February 7, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Commodore Langer.

A moment of silence was held for the passing Rich Tramte.

Secretary Miklaucic read the minutes of the January General meeting. Motion was made to accept the minutes as read. The motion was seconded and approved.

Treasurer Setele stated Income was $56,693 expenses were $20 for a net loss of $52,461.70.

Cash in the savings reserve was $200,023.69

Cash Past Commodore’s $1,444.11

Cash in Operating checking $19,139.00

Cash in Entertainment $9,360

Accruals remain unchanged at $73,866.80

Available Cash $145,296.51.

A motion was made to accept, it was seconded and passed.

Vice Commodore Weaver reported insurance is up to date.

Dock Day will be March 12th at 2:00PM

Dock Rental Day will be March 26th at 2:00 PM.

Letters for dock rentals should be submitted to V/C Weaver by March 19th.

Rear Commodore Roberti – Reported that the night watch is coming together. May is pretty filled out with requests. It is first come first served.

-Bob made a motion to change the hours of night watch from 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM to 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM. The motion was seconded and discussion was opened. There was no discussion. The motion was voted on and approved the membership.

-Bob reported that Steve Eyering has the new pump for the travel lift. There are a couple hydralic hoses that need to be replaced. They are on order and the travel lift will be ready to go.

-Bob Roberti and John Crawford met with Richard Osborne and his son. They offered up three versions of property that FHYC is interested in purchasing. Costs were not discussed.

-Pool company met and broke up into groups.

-Ted Buell is heading up the Engineering and cost study Committee and is doing a great job.

-Dave Turner is heading up the committee to determine annual operating costs.

-Craig Holley was nominated as Chairman of the funds committee.

-Rules will be Jeff Smith, Gale Exley, Carol Machinga and Judy Thrasher

Ted Buell has done a great job. He has visited many of the clubs that have pools and had discussions with the people that put them in to gain their knowledge. He provided a notebook with all the details to the committee.

Bob stated that the take away was a pool upgrades the appeal and status of the club and this would be a three year plan.

Bob made a motion to take $5000 from Way & Means to pursue soil samples and engineering. The motion was seconded and there was discussion. The board was asked to evaluate the priority of the pool and the property purchase.

It was also asked whether we had a consensus as to whether we want a pool or not.

Bob rescinded his motion.

Bob put asked for a motion from the floor to determine how many members in attendance was to go ahead with a pool. There was a motion and a second. Commodore Scanlon asked for hands to be raised of all those who wanted to go ahead with a pool. There was a majority for the pool.

Bob reinstated his motion to allocate the $5000.00 to the studies.

P/C Maze asked if there was any consideration given to liability requirements. He felt we would need $3,000,000 in liability insurance. Bob stated that we needed to know what type of pool we would have before we could determine that.

There was a voice vote but it was not definitive. Commodore Scanlon requested a show of hands. The motion passed.

Fleet Captain Crawford – reported that he has had two work parties with decent turn out. He will continue to have work parties every Saturday. He will be sending out an email to the membership to gain an understanding of the talents of the membership.

-F/C Crawford stated that he has removed one of the beavers that have been damaging the club grounds and there are two more that he needs help with removing. He will be placing traps around the grounds to capture the other two. Please keep your pets on a leash while on the grounds for their safety.

Planned dates:

Electrical Pods inspected and installed on March 25th , April 1st and April 8th.

Water will start April 1st , 8th and will be turned on by April 15th.

Dock install dates are tentatively, April 8th, 15 & 27

Dock box moving day will be April 22nd & 29

Dock box inspection date will be May 13th & May 20th

Dock inspection date will be May 13th & May 20th.

Please use the to contact the Fleet Captain and Assistant Fleet Captain.

P/C Maze asked if F/C John Crawford had a trapper’s license. He responed that he did and was a Trapping Instructor as well.

-Assistant Fleet Captain Dalton - Assistant Fleet Captain will begin reconditioning the dock pods. If you have had issues with your pod, please contact Tom. Also, if you have removed GFCI breaker from the dock pod and replaced it with a standard breaker, please contact Tom. He needs to know why they were changed.

Board of Trustees: No Report

Technology Committee: No report.

Audit Committee – P/C Alan Exley reported that he and Rich Miklaucic performed an audit of finances on 1/16/17. V/C Weaver and Treasurer Setele were present. The committee reported that the books are in order for the years of 2015 and 2016.

Membership: Gary Thrasher presented Associate Peggy Soha to the membership for Full Membership consideration. There was a vote and she was approved as the newest member.

Planning: Bob Eskin reviewed the list of ideas that the Planning Committee is looking at for 2017 they ideas include:

Electrical upgrade, boxes, poles and lights

Dock box electrical inspection- review each dock box for proper connection. Build restrooms adjacent to the clubhouse – Pass to the board to perform the inspections.

Additional Boatyard lighting.

Addition of electrical outlets to the boat yard.

Additional gravel for the boat yard.

Replace / upgrade laminate floor in club house

Replace trees that were cut down.

Addition to the island screen house

Addition of Air conditioner to the shower house

Re-fence club perimeter

Install Seawall ladders along the river

Install camera at front gate

Addition of TV/Projector in club house

Repair / replace club loud speaker

Investigate the need to upgrade club website / mobile application

Removal of trees at dock 63 and 2 cottonwoods on the island

Install accordion doors in club house to isolate the tables and chairs

Install hand held shower heads in the shower house

Cap off facia trim on shower house

Install kitchen partition

Install gutters on the pavilion

Install decking over gravel from boat yard to the pavilion.

The Planning Committee will present the final list to the General Membership in March when final costs are identified.

There will be inspections of dock boxes by the Board of Directors to ensure they are electrically sound.

By-Laws: Mike Kelly held the second reading of the family Membership bylaw change.


To change the current membership format from an "individual" membership to a "family" membership. Family is defined as: "individual" if single, "husband and wife" if married.


The purpose is very aligned with the stated purpose of our Club as found in Article I /Section 2 of our Bylaws. Some excerpts being:

- to serve the interest of boat owners

- to stimulate a greater interest in boating among the citizens in the area served by the Club

- to develop a fraternal spirit at the Club....

- to further the interest in boating generally...

Basically, to make it a family oriented, friendlier, more encouraging and inviting Club for all current families and potential members.

The intent is to allow a married couple to have a "joint" membership with only one(1) vote per couple, hold office, and complete all membership responsibilities. No additional benefits, costs, or responsibilities. If one of the spouses should pass away the other would just continue the membership if desired. In the event of a divorce member slated as "A" remains current and member "B" would have to apply as a new member.


Spouses do work party, night watch etc., now. We allow spouses to continue a membership if the member passes away. Many spouses own the "family" boat. We, as a Club, are interested in more member participation and involvement in the Club but do nothing to involve the "boating spouse". We have more and more requests for release from meeting and/or work party requirements that could be minimized with a "family" membership. Each year it becomes harder to fill the slate of officers and "family" members could add dramatically to our pool of candidates.

Bylaw wording changes needed that were found so far

CURRENT WORDING: (With changes needed in BOLD capital letters)



Section 1:

Membership in the Club shall be open to individuals and FAMILIES in Lake and surrounding counties. Membership may be closed, at the discretion of the members, by a majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the Club, provided there be a quorum present. DEFINITION OF "FAMILY" HUSBAND AND WIFE to be A/B or B/A members; IF MARRIED: "INDIVIDUAL; IF SINGLE,.

Section 2a: "New applicant for Associate Membership" (NO CHANGES)

Section 2b: "Change of class of membership*" (NO CHANGES)

Section 3: "There will be Six Classes of Club Membership"

3a. Full Member

3b. Associate Member (NO CHANGES)

3c. Associate Member(RENTAL), NO CHANGES)

3d. Privileged Associate Member

3e. Social Member (NO CHANGES)

3f. Honorary Member. NO CHANGES)

Section 3a: "Full Member"

Wherein the member holds waterfront privileges in the Club, voting privileges in the conduct of Club business, the right to hold office in the Club, and use of the Club property. Upon acceptance into full membership, a Full Member seniority number will be assigned. The number will be the highest on the Full Membership list.

Wherein the member holds waterfront privileges in the Club, voting privileges (ONE VOTE PER FAMILY by “A” and “B” may, if “A” is not present), in the conduct of Club business, the right to hold office in the Club (“A” or “B” not both), and use of the Club property. Upon acceptance into full membership, the couple will designate member "A & B". Full Member seniority number will be assigned. The number will be the highest on the Full Membership list. In the event of a divorce/separation, member “B” is terminated from all rights and privileges to the club and would reapply if desired.

3a.1: "Surviving Membership" [6/94]

If a Full Member dies, the dock automatically stays in the member's name for the remainder of the boating season. The surviving spouse has the option to renew the membership in the member's name provided the surviving spouse or his/her children under the age of 18 operate the boat, and fulfill all work party requirements as described in 3a above. If the surviving spouse does not wish to hold the dock, he/she automatically reverts to an Honorary Membership for life.

If the original “A” Full Member dies, the dock automatically stays in the member's name for the remainder of the boating season. The surviving spouse has the option to renew the membership retaining any and all privileges and become the “A” member, the surviving spouse or his/her children under the age of 18 operate the boat, and fulfill all work party requirements as described in 3a above. If the surviving spouse does not wish to hold the dock, he/she automatically reverts to an Honorary Membership for life.

3a.1:a If the “original A” Full Member dies, and “B” remarries he or she is auto converted to “A” the new spouse is automatically “B” and is not entitled to "Special work party Exemption" found in Section 4a: earned by the “original A”, if their spouse passes away. The new “B” is in no way to have any right to switch to “A” or continue membership if their spouse passess.

Section 3d: "Privileged Associate Member"

Wherein a THE Full Member “A” may voluntarily revert back to Associate Member by written application; wherein the Full Member “A” signs over all his/her waterfront privileges to the Club for reissue. The Privileged Associate Member’s A/B shall then have the following rights:

1. Access to Club grounds, main club house, island screen house, gate card and club key.

2. Club house rental according to existing rules.

3. Attendance at meetings and functions.

4. Use of designated picnic areas.

5. Winter boat storage at the prevailing rate, except those Privileged Associates boating out of other clubs, marinas, or private docks, for any reason or any period of time, may not store boats at FHYC for the following winter. [5-01]

Privileged Associate Members are exempt from work parties, Clubhouse cleanup and night watch. Said Full Member changing to Privileged Associate Member shall have his/her name placed at the bottom of a Privileged Associate Member roster. Seniority on this roster shall only be used to determine precedence among Privileged Associate Members reapplying for Full Membership. Privileged Associate Members shall take precedence over Associate Members in changing to Full Members on a dock space available basis without claim on any particular dock. Any Privileged Associate Member with a minimum of ten years as a Full Member will have launch ramp privileges, but no other waterfront privileges. A Privileged Associate Member who became a P.A. after 2006 [01/07] must pay the initiation fee difference