Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: June 7, 2011 / Time: 6:30pm / Place: Rockwell AutomationOfficers: / q Hartel / q D. Flanagan / q Hull / q Cramer
Members: / q M. Flanagan / q Groff / q Goggins / q Haag
q Husmann / q Littrell / q Patten / q Reese
Advisors: / q Alfaro / q Duehring / q Olson / q Trevethan
q Unterikker
Item / Initiator / Topic
1 / Hartel / Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm.
2 / Board / Hartel motioned to approve May meeting minutes – seconded by D. Flanagan. Minutes approved and posted on website.
New / Guest / Jeff Fox from FVYHA attended the meeting to discuss two items:
1. Idea to combine the girl’s programs to keep girls in hockey. This would include having practices and games at TCIA, as well as AFIC.
2. He requested a waiver for his U14 daughter for her to play in GB. Since AAHA’s numbers are in need of skaters the waiver was denied (vote was 8-2 with one abstained in favor of denying waiver). Steve and Doug to follow up with Jeff.
3 / Board / Evaluation committee finding’s discussion:
1. Delayed per their request. Chris Gruber would like to present their proposal, but could not make meeting.
2. Board must approve proposal.
3. Mission is not to just create competitive teams.
4. Discussion on why to pick coaches in August.
5. Proposal to be sent to board by 06/14/11. Meeting with Committee and specific Board members (D. Flanagan, Hartel, Trevethan, Duehring, Goggins and Reece) to be scheduled 06/20/11 week.
6. Follow up discussion to be held at July’s meeting.
4 / Patten / Team specific fund raising will be discussed at July’s meeting.
5 / Board / Volunteer hours may increase due to the request for volunteer hours from AFIC to be included in the ice contract. More discussion in July.
6 / Board / Drop – M. Flanagan to follow up with Charlie.
7 / D. Flanagan / Scholarship discussion. Form from Appleton Soccer was distributed and discussed. Tim to get some guidelines for co-pay ideas. Payment plan options discussed. This will be put on the August agenda.
8 / D. Flanagan / Sponsorship update:
1. Committee split into smaller groups.
2. Will increase advertising rates for the Game Book (will LU still print?).
3. Darcey Brinkhoff is handling special fundraising.
4. AAHA fundraiser in February – Darboy club?
5. Car raffle?
6. Booth at Oktoberfest?
7. Team specific fundraising:
a. Restaurants, etc.
b. Determined by team.
c. Must be approved by Fundraising committee.
d. Will be discussed at mandatory beginning of year meetings.
9 / Cramer / 2006 contract for Badgerland storage found ($48/month). Seems like it hasn’t been paid since April 2010. Debra to follow up with Badgerland.
10 / Board / Travel, House and ACE Directors recommended that Kirk Olson remain the power skating coach. Rob and Doug to approach Kirk with AAHA’s expectations. This will only be offered to Peewee C/U12 and down.
11 / Duehring / Equipment still needed for Sunday Intro to Hockey program. Drop unneeded equipment in the Girl’s locker room.
12 / D. Flanagan / No update from 4Imprint. Patrick to follow up.
13 / Cramer / Background screenings now are the responsibility of the Associations. They have to be done every three years and cost $7.50/per. These are due by the beginning of December. Hartel and M. Flanagan to confirm how many are needed for 2011-12.
14 / WAHA annual meeting update:
1. Checking proposal has since passed.
2. Coaches will now have to take age specific modules. More information to come.
3. Coaches can now only obtain one Level per year.
Board and Committee Reports
15 / Hartel / No report.
16 / D. Flanagan / Impact update:
1. Affinity will administer testing this fall.
2. Survey results:
a. 59 respondents
b. 8 head injuries
c. 7 diagnosed concussions
d. 6 back within three weeks of injury
17 / Hull / Need to distribute Mailbox keys to new board members.
18 / Cramer / Balance sheet discussion. After Guns/Hoses and SCRIP, we are now in the Black! PLEASE GET SPECIFIC EXPENSES FOR THIS YEAR TO DEBRA ASAP!!!!!
19 / Groff / No report.
20 / Haag / No report.
21 / Reese / Coaching application on website has wrong year listed. M. Flanagan to change.
22 / Goggins / No report.
23 / Littrell / 1. AFIC website has Learn to Skate document in wrong spot. It is still under Pond Hockey.
2. Girls High School open hockey Monday nights.
3. U10 (2nd year) – U14 girls pond hockey for AAHA and FVYHA on Thursday nights.
24 / M. Flanagan / Membership Work Policy has been updated. Please review and send any changes to Mike.
25 / Patten / Learn to Skate should be referred to as Intro to Hockey.
26 / Husmann / No report.
27 / Alfaro / Betty meeting with Ruth 06/09/11 to get laptop and to discuss scheduling. Patrick to facilitate.
28 / Olson / No report.
29 / Duehring / No report.
30 / Trevethan / Waiting on November ice schedule to determine if Bantam A tournament could be scheduled for the 12/13.
31 / Board / No Closed Session.
32 / 9:15pm / Motion to adjourn made by Cramer, seconded by M. Flanagan – motion passed.
Respectfully Submitted:
Dave Hull
AAHA Secretary
July 8, 2011
1717 E. Witzke Blvd., Appleton, WI 54915Page 1