Programs team has underway, and the strong plans for upcoming Signature Events.
- New Business
ACTION: It was regularly moved, seconded, and unanimously approved to appoint Bob Collins as an Advisory Board Member for a one year term for 2009.
- Discussion of 2009 Board Member Assignments
All Board members present discussed their various assignments as follows:
Kimberly Douglas presented the goals and project plans to develop the SHRM and SHRM-Atlanta value proposition (Attachment 4).
Helene Lollis discussed the proposed Scope Statement and Problem Definition for the Community Relations issues (Attachment 5).
Linda Ricklef is beginning to explore the relationships and talk to various groups with the chapter about the HR and Vendor partnerships. Her approach will be to talk with more resource partners and get additional perspectives on expectations.
Clem Johnson presented suggestions for our strategies to build pride in SHRM-Atlanta chapter (Attachment 6). He discussed the involved people and how the relationships foster respect and responsibility. He will also be addressing innovation, diversity and empowerment issues.
Thana Sakas reviewed the Problem Statement and Impact of Orienting Newcomers and the Newly Promoted along with the initiative objective to identify what we currently offer and to make recommendations for future offerings (Attachment 7).
Mike Grindell reported that he has convened a working group to explore the stakeholders, key messages, and delivery platforms for the chapter. He expects to ultimately deliver recommendations for our Communications / Media Relations initiative that may include additional needed resources in this area.
Secretary’s Note: Although Gary Jones could not be presentthis morning he has submitted a draft for his initiative (Attachment 8).
Nancy thanked everyone for their terrific work in these areas already and indicated we are on track. She will be communicating on the other initiatives prior to the next meeting.
- Future Board Meetings – May 12, Aug. 11, and Nov. 17, all at the Ashford Club at 7:00 AM. There will also be a 10:00 AM BOD meeting on Dec. 8 at the Aquarium with Dec. Chapter Meeting.
- Adjournment
Chair Vepraskas thanked the Board for their attendance and participation.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn Miller, CAE
Executive Director
Approved: February 12, 2009
SHRM-Atlanta Board of Director Minutes –February 11, 2009